英语人>词典>汉英 : 本能 的英文翻译,例句
本能 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
appetency  ·  instinct  ·  instincts

born ability · Basic Instinct
更多网络例句与本能相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They are said to do such things by instinct; but no one can tell what instinct is.


The factors that influence quality exposure are: photoptic gum of quality, performance, exposure before the death mask of humidity, light source performance, and a light source and the distance between the screen and so on, should be based on actual conditions seihan parameter.


His shocking illiterate ideas, attempting to correct "learning from others" to "learning from oneself","being educated" to "educating oneself","to destroy is to construct" to "to construct is to elutriate","aesthetic judgment, ugliness judgment, and others judgment" to "self judgment, thought judgment, importance judgment and thingliness judgment","make nothing out of something" to "to make something out of nothing"(we have to create something, because there is nothing), and to instinctively inspire one's intelligence and to make "empty reproduction" and "analysissitus" of such an inspiration, encouraged more and more pioneers to inaugurate new things.


There are women who make a significant amount of money by having their breasts enlarged to farcical hugeness, and then working as strippers and photographic models.


When this jangle of free-will instinct shall have been adjusted, when perfect under standing has given the former the power to replace the latter entirely, man will no longer vary.


Supposing that what is at any rate believed to be the "truth" really is true, and the meaning of all culture is the reduction of the beast of prey "man" to a tame and civilized animal, a domestic animal, then one would undoubtedly have to regard all those instincts of reaction and ressentiment through whose aid the noble races and their ideals were finally confounded and overthrown as the actual instruments of culture ; which is not to say that the bearers of these instincts themselves represent culture.


For all one knows that demon is simply the same instinct that makes a baby squall for attention.


It seems, in fact, as though there existed in certain men a veritable bestial instinct, though pure and upright, like all instincts, which creates antipathies and sympathies, which fatally separates one nature from another nature, which does not hesitate, which feels no disquiet, which does not hold its peace, and which never belies itself, clear in its obscurity, infallible, imperious, intractable, stubborn to all counsels of the intelligence and to all the dissolvents of reason, and which, in whatever manner destinies are arranged, secretly warns the man-dog of the presence of the man-cat, and the man-fox of the presence of the man-lion.


The instinct of Reason, for its part, rightly holds firmly to this standpoint, and refuses to be led astray by figments of thought which only ought to and, as 'oughts', are credited with truth, although they are nowhere met with in experience; or by hypotheses as little as by all the other invisible entities of a perennial 'ought'.

理性本能之坚持于这一点,那是具有充分理由的;理性本能不为思想里的事物所迷惑,因为思想里的事物仅仅应该存在并且作为应该而应该具有理性,而事实上却并不存在,是在经验里找不到的东西;理性本能决不让自己受各种假设以及从应该里滋长出来的一切其他非现实的东西所误导,因为理性恰恰就是相信自己具有实在这个确定性。(英译 effective 一词有&能产生效果的&这样的含义,贺译&有效率的&则缺少这个含义。

Empathising is the drive to identify another person's emotions and thoughts, and to respond to these with an appropriate emotion. Systemising is the drive to analyse and explore a system, to extract underlying rules that govern the behaviour of a system; and the drive to construct systems.


更多网络解释与本能相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

appetency:渴望, 本能, 欲望

appetence | 本能, 倾向 | appetency | 渴望, 本能, 欲望 | appetent | 热望的, 意欲的, 本能欲求的


appetence /欲望/性欲/本能/性向/ | appetency /欲望/性欲/本能/性向/ | appetent /本能所欲的/热望的/意欲的/

To live by instinct and instinct alone:依靠本能,仅仅是本能来存活

Always go forward, never back.|勇往直前 不要后... | To live by instinct and instinct alone.|依靠本能,仅仅是本能来存活 | Eventually he grew gills, and sharp talons for claws.|最后他长出了鲨鱼的腮和锋利的...

instinct of gregariousness:合群本能

instinct of curiosity 好奇本能 | instinct of gregariousness 合群本能 | instinct of imitation 模仿本能

death instinct:死的本能

弗罗伊德主张人有生的本能(Life instinct)与死的本能(death instinct);生的本能引导并且促进个人的成长与成熟,而在这项成长的历程中,满足个人来自于本我(id)与超我(superego)的需求;死的本能则导引向攻击、破坏,

instinctive behavior:本能行为

像鸭子与老鼠的此类行为就称为本能行为(instinctive behavior),或称天生行为(innate behavior). 心理学家们对本能行为的看法是,本能行为是纯属遗传因素所决定的行为倾向. 称得上是本能行为者,必须符合两个条件:其一,它是不学而能的;其二,

instinctive movement:本能运动

instinctive motor co?ordination 本能的运动协调 | instinctive movement 本能运动 | instinctive of self?preservation 自卫本能自卫本能

instinctive of self?preservation:自卫本能自卫本能

instinctive movement 本能运动 | instinctive of self?preservation 自卫本能自卫本能 | instinctual anxiety 本能性焦虑

instinctual anxiety:本能性焦虑

instinctive of self?preservation 自卫本能自卫本能 | instinctual anxiety 本能性焦虑 | instinctual derivative 本能衍生物

life instinct:生的本能

弗洛伊德认为人类最基本的本能有两类:一类是生的本能(life instinct);另一类是死的本能(death instinct)(即死亡本能). 生的本能包括性欲本能(Eros)与个体生存本能,其目的是保持种族的繁衍与个体的生存. 弗洛伊德是泛性论者,在他的眼里,