- 更多网络例句与本地新闻相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Of course I never told the city editor or any fellow reporters about that missed opportunity for a perfect news picture.
Once, after I was chewed out by the city editor for something trivial , I made the mistake of telling my father during a visit home.
First, it offers exceptional local news and commentary.
As you can see from above, clicking on one of the blue icons brings up a list of local news items picked from various sources.
Through the influence of his stepmother Hill became a newspaper reporter while still in his teens, supporting "local" news items in some dozen or more papers throughout the state.
We need to look no further then our local news to see the signs of coming change.
I was watching the local news yesterday...
Very important is to should take this locality news seriously.
There are also many suburban weeklies in the capital cities.
At the same time, the exchange-whether of insults or assistance or plain news-creates a commons from which cooperation, self-organization, and win-win endgames can spawn.
- 更多网络解释与本地新闻相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
city desk:本地新闻报
city council 市议会 | city desk 本地新闻报 | city edition 本地版
city desk:本地新闻报, 金融和商业新闻部
city council | 市议会 | city desk | 本地新闻报, 金融和商业新闻部 | city edition | (报纸)本地版
City Edition:本地版
city desk 本地新闻报 | city edition 本地版 | city editor 经济新闻编辑
City Edition:(报纸)本地版
city desk | 本地新闻报, 金融和商业新闻部 | city edition | (报纸)本地版 | city editor | 经济新闻编辑
city editor:本地新闻编辑
被遗弃的情妇/grass widow | 本地新闻编辑/city editor | 本台自供节目/access program
city editor:(英)商业金融栏编辑 (美)本地新闻编辑主任
19.women's feature editor 妇女版编辑 | 20.city editor (英)商业金融栏编辑 (美)本地新闻编辑主任 | 21.latest news editor 最近新闻版编辑
local news:本地新闻
据AC尼尔森的一项统计显示,在2004年的美国总统选战当中,布什阵营和克里阵营2004年上半年大半的电视广告都放到了"本地新闻"(Local News)当中. 在大部分人眼里,纪录片总是那么平淡、冷静、毫无戏剧性,有时还喜欢说教.
local news editor:本地新闻版编辑
4.world news editor 世界新闻版编辑 | 5.local news editor 本地新闻版编辑 | 6.cable editor 电讯编辑
latest news editor:最近新闻版编辑
20.city editor (英)商业金融栏编辑 (美)本地新闻编辑主任 | 21.latest news editor 最近新闻版编辑 | 22.travel editor 旅游版编辑
Thanks,Nancy. Locally,a jackknifed big rig:谢谢 Nancy 本地新闻,一架钻井机... )
from within the Oval Office. ( 来自总统办公室的广泛的赞赏和... | Thanks,Nancy. Locally,a jackknifed big rig ( 谢谢 Nancy 本地新闻,一架钻井机... ) | What the hell are you doing,John? ( 你他妈的在干什么,...