英语人>词典>汉英 : 本土的 的英文翻译,例句
本土的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
indigenous  ·  native  ·  vulgar

更多网络例句与本土的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Actually, if we want to seriously discuss about 'Modernity', we'll find out that this issue has an awkward situation in China. Let's forget about the sociological issues and let's simply start from visual arts. The old generation of artists who brought western arts to China, actually brought along western classic arts academism that is just small part of western classic art, and it's far of being exhaustive. Furthermore, what they brought along went through many changes due to the contact with revolutionary realism and local culture. The result of this process was what was called "Modern Art" in China. After having arrived in China, a part of the western artistic academicism became "Chinese Modern Arts" and this misplacement still exists. Perhaps it comes from a creative misreading, however whether it has the capability of becoming an independent system or not, still remains uncertain.


The alien flora must be able to tolerate local climatic conditions in the same way as the natives.


The living areas open to buffalo grass, live oaks, and terraces of indigenous plants.


Through continuative evaluation and revision by investigators, clients and cases managers, the culture-sensitive Diabetes Prevention Program will be suitable for decreasing the incidence of type 2 diabetes in Taiwan.


But we have to give context, we have to give a Chinese flavour.


British officials, everywhere ousted, were replaced by a home-grown governing class


Like Hammond, he comes from a remote village and defends Greenlanders' ancient right to hunt "mammals of the sea"; unlike her, he insists on speaking Greenlandic, and has won great support for this, proving you don't need Danish to lead Greenland.


In his Leatherstocking Tales,James Fenimore Cooper,for the first time,creates a Western hero who lives in a mysterious wild country and has a legendary career.

从19世纪初期到中叶,詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库柏(James Fenimore Cooper,1789-1851)立足于美国本土的文化和文学传统,第一个以文学形式描写美国本土主题,首创了美国航海题材小说、历史传奇小说和西部小说。

The peculiar experience of Japanese colonialism on the development of Taiwanese science, technology and medicine also offers an interesting case for those exploring the relationship between colonialism and science.


To address this problem, I succeeded in including language requiring that any job first be offered to U.S. workers, and that employers not undercut American wages by paying guest workers less than they would pay U.S.


更多网络解释与本土的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

indi eno:本土的

indigni 愤慨 | indi eno 本土的 | indiki 表示


奥利弗(Paul Oliver)曾指出乡土建筑的重要特征:"本土的(indigenous),匿名的(anonymous,即没有建筑师的建筑),自发的(spontaneous),民间的(folk),传统的(traditional),乡村的(rural)等等",它们体现了地域性建筑所应向往的最朴素而本真的特质.

hot-house flowers:温室培植的鲜花

tokens of love 对爱的表示 | hot-house flowers 温室培植的鲜花 | native 当地的, 本土的

indigence indigenous diligence:贫穷 本土的 勤奋的

24) impassion impassive passive 激情 冷漠的 被动的 | 25) indigence indigenous diligence 贫穷 本土的 勤奋的 | 26) incarcerate incarnation incinerate 监禁 化身 把...烧成灰

去不掉的,不能拭除的 indigence poverty贫乏,穷困:indelible that cannot be rubbed out

incursion sudden attack袭击,侵入 | indelible that cannot be rubbed out去不掉的,不能拭除的 indigence poverty贫乏,穷困 | indigenous native本土的


奥利弗(Paul Oliver)曾指出乡土建筑的重要特征:"本土的(indigenous),匿名的(anonymous,即没有建筑师的建筑),自发的(spontaneous),民间的(folk),传统的(traditional),乡村的(rural)等等",它们体现了地域性建筑所应向往的最朴素而本真的特质.


9. proliferation 扩散,繁殖 | 10. indigenous 本土的,土生土张的 | 11. apocalypse (基督教)启事(录)>

indigent:贫乏的, 穷困的

effulgent 光辉灿烂的 | indigent 贫乏的, 穷困的 | indigenous 本土的


奥利弗(Paul Oliver)曾指出乡土建筑的重要特征:"本土的(indigenous),匿名的(anonymous,即没有建筑师的建筑),自发的(spontaneous),民间的(folk),传统的(traditional),乡村的(rural)等等",它们体现了地域性建筑所应向往的最朴


autochthonism 土著 | autochthonous 本土的 | autoclave 高压锅