英语人>词典>汉英 : 末岛 的英文翻译,例句
末岛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The results show the mineral taxa, morphological characteristics and the high contents of magnetite and dens revealed the multi-sources and near-derived features of the loess-like loess in Zhifu Island, and the main sources of loess are seabed plain, diluvium and residual sediments in the last glacial period, while thin sediments from Northwest inland desert are rare.


The results show the mineral taxa, morphological characteristics and the high contents of magnetite and deris revealed the multi-sources and near-derived features of the loess-like loess in Zhifu Island, and the main sources of loess are seabed plain, diluvium and residual sediments in the last glacial period, while thin sediments from Northwest inland desert are rare.


During end_Proterozoic and early Early Paleozoic, the northern row extended into archipelagic oceans, which closed by the end of Caledonian stage and formed foreland basins along the northern margin of the microplates.


Keywords: Indonesian Archipelago; foraminifera assemblage; last glacial; paleoceanography


Following small injections into the caudal part of the insular cortex, the retrogradely labeled neurons were mainlyseen in the parvicellular ventroposterior lateral nucleus of the thalamus, thecentral lateralsubdivision of the PBN, theouter part of the external medial subdivision of the PBN, and the contralateral PBme.


The four-toed statue is a lead to Season 3 where there will be attention to an archaeological theme and to the people who were on the island before the DHARMA Initiative, who arrived in the late 70s.


Exposure ages of bedrock samples taken from two nunataks in the Grove Mountains, interior East Antarctica, are studied by dating in situ produced cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al. The results indicate that the minimum exposure time of the five samples are all about 2Ma, much older than that of Last Glacial Maximum.

采自东南极内陆格罗夫山地区两个冰原岛峰的五个基岩样品的原地生成宇宙成因核素1 0 Be和2 6Al测试结果表明,这五个样品的最小暴露年龄都在 2Ma左右,远远早于末次冰期极盛期。

The capital of British Columbia, Canada, on southeast Vancouver Island at the eastern end of the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Founded in1843 as a Hudson's Bay Company outpost, it became provincial capital in the late1860's.


In the natural sciences, biologists, 1869 Bali Rice also found that the Asian continent is the "peripheral", the typical distribution of Animals Asia thus far, and in the east it took less than 40 km width of the Strait of Lombok Island, it is an animal kind of Oceania.


In the natural sciences, biologists, 1869 Bali Rice also found that the Asian continent is the "peripheral", the typical distribution of Animals Asia thus far, and in the east it took less than 40 km width of the Strait of Lombok Island, it is an animal kind of Oceania.


更多网络解释与末岛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1871年(明治四年),琉球(Okinawa)渔民漂流到台湾本岛东南部,被当地住民所杀害. 日本帝国政府乃向满清政府抗议,要求其妥善处理,然而当时清朝的总理衙门答以「该地末服王化、末奉政令,谓之生番. 中国置之度外,不甚为理」.


目前在美海军中服役的反水雷舰均是80年代末以来建成或改装的,共有 3级,即"硫磺岛"(IwoJima)级"仁川"(Inchon)号反水雷支援舰1艘,"鹗"(Osprey) 级沿岸猎雷舰12艘,"复仇者"(Avenger)级猎扫雷舰14艘(见表1.1-7).


使西部出口保持畅通. 该海峡不但有航运之利,也以出产牡蛎和贻贝闻名,而周围地区的灰末和黏土可制造很轻的建筑用砖. 最大的岛屿是莫斯(Mors)岛,主要港口是奥尔堡(Alborg)、勒格斯特(Logstor)、齐斯泰兹(Thisted)等


目前在美海军中服役的反水雷舰均是80年代末以来建成或改装的,共有 3级,即"硫磺岛"(IwoJima)级"仁川"(Inchon)号反水雷支援舰1艘,"鹗"(Osprey) 级沿岸猎雷舰12艘,"复仇者"(Avenger)级猎扫雷舰14艘(见表1.1-7).