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末小体 的英文翻译、例句


end bulb
更多网络例句与末小体相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods (1) The influence on the rats with non-bacterial prostatitis of 1.5% carrageenin. Rats were divided randomly into the normal control group, the model control group, the Qianliean low-dose group (1.5 g/kg), mid-dose group (3.0 g/kg), high-dose group (6.0 g/kg), with 10 rats in each group. All groups were treated continuously for 7 days, once a day. The model control group was given distilled water, 30mins after the last medication, injects 1.5% carrageenin 0.05ml in each rat's prostate, after 24hs, behead execute the rats and record the white blood cell number and Lecithin density.(2) the influence on the swelling ears of rats.

方法(1)对1.5%角叉菜胶致大鼠非细菌性前列腺炎的影响:将大鼠随机分为正常对照组、模型对照组、前列安颗粒小剂量组(1.5 g/kg)、前列安颗粒中剂量组(3.0 g/kg)、前列安颗粒大剂量组(6.0 g/kg)及阳性药前列舒乐颗粒组(2.4 g/kg)6组,每组10只,各给药组大鼠连续灌胃给药7日,每日1次,模型对照组给予等容量蒸馏水,末次给药后30 min,在每鼠前列腺内注入1.5%角叉菜胶0.05 mL,24 h后断头处死大鼠,取致炎前列腺组织,镜下记录白细胞数和卵磷脂小体密度。

Objective To conduct Pharmacodynamics research of Qianliean pellet and provide the basis for the clinical medication. Methods (1) The influence on the rats with non-bacterial prostatitis of 1.5% carrageenin. Rats were divided randomly into the normal control group, the model control group, the Qianliean low-dose group (1.5 g/kg), mid-dose group (3.0 g/kg), high-dose group (6.0 g/kg), with 10 rats in each group. All groups were treated continuously for 7 days, once a day. The model control group was given distilled water, 30mins after the last medication, injects 1.5% carrageenin 0.05ml in each rat's prostate, after 24hs, behead execute the rats and record the white blood cell number and Lecithin density.

方法(1)对1.5%角叉菜胶致大鼠非细菌性前列腺炎的影响:将大鼠随机分为正常对照组、模型对照组、前列安颗粒小剂量组(1.5 g/kg)、前列安颗粒中剂量组(3.0 g/kg)、前列安颗粒大剂量组(6.0 g/kg)及阳性药前列舒乐颗粒组(2.4 g/kg)6组,每组10只,各给药组大鼠连续灌胃给药7日,每日1次,模型对照组给予等容量蒸馏水,末次给药后30 min,在每鼠前列腺内注入1.5%角叉菜胶0.05 mL,24 h后断头处死大鼠,取致炎前列腺组织,镜下记录白细胞数和卵磷脂小体密度。

更多网络解释与末小体相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


corporis)(四)蜚蠊(蟑螂)(Cockroach) 1. 美洲大蠊(Periplaneta americana)成虫标本(示教)2.德国小蠊(Blattella germanica)成虫制作标本(示教)1. 硬蜱(Hard tick)成虫固定标本(示教)体长,呈蠕虫状,乳白色,躯体分足体和末体两部分,


头胸部也名前体)(prosoma),由顶节和前6个体节愈合而成. 背面被覆一块向上弓起而半圆形的宽大厚甲,特称质甲(peltidium). 盾甲背面左右共有一对复眼,近前缘中央有一对小的单眼. 腹部也称后体(opisthosoma),又可分为中体(mesosoma)和末体(metasoma),

ribosome cycle:核糖体循环

将肽链从结合在核糖体上的tRNA的CCA末凋上水介下来,然后mRNA与核糖体分离,最后一个tRNA脱落,核糖体在IF-3作用下,解离出大、小亚基. 解离后的大小亚基又重新参加新的肽链的合成,循环往复,所以多肽链在核糖体上的合成过程又称核糖体循环(ribosome cycle)


葱切末 2.打入蛋加入调料,将所有材料和在一起拌匀成稀稠状 3.热锅热油转小火倒入面糊,待一面凝固后翻面,煎至2面微黄即可 关于紫菜: 紫菜(laver)俗称索菜,又名子菜、紫英,为红藻门(Rhodophyta)红毛菜科(Bangiaceae)紫菜属中叶状藻体可


瓢甲科(Coccinellidae),体呈半球形. 色艳,常有明显黑斑点. 头小,嵌入前胸内;复眼大,触角11节,棍棒状,末3节膨大. 跗节为隐4节(即第3跗节小,隐于第2跗节间). 大多数为益虫,成虫与幼虫均捕食蚜虫,也有植食性种类. 约1800种,