英语人>词典>汉英 : 未被加工的 的英文翻译,例句
未被加工的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与未被加工的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It also shows that studying those associates would enhance semantic, but not perceptual processing of lures which verifies the discrepancy-attribution hypothesis.2, Compared with those emotional lures and associations in the unrelated lists, participants produce significant false recognition of emotional lures, even though initially no emotional lures appeared in the phonetic or pictophonetic relatedness effects.3, Participants show no significant difference to the emotional and nonemotional lures after studying phonetic or pictophonetic associations of single character Chinese, while phonetic relatedness effects of two-character Chinese words in the phonetic shows.

而本研究试图系统的探讨汉字关联效应中对情绪诱词的错误再认情况,本研究的结果表明: 1、在语义关联下,被试对中性、正性、负性的关键诱词都引发了很高的记忆错觉,表明这种实验范式对未出现的关键诱词的诱发错误再认是很强烈的;同时实验结果表明,对学过词表的关键诱词的知觉加工没有促进,而促进了对关键诱词的概念加工,验证了差异归因假设。

It is commonly presented in the unwashed or raw state.


Chemical materials are not used during the extraction process of safflower seed oil therefore it is the perfect cooking oil in the new century and the most suitable greases for human health so far.


Raw selvage is material that has not been washed once undergoing the dying process.


Heating billet temperature cannot be detected in the hearth. Only by detecting temperatures of the stove side or hearth with estimation from mere experience could lead to great error on the measurement of billet temperature and affect the quality of post-processing accordingly; Overheating also exists in the heating process, and the quality of product is sway by overheating oxidation. Though infrared thermoscope is used to detect the temperature of billet when it is taken out of the stove, precision is still affected because of the oxide layer on the surface.


An Unsupportable Theory The raw meat 'theory' has been made popular by a few vets-turned authors such as Ian Billinghurst and Dr. Pitcairn.

一种Unsupportable 理论未加工的肉'理论'由几位狩医被转动的作者使普遍譬如伊恩Billinghurst 和Pitcairn 博士。

Delbert Grady: Your wife appears to be stronger than we imagined, Mr.


Nternational wildlife trade laws differ from country to country and are often complex, but according to the IFAW in general it is illegal to sell carved or uncarved ivory unless it is antique and accompanied by a proof of age certificate.


Data is raw , unevaluated facts and figures,concepts, or instructions.


Data is raw, unevaluated facts and figures, concepts ,and instructions.


更多网络解释与未被加工的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


粗制凝乳酶(rennet)来源于哪里?粗制凝乳酶是用于制作奶酪中各种酶的一种,它来自于小牛的胃. 小牛被屠宰后,把胃摘除,用牛奶填充并悬挂晒干,待晒干后,提取未加工的凝乳酶,然后,再提纯或销售. 如果小牛是按照伊斯兰教的要求屠宰,


粗制凝乳酶(rennet)是一种含有干燥表面的小牛胃壁的未加工产品. 一种活性酶叫做凝乳酶(chymosin). 今天,可以从小牛身上获取的凝乳酶基因经复制和注入微生物细胞,并通过微生物转基因法就能制造出被提纯的凝乳酶.


ore 矿石 | unprocessed 未被加工的 | inconsistency 矛盾