英语人>词典>汉英 : 未补充的 的英文翻译,例句
未补充的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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As supplement, the thyristor three phase bridge half controlled rectifier which is not involved in teaching material is analyzed according to different control angle.


It never happened again. I apologize for recounting my youthful memories in such a jocular manner. What I should have emphasized was that this was behavior that needed to be rectified. If it brought discomfort to anyone, I apologize. If there is a chance on other media outlets, I will bring forth to everyone the right, affirming attitude towards life!


Supplementing the photographs are dozens of Kahn's sketches and plans for many of his built and unbuilt designs.


Recolonize your dogs intestinal tract with friendly bacteria by using natural, nutritional supplements and feeding raw dog foods.

Recolonize 您的狗小肠短文与友好的细菌由使用自然,营养补充和哺养未加工的狗食。

The results suggest that unsupplemented infants responded less positively to the physical and social environment. The observed differences seem to be congruent with current understanding of the effects of iron deficiency on the developing brain.


The results suggest that unsupplemented infants responded less positively to the physical and social environment. The observed differences seem to be congruent with current understanding of the effects of iron deficiency on the developing brain.


Unsupplemented infants were less likely to resist giving up toys and test materials or to be soothed by words or objects when upset. Compared with supplemented infants, they crawled somewhat later and were more likely to be tremulous.


At 12 months, iron-deficiency anemia was present in 3.1% of the supplemented group and in 22.6% of the unsupplemented group. Although global mental and motor test scores were similar in both groups, specific behavioral and developmental outcomes of motor functioning, cognitive processing, and behavior differed between groups.


Preliminary research shows that supplemental vitamin A improves the likelihood that the measles vaccine will provide protection. 6 Vitamin A has, since the 1920s, been the subject of much research into the prevention and treatment of childhood exanthems, particularly measles. 7 This nutrient has a critical role in proper immune function , and there is evidence that supplementation with vitamin A reduces the incidence and severity of, and deaths from, childhood measles. 8 9 The World Health Organization has therefore recommended that children with signs of deficiency receive supplementation with vitamin A. The recommended amounts are 100,000 IU for children younger than one year and 200,000 IU for children older than one year, immediately upon diagnosis, and repeated once the next day and once in one to four weeks.

11初步研究表明,补充维生素A的可能性,提高麻疹疫苗将提供保护。6维生素A已自20世纪20年代,被纳入预防和童年exanthems,特别是麻疹治疗中的许多研究课题。7本养分有在适当的关键作用免疫功能,并有证据表明,补充维生素A减少发病率和严重程度,以及,儿童麻疹死亡。8 9世界卫生组织已因此,建议与不足的迹象儿童得到补充与维生素A的建议金额10万国际单位的儿童未满一年,20万国际单位的儿童一年以上,立即诊断,重复一遍,第二天,一次在1至4周。

Each summer, the demand for rental houseboats was greater than the supply of boats available in a community resort area.


更多网络解释与未补充的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Charlotte Bobcats:山猫

经由全联盟扩展委员会(Expansion Committee)的委员们一致推荐、联盟董事会最终批示通过了一项重要决定,即在NBA原有的29支球队之外再在夏洛特市补充一支新军,这样便使得全联盟的球队总数达到了30支. 2002至今 夏洛特山猫 (Charlotte Bobcats) 未获总冠军

Twelve Monkeys:未來總動員

陌生客窃取人的记忆彷佛是呼应以及补充让皮耶惹内(Jean-Pierre Jeunet)的>(The City Lost Children)中的盗梦者,以及泰利吉兰(Terry Gilliam)的>(Twelve Monkeys)来自於地下的男主角柯尔对地上音乐的神往等有关人类独特性何的感觉...;


研究发现,那些接受包含黄体酮(progestin)荷尔蒙补充疗法的妇女的听力,比未接受这种疗法或只补充雌激素(estrogen)的人要差. 该研究小组早先曾报告过跟HRT有关的听力问题,新报告则说明黄体酮可能是听力受损的主因. 据了解,

reorder point:订购点

亦即如何决定订购点(Reorder Point)的问题. 订货时间过早,则存量增加,增加物料之储备成本与占用资金;若订货时间太迟,则物料用完新料未进厂,而造成待料停工或坐失商机之损失. (3)必需补充多少存量?这也是决定订购量的问题. 若订购量过多,


of trade)概念,此外又补充了一种更为重要并显示他对于商业资本主义的性质的洞察力的新概念,这就是"存货"(Stock)的概念. 他不再单纯地谈到财富,也未将货币与资本混淆在一起. 他把财富的一部分作了明确的辨析,

unfunded supplementary funding:未有着落的补充资金

unfunded employee social benefits;无(未备)基金雇员社会福利;; | unfunded supplementary funding;未有着落的补充资金;; | UNG HUOT;英霍;;

Fire on empty or unspotted hex:射击未观测的目标格(这句话在游戏里只是提示你的射击行为,而不是说射中了什么)

Plotted artillery cannot assault 移动过的炮兵不能突击? | Fire on empty or unspotted hex 射击未观测的目标格(这句话在游戏里只是提示你的射击行为,而不是说射中了什么) | recovered losses 补充损失

Unaffirmed investment loss:未确认的投资损失(以"-"号填列)

补充流动资本 Supplermentary current capital | * 未确认的投资损失(以"-"号填列) Unaffirmed investment loss | 未分配利润 Retained earnings

Unaffirmed investment loss:未确认的投资损失

补充流动资本 Supplermentary current capital | 未确认的投资损失Unaffirmed investment loss | 未分配利润 Retained earnings