英语人>词典>汉英 : 未致敏的 的英文翻译,例句
未致敏的 的英文翻译、例句


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Although adiposity has been associated with asthma, associations with allergic sensitization have been inconsistent.


D immunoglobulin is administered to Rh-negative,unsensitized patients to prevent isoimmunization.


Simulate the condition of temperature and energy control in percutanous MWA for HCC to ablate SMMC-7721 cell strain suspension.There were five experiment groups:A.control group,B.45℃10 min group,C.50℃3min group,D.54℃3min group and E.60℃instant group.Detection for apoptosis was performed at 30 minutes and 2 hours after ablation.2.Thirty-two C57 mice were undertaken hypodermic inoculation of Hepal-6 tumor piece at right groin as ablation tumor and at left groin as observation tumor one week later.The mice with double tumors were separated into four groups:A.control group with no treatment,B.MWA group treated with MWA only,C.mDC group treated with MWA and subcutaneous injection of mature dendritic cells sensitized by neoantigen of Hepal-6 cell strain,D.iDC group treated with MWA and peritumoral injection of immature dendritic cells without neoantigen sensitization.


Results Human complement can be activated by unsensitized EL-4 cell through the first pathway.

结果 未致敏EL-4细胞可直接以Ca2+、Mg2+离子依赖的第一途径活化人血清补体系统,在细胞数为1×104~2×104时,1:200稀释的人血清补体为EL-4细胞的非致死剂量。

The risk of becoming broadly sensitized after transplant was 11/69 (16%) if the recipient was unsensitized prior to transplant.

如果受者移植前未被致敏,则广泛致敏的可能性仅为11/69 (16%)。

Methods C3b sensitized yeast cells and C3b unsensitized yeast cells were used to detect C3b receptors and immune complex on red cells,method of xanthine oxidase was applied to detect SOD activity in red cells.


更多网络解释与未致敏的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chenopodium album:藜

能使皮肤对光线过敏的食物种类甚多,最多见的是灰菜,即藜 (Chenopodium album),其感光致敏物原未明,可能与卟啉类似,油菜、苋菜、紫云英、槐花和寄生于竹幼茎的子囊菌纲真菌竹黄 (Shiraia bam-busicola)也能引起本病,含卟啉类物质的动物色素也能使皮肤对光过敏,