英语人>词典>汉英 : 未腐蚀的 的英文翻译,例句
未腐蚀的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与未腐蚀的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Remaining in a pure state uncorrupted by civilization .


Pristine: adj,Remaining in a pure state; uncorrupted by civilization.


The skin lesions progressed with numerous grouped bullae, and erosions on a noninflamed base on the palms and soles which resulted in syndactyl deformities and flexion contracture of hands and feet.


The mathematic description of the void volume fraction evolution is modified and the parameters in the modified model were obtained according to the tensile test results of uncorroded material.


The thermally cured Etch-resist ink (2) was then removed from the unetched areas of copper by immersing the film in an aqueous solution of 5% by weight caustic at a temperature of 50° C.

的热固化刻蚀抵抗油墨(2)然后从铜的未腐蚀× 100区除名的沉浸在了5%水溶液的电影,由重量烧碱为50 ° C的温度由此产生的FR4电路板蚀刻水冲洗和干燥的空气在25 ° C

The resultant etched film showed a completely unetched area of copper where the original Etch-resist ink (1) print had previously been.

由此产生蚀刻的影片中,铜完全未腐蚀× 100范围,有关的原始腐蚀,抗油墨(1)印刷以前。

Pit corrosion is a main kind of localized corrosion. The process of forming pit corrosion includes three stages-formation of pit source, development of pit cave and forming occluded corrosion cell. Molybdate series inhibitors can be inhibitive, for it can control three stages of pit development. First, there is apparent synergistic effect between molybdate and phosphate, which can suppress formation of pit source. Second, there is apparent passivation of molybdate inhibitor according to electrochemistry analysis, which let oxidation film in unoccluded cave repassivate.


As the market prices of mortgage securities have fallen, banks have had to mark down their holdings, taking "unrealised" losses that erode their capital position.


As the market prices of mortgage securities have fallen, banks have had to mark down their holdings, taking "unrealised" losses that erode their capital position.


In the present work, based on the mechanism of low-temperature corrosion, an opinion was presented by theoretical analysis and computation, that is the vacuum boiler can not avoid being corroded completely under low temperature, but the corrosion is very weak no matter if the exhaust gas temperature is higher than the flue gas dew point; it was obtained the relationship between the corrosion velocity of metal wall and wall temperature along gas pass of vacuum boiler, and the one between the corrosion velocity of metal wall and wall temperature under the condition that the flue gas temperature is lower than the acid dew point.


更多网络解释与未腐蚀的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

erode: v.1:腐蚀,侵蚀,磨损 2.削弱,损害

unimpressed: a.没有留下深刻印象的,未受感动的 | erode: v.1.腐蚀,侵蚀,磨损 2.削弱,损害 | obsess: v.1.使着迷,使心神不宁 2.困扰


氧气所引起的腐蚀呈点蚀(pitting)状态有愈钻愈之倾向,若未有效止可能穿透管壁而造成穿孔、泄漏. 另外尚有二种电磁(cell)亦促成腐蚀. 不同金属接合处因金属不同之电位产生流电腐蚀(galvanic corrosion).


philanthropic慈善的,博爱的 | placid平静的,温和的 | pristine原始状态的,未受腐蚀的


pristine原始状态的,未受腐蚀的 | prophetic预示的,预言的 | raucous喧闹的,粗声的


未受到搅乱的unperturbed | 未受到挑战的unchallenged | 未受腐蚀的uncorroded


uncorroded 未受腐蚀的 | uncorrupted 未被收买的 | uncorrupted 未堕落的


uncorroded /未受腐蚀的/ | uncorrupted /清廉/未腐败的/未堕落的/未被收买的/ | uncorruptible /难使腐败的/难使堕落的/难收买的/


uncorrecting 反修正 | uncorroded 未受腐蚀的 | uncorrupted 未被收买的


uncorroded 未受腐蚀的 | uncorruptible 不易腐蚀的 | uncover 除去覆盖物;开盖;剝离


underfilm corrosion膜下腐蚀 | underfired下部燃烧的、下加热式的、欠火的 | underfiring下部加热、未烧透、欠烧