英语人>词典>汉英 : 未能申请的 的英文翻译,例句
未能申请的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与未能申请的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Article 39. where a registered trademark is assigned, the assignor and assignee shall sign an agreement for the assignment and jointly file an application with the trademark office.


In case any electronic certification service provider fails to reach an agreement on the carrying-on of business with other electronic certification service provider, it shall apply to the competent department of information industry of the State Council for arranging other electronic certification service provider to carry on its business.


If the company and the dissentient shareholders fail to agree the price within 30 days of the fair value offer, then within 20 days of the expiry of the negotiation period the company must apply to the Grand Court to determine the fair value of the shares held by all dissentient shareholders who have served a notice of dissent and who have not agreed the fair value with the company.


If you do not provide sufficient information, the Education Bureau may not be able to process the application.


Others worry that the structure of the mayoralty - a strict one-year term - is also failing to make the most of the position's potential.


Some of Mr Harper's critics are also affronted by his high-handedness in not bothering to call on the governor-general personally to ask for prorogation, as tradition demands, but instead making his request by telephone.


If the registrant fails to make such an application within that period, an extension period of six months may be granted.


If you do not provide the requisite personal information, this Department may not be able to process your application.


If you do not provide the requisite personal information, the Department may not be able to process your application.


Derrick. It was able to get a one-year loan after failing to raise money in the kind of tax-exempt bond offering that not-for-profit hospitals frequently use.


更多网络解释与未能申请的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

advanced degree:高学历

移民局于4月8日宣布09财政年H-1B申请名额已经用完,包括65,000个常规H-1B名额和20,000个高学历(advanced degree)名额. 由于申请量非常大,移民局还未能宣布对申请进行随机抽取的具体时间.


--定金(Deposit)租住申请人支付保留费(不超过1周的租金),确保租住申请被考虑期间房屋不会租出. 保留费显示申请人的诚意,但不能保证房屋必定会租予申请人. 假如房东或代理决定不批准租住申请,或在保留费支付后1周内未能作出决定,

Repayment Guarantee:还款保函

预付款保函又称还款保函(Repayment Guarantee)或定金保函,是指银行应供货方或劳务承包方申请向买方或业主方保证,如申请人未能履约或未能全部按合同规定使用预付款时,则银行负责返还保函规定金额的预付款.

Internal Revenue Service:国内收入署

美国国内收入署(Internal Revenue Service)估计,有25%的合格纳税人未能申请EITC. EITC向合格家庭提供最高达4,536美元的所得税减免. 保尔森表示,很多国会议员就如何改进工作与其接触,而劳动者所得税减免制度便是政府需要改进的地方之一. 他还称,


高分子多硫化物的缺点是呈块状物,以及具有相当大的特异臭味(与硫醇臭味类似),因此操作性差. 与海泡石(sepiolite)等进行混合粉碎的高分子多硫化物的粉末化和尝试除臭的专利也申请过,但似乎未能实现商品化.


在日本,道歉和花道(ikebana)与俳句(haiku)一样,是一种艺术形式. 但直到上周五,丰田首席执行官杂乱无章的道歉过后,该公司仍然未能消除消.我是一名经济学博士生,现在(写这篇帖子的时候)是第四年. 我想这里可能会有网友在考虑申请美国读博士,