英语人>词典>汉英 : 未知数 的英文翻译,例句
未知数 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
unknown  ·  x  ·  unknowns  ·  X'd  ·  X'ing  ·  X's

unknown number
更多网络例句与未知数相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We know 2x+6=8 and 2x+6=3x are both algebraic equation in one unknown.


By using the orthogonality condition of augmented eigeuvector of multibody system, the algebraic equation group with unknowns of structure parameter is formed.


The main idea of the finite difference method is as follows: We consider the discrete difference equation with the finite alphas as approximate substitution for the differential equation with the continuous variant and boundary conditions.


We could attempt to get around this difficulty by initially assigning the arbitrary value to another of the unknowns rather than to Xn.


He team will be put up in the notice-board.该队名单将张榜公布? We can put up ten people for the night at a pinch...

EAM 姚的负责人章明基建议,选择一个适当的时机,携叶莉出席一个公众晚会,但这个建议叶莉能否同意还是未知数。。。。

The Met is at full stretch, with the prospect of facing four marches, the climate camp and an unknown number of impromptu incidents as well as a Stop the War march in the West End.


The Met is at full stretch, with the prospect of facing four marches,the climate camp and an unknown number of impromptu incidents as wellas a Stop the War march in the West End.


It uses a uses the MSFlexgrid to enter the augmented matrix but its limit is 253 because I use a Byte variable to define the equations number so if you want to use it for a bigger Linear System you will have to change some variable definitions

它使用一个MSFlexgrid 来输入参数矩阵,参数个数最多是253个,因为我使用一个Byte 变量来定义方程的未知数的个数。所以如果你想在更大的线性系统中使用它,你将必须修改变量的定义。

Though it is still unknown if the space-age ball with have any effect of the performance of the game, it has been endorsed by famous players such as David Beckham, Xabi Alonso and Bastian Schweinsteiger.


So I always will think of this as a matrix A, the matrix of coefficients.


更多网络解释与未知数相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

elimination of unknowns:未知数消去

elimination method 消元法 | elimination of unknowns 未知数消去 | elimination theorem 消去定理

elimination of unknowns:消元法;未知数消去法

量词的消去 elimination of quantifiers | 消元法;未知数消去法 elimination of unknowns | 椭圆 ellipse


整式:单项式和多项式统称整式.(integral expression) 等式:拥"="号连接来表示相等关系的式子,叫做等式(equality). 方程:含有未知数的等式叫做方程(equation). 方程的解:能使方程左,右两边的值相等的未知数的值叫做方程的解(solution of equation).




项 il termine | 未知数 l'incognita | 变量 la variabile

unknown number:未知数

未知数(unknown number)是在解方程中有待确定的值. 我国古代并不用符号来表示未知数,而是用筹算来解方程. 至宋、元时代的「天元术」,用「立天元」表示未知数,并在相应的系数旁写一个元字以为记号. 至元朝朱世杰(约13 世纪)用天、地、人、物表示四个未知数,

tands for an unknown number:字母x代表未知数

801. She intends to make teaching her profession.她想以教书为职业. | tands for an unknown number.字母x代表未知数. | 803. The sight of the dead body scared him stiff.看到尸体把他吓僵了.


它的病源、发展趋势和治疗方案(therapeutic schedule)都成为人们急需解决的课题,而又是充满众多未知数(unknown)的难题. 本文正是从统计学(statistics)角度(viewpoint)提出一个SARS病例(case)发展趋势的数学模型.

unknown variable:未知数

have a short fuse [美口]容易激动[发怒], 脾气暴躁 | unknown variable 未知数 | linear conductor 线性导体

Eternities still unsaid:来世仍然是未知数

On and on the mysteries unwind themselves /逐渐我越来越清楚 | Eternities still unsaid /来世仍然是未知数 | Until you love me /直到你爱上我