英语人>词典>汉英 : 未声明的 的英文翻译,例句
未声明的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与未声明的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Penn State bioethicist says his view, which draws on the previously unpublished statements of an experienced US interrogator, raises fundamental concerns about the use of fMRI either to detect deception or to flag recognition of a stimulus.


The presentation of this form of document without amendment to the stated terminology would be considered to be an "indication that it is subject to a charter party".


The authenticity of the message could not be verified; it was posted in Farsi and translated by CNN.


The specifications take all this information plus any unstated but mandatory requirements and truly define what the product will be, what it will do, and how it will look.


The real message of these statements is in the unstated assumptions they take for granted; the public is supposed to accept them uncritically.


That he could claim that he would carry on was a measure of his party's disarray. On August 27th a cabinet shuffle replaced Mr Abe's callow band of brothers with a team of LDP heavies.


Lipid peroxidation products include peroxyl radicals, vital for killer cell action.


If an attempt is made to\r\ndispatch to a declared but undefined routine, Perl will redispatch\r\nto AUTOSUBDEF or AUTOMETHDEF as appropriate to define the routine.

如果试图分派\r\n一个已声明却未定义的程序, Perl 将重分派到 AUTOSUBDEF 或 AUTOMETHDEF \r\n来定义这个程序。

Article 13 The High Contracting Parties may at the time of signature, ratification or accession declare that their acceptance of the present Convention does not include any or all of the self-governing dominions, or of the colonies, overseas possessions, protectorates or territories under their sovereignty or authority, and they may subsequently accede separately on behalf of any self-governing dominion, colony, overseas possession, protectorate or territory excluded in their declaration.


The High Contracting Parties may at the time of signature, ratification or accession declare that their acceptance of the present Convention does not include any or all of the self-governing dominions, or of the colonies, overseas possessions, protectorates or territories under their sovereignty or authority, and they may subsequently accede separately on behalf of any self-governing dominion, colony, overseas possession, protectorate or territory excluded in their declaration.


更多网络解释与未声明的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

end up:最终

记者将would误写成will,而译者未将最终(end up)二字译出. 在"泡沫论"降温后. 中国人民银行近日在其官方网站上发表声明称,>刊登的吴晓灵的署名文章,是她在2006年11月24日出席社科院第二届中国经济论坛上演讲的一个节选.

event:事件 事件

4 事件 事件 (event) 是一种使繻或对蹡能够提供通知的成员.事件的声明与字段繻似,不同的是事件的声明包含 event 关键字,并 且繻型必须是委托繻型. 在声明事件成员的繻中,事件的行为帱像委托繻型的字段(前提是该事件不是抽蹡的并且未声明访问器).该字段存储对一个 委托的引用,


日前英国媒体报料,布兰妮害怕自己未及写下遗嘱去世时,费德林就可以堂而皇之地继续她的财产,所以在婚前签下法律文书,声明如果出现上述情况,他一个子儿也拿不着,而她的母亲琳恩(Lynn)、妹妹詹米-琳恩(Jamie Lynn)和哥哥布莱恩



ordinal number:序号

在使用未公开的API函数之前,你必须知道声明未公开的API函数与声明那些公开的API函数略有不同,那就是,你必须用到未公开API函数的顺序号(ordinal number).


unstart /未起动/ | unstated /未声明的/ | unstatesmanlike /无政治家风度的/

describes an object:描述一个对象

typedef 创建现有类型的一个新类型名称 create a new type name from an existing type | typeid 描述一个对象 describes an object | typename 声明一类或未定义类型 declare a class or undefined type


1、世界卫生组织药品不良反应(WHO-ADR)数据库检索结果在99例失明和暂时失明的病例中,93例是来自美国的报告(FDA声明只有43例),已知年龄的有40例,其中在50岁以上的有35例. 在99例不良反应结果中,治愈但留有后遗症(recovered with sequelae)的43例,治愈(recovered)的1例,未治愈(Not recovered)的2例,其他53例不明.


上述声明还提到,诺森洛克银行已经被有效地"国有化"(nationalised)了. 虽然财政部声称将采取措施并直接承担该行的全部存款的偿付责任,但当时财政部并未持有诺森洛克银行的股权,英格兰银行也未购买该行的任何股份. 可以说,


恩圭索今天上午在布拉萨市(Brazzaville)北区投票,他在抵达与离开时都摆出代表胜利的「V」手势,但未发表任何声明. (译者:中央社江今叶)