英语人>词典>汉英 : 未变形的 的英文翻译,例句
未变形的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与未变形的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This can be expressed by where X i and x i are undeformed and deformed positions of a point in direction i respectively,d ij denotes the Kronecker delta,and the summation convention of summing on all repeated indices is used.

E ij [15,16]。这个可以用下面的式子来表达一个点Xi和xi在各自方向上未变形的和变形的位置 dij表示克罗内克δ,使用反复连续指数的求和。

The main results were summarized as follows: 1 With the increase of cooling rate, full recrystallization during cooling became difficult to take place and the decrease in dislocation density became slow so that dislocation density in austenite remains higher before phase transformation occurred. 2 Compared with undeformed samples, the CCT diagram under deform conditions has a similar shape, but its position shifts leftwards.


The inverse relationship between specific grinding energy and undeformed chip thickness was established.


The CCT curve s under deformed and undeformed conditions were obtained by way of thermal dilation and metallography.

用 Gleeble-1500型热力模拟试验机研究了含钛高强度钢变形奥氏体在连续冷却过程中的相变规律,用膨胀法结合金相法建立了该钢变形和未变形奥氏体的连续冷却转变曲线,并探讨了该钢的热轧可行性。

This is because for the transition from undeformed material to deform to take place along a thin plane, the acceleration across the plane has to be infinity.


It is proposed that the value να, which is a product of grinding speed and undeformed chip thickness, is an important parameter determining the deforming mechanism of material at the grain shearing zone.


"Boy" and "swim" are uninflected English words.


In the 2A1 distorted trigonal bipyramid structure ,the single non equivalent Ga atom has the population of 4s 4p ,while the two equivalent Ga atoms have the population of 4s 4p .this compares with a Ga population of 4s 4p in the undistorted D3h structure ,hence the jahn-teller distortion causes depletion of the charge density on the 4s orbital of the non-equivalent Ga atom, and enhancement of charge density on the 4s orbital for the two equivalent atoms .an opposite trend is observed for the 4p orbitals of these Ga atoms .the P population for the two equivalent atoms is 3s 3p .the populations of the other 2B1 state with the edge-capped tetrahedral structure are similar with the exception that all three Ga atoms have similar but not identical populations .

在2A1被变形的三角bipyramid结构,唯一非等效Ga原子有4s 4p的人口,而二个等效Ga原子在未变形的D3h结构有4s 4p 。this的人口和4s相比4p的Ga人口,因此jahn出纳畸变在non-equivalent Ga原子的4s轨道导致电荷密度的取尽,并且电荷密度的改进在4s轨道为二个等效原子。an在趋向对面对这些Ga原子4p轨道被观察。the人口为二个等效原子是另一个2B1状态3s 3p 。the人口与边缘加盖的四面体结构是相似的P 除之外全部三个Ga原子有相似,但不相同人口。

Nearly-degenerate A1 and B1(C2y) electronic states are found with distorted trigonal bipyramid and edge-capped tetrahedral geometries together with a E'(D3h) state for Ga3P2.while a distorted structure with 2B1 symmetry and a 2a2 undistorted D3h structure are found to be nearly-degenerate for Ga2P3 .we employ the complete active space multi-configuration self-consistent field followed by multi-reference singles + doubles configuration interaction computations that included up to 2.5 million configurations.

近退化A1和B1 (C2y)电子状态找到与被变形的三角bipyramid,并且边缘加盖的四面体geometries与一个E' (D3h)状态一起为Ga3P2.while一个被变形的结构与2B1对称和2a 2未变形的D3h结构被发现近退化的为Ga2P3 。we使用自洽场被多参考跟随选拔+双配置互作用的完全活跃空间多配置计算包括2.5百万种配置。

Continuous cooling transformation curves were plotted for the austenite before and after the compression deformation at 85℃, as a result of an investigation on a weathering steel which was tested on MMS-100 tester by means of dilatometry in combination with Vickers hardmeter.


更多网络解释与未变形的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


undecomposed 未腐烂的;未分解的;未析出的;未还原的 | undefiled 未污染的;未弄脏的;纯洁的 | undeformed 未变形的


undecylene 十一碳烯 | undefined 未定义的;未定界的;不明确的 | undeformed 未变形的


undefined 未定义的;未定界的;不明确的 | undeformed 未变形的 | undegraded material 未降解物质


"undeformed","未变形的" | "undelivered","未投送的,未交付的" | "under","在...下,次于,欠,不足"


undirected未取向的、无向的 | undissolved phase不溶相 | undistorted未变形的、未畸变(失真)的


未变形的undeformed | 未变性的unmodified | 未标记的unlabelled

Freeze Unselected:冻结未选择的

Freeze Transform冻结变形 | Freeze Unselected冻结未选择的 | Frequency频率


undefined /不明确的/未下定义的/ | undeflected /未偏转的/ | undeformed /未变形的/

undegraded material:未降解物质

undeformed 未变形的 | undegraded material 未降解物质 | undepleted 未衰竭的


未变形的 undeformed | 未枯竭的,未用尽的 undepleted | 下,在下,次,欠,不足,低(词头) under-