英语人>词典>汉英 : 未受侵犯 的英文翻译,例句
未受侵犯 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与未受侵犯相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In fact, all that we think of as natural virgin wilderness is abundant with artificiality and the mark of human activity.


Patients who received reduction mammaplasty for juvenile macr omastia in NTUH from January 2003 to December 2005 are enrolled as macromastia group. The control group includes the patients who received breast operation for breast cancer in NTUH in the same time period, with breast sizes not larger than C cup.


Methods Immunohistochemistry of streptavidin-perosidase method was applied in the observation of the expression of TIAF-1 in each group, including tissues obtained from the unaffected part of nephrectomized kidneys with renal cell carcinoma (n=6) and cadaveric donor of normal kidneys (n=8) as the control group, tissues with acute rejection (AR, n=16) and those with chronic rejection (CR, n=28), and in the analysis combined with the number of positive cells of CD3, CD20 and CD68 infiltrated in the interstitium.


Methods 45 patients have pathologically proven NPC were studied prospectively with dynamic computed tomography. Recorded the perfusion data of the of neck metastasis lymph node and uninvolved lateral pterygoid muscle.


As a young and impetuous Wroonian, Senator Chi Eekway's sphere of control included areas of space dominated by unallied trader guilds that often stretched the limits of Republic law.


Patients who received reduction mammaplasty for juvenile macromastia in NTUH from January 2003 to December 2005 are enrolled as macromastia group. The control group includes the patients who received breast operation for breast cancer in NTUH in the same time period, with breast sizes not larger than C cup.


Summary In copyright infringement cases,if the alleged infringer uses or even plagiarizes the copyrighted works or parts thereof,which causes no substantially adverse effect on the normal exploitation of the work,nor does it inflict any substantial damages to the right owner,the de minis doctrine should be applied to exempt the liabilities of the defendant and seek the balance of interests between the right owner and the general public embodied by the copyright law.


更多网络解释与未受侵犯相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


inviolacy 未受侵犯的 | inviolacy 未亵渎的 | inviolacyunblemishedunspottedunstainedunsullieduntainted 无污点的


inviolably 不可侵犯地 | inviolacy 未受侵犯的 | inviolacy 未亵渎的

inviolacy:未亵渎; 未受侵犯; 无污点 (名)

inviolable 不可亵渎的, 神圣的, 不可侵犯的 (形) | inviolably 不可侵犯地 (副) | inviolacy 未亵渎; 未受侵犯; 无污点 (名)


inviolacy 未亵渎 | inviolate 未亵渎的 | inviolately 未受侵犯


inviolable 不可侵犯的,不可亵渎的 | inviolate 未受侵犯的,纯洁的 | inviting 诱人的


inviolate 未亵渎的 | inviolately 未受侵犯地 | inviolateness 无污点

inviolately:未受侵犯地 (副)

inviolated 未被侵犯的 (形) | inviolately 未受侵犯地 (副) | inviolateness 无污点; 未受侵犯 (名)

inviolateness:无污点; 未受侵犯 (名)

inviolately 未受侵犯地 (副) | inviolateness 无污点; 未受侵犯 (名) | invisibility 看不清; 难看见; 看不见的东西 (名)

inviolably:不可侵犯地 (副)

inviolable 不可亵渎的, 神圣的, 不可侵犯的 (形) | inviolably 不可侵犯地 (副) | inviolacy 未亵渎; 未受侵犯; 无污点 (名)

inviolated:未被侵犯的 (形)

inviolate 未亵渎的, 无污点的, 未受侵犯的 (形) | inviolated 未被侵犯的 (形) | inviolately 未受侵犯地 (副)