- 更多网络例句与未公布的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Through its patent-pending Convocation Management technology, ASAP makes spontaneous collaboration possible by providing tools that enable you to interact with people as soon as they are present, or at a scheduled time, you can meet with them in a Web-based, rich-media meeting space for chatting, broadcasting audio and video, and sharing presentations and other desktop applications.
通过该软件的未公布的Convocation Management专利技术,ASAP通过提供让你能够在他人一出现,或者在一个计划安排的时间出现就与其进行交互的工具达成自发协作的可能性,你可以在一个基于网络的,用于聊天的丰富媒体会议空间,宽带音频和视频环境下召集他们展开会议,并且可以共享展示和其它桌面应用软件。
Any previously unpublished game which is played with Icehouse pyramids is eligible for the Competition.
The Mu austral pood expresses, since in March since Facebook correcting, video uploads a quantity " remarkable growth ", nevertheless Facebook has not announced specific figure.
A much-debated but still undisclosed formula will allow an increasing number of subjects to be taught in English.
Drug companies give these unpublished studies to the Food and Drug Administration for approval of the medicines.
Do not spread any Jay's music, download, unrevealed song from other channels in the official website.
And therefore, whatever form the common-wealth is under, the ruling power ought to govern by declared and received laws, and not by extemporary dictates and undetermined resolutions: for then mankind will be in a far worse condition than in the state of nature, if they shall have armed one, or a few men with the joint power of a multitude, to force them to obey at pleasure the exorbitant and unlimited decrees of their sudden thoughts, or unrestrained, and till that moment unknown wills, without having any measures set down which may guide and justify their actions: for all the power the government has, being only for the good of the society, as it ought not to be arbitrary and at pleasure, so it ought to be exercised by established and promulgated laws; that both the people may know their duty, and be safe and secure within the limits of the law; and the rulers too kept within their bounds, and not be tempted, by the power they have in their hands, to employ it to such purposes, and by such measures, as they would not have known, and own not willingly.
His interior minister, Besir Atalay, has been making the rounds of assorted politicians and civic leaders to build consensus for an as yet unarticulated plan.
He has saved an unspecified amount of past oil revenues and the Central Bank still has reserves of $29 billion (the government snaffled $12 billion from the bank last month).
China Eastern's Hong Kong shares closed at HK$3.73 before the suspension, having soared 60 percent in three weeks amid speculation it was close to unveiling a deal with the Singaporean carrier.
- 更多网络解释与未公布的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
in addition:外
此处使用的是"根据"(in accordance with),而不是"此外"(in addition). 因此,该项要求是对第3条第1款最后一句(在公布的报告中提供合理结论)要求的解释. 美国在听证会上称,第4条第2款(c)项不适用于主管当局证明未预见发展. 这是错误的.
该集团称,此次业务调整包括降低其位于都柏林北边的爱尔兰巴尔布里根(Balbriggan)生产厂的产能,减少该地区的管理功能,加强物流配送. 该集团并未透露产能到底将降低多少,也未透露具体涉及哪些产品,只是对外公布该工厂现有的198名员工中,
目前,化学疗法(chemotherapy)是治疗癌症肿瘤(tumors)的常用方法,但是,很多病人经过治疗后,癌细胞仍然未能够完全消除. 最近,美国北卡罗莱纳大学(UniversityofNorthCarolina)的科学家公布了一项令人振奋的研究结果,
dislocation density:位错密度
过去,很难向半极性面和无极性面的结晶面方位进行结晶生长,很容易产生缺陷和位错密度(dislocation density). 而此次通过改善结晶的生长条件,有效地降低了缺陷和位错密度. 制造方法的详情未予公布. 作为底板的GaN,先利用HVPE法制作后,
shoulder pads:垫肩
"这项法规的实施对晋江、石狮等地的纺织品影响不大,因为泉州地区的许多出品型纺...加拿大日前公布有关衬垫内衣(Padded Undergarments)及成衣垫肩(Shoulder Pads)之新的标示规定,尔后销售该等产品,若有未清楚标示隐藏在其内之填充物料成分者,
此外还将推出斯科达速派(Superb)中型轿车,从而使该品牌的国产车型总数增至3个. 这些新车的上市时间还未公布. 2月12日,世界500强美国应用材料公司原全球副总裁王宁国先生一行访问杨凌,示范区党工委书记、西北农林科技大学党委书记张光强会见并宴请了王宁国先生一行.
unlisted securities:未上市证券
在粉红单市场报价的是那些"未上市证券(Unlisted Securities)",具体包括:粉红单市场不是一个股票交易所,它不受证券监管当局的监管,只要每天交易结束时公布挂牌公司的报价即可.
Coverity Web 网站公布的数据显示,检查了kernel 的3,639,322行代码,452个缺陷已被修复(fixed),48个被校验(verified)而未修复,另外413有待校验和修复.
后部采用了4根尾管(Tailpipe),与扩散器(Diffuser)设计为一体. 所配备引擎为V型6缸发动机,配备新一代气缸间歇系统. 车身采用新构造,前车架可高效地把撞击力分散到整个车身,从而减少来自其他车辆的撞击. 汽车尺寸未公布,不过,
Pricewaterhouse Coopers:罗兵咸永道会计师事务所
据星岛日报报道,受联邦政府和卑诗省政府委托,罗兵咸永道会计师事务所(Pricewaterhouse Coopers)去年11月5日公布的调查结果显示,虽然还未开幕,从2003年至2008年间,冬奥就为本国带来大量经济效益,有助带动GDP上升.