英语人>词典>汉英 : 未产妇的 的英文翻译,例句
未产妇的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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A nullipara is a female who has not yet borne children.


It is an interesting quirk of our culture that we all know the word virgin, but few know nullipara.


the micro-surgery of fallopian tube lesion excision and anastomosis can effectively avoid repeated fallopian tube gravidity, and raise the intrauterine gestation rate in nullipara.


Methods Two hundred and fifty women during delivery were randomly divided into 5 groups, PCEA group, nitrous oxide group, analgesic drug group, acupuncture site water injection group, and placebo served as blank control group. The analgetic effect, delivery procedure, postpartum hemorrhage, childbirth way, and the newborns Apgar scores were compared and statistically analyzed.


Obesity, nulliparity, increased age, the amount of alcohol consumed, and the number


The cervical os is small and round, typical for a nulliparous woman.


Methods We performed a nested case–control study within the Calcium for Preeclampsia Prevention trial, which involved healthy nulliparous women.


Early menarche, late menopause, or late 1st pregnancy increases risk. Women who have a 1st pregnancy after age 30 are at higher risk than those who are nulliparous.


Methods 120 Primiparas were adopted bupivacaine and Fentinyl for epidural anesthesia during labor other 150 cases were notperformed any labor analgesia. The pain grading was used for Visual Analogue Scale, The pain relief effects , the labor course and situation of the fetal were observed in two groups and compared the relief effects and the labor course .


Methods Choice volunteers to do the analgesia abactio skill's not having produced the woman sum/or has cutting the palace product history gravidity woman open 120 examples adopt the SPSS software to carry out 2 set of randoms assignment, experimental group skill first 3 hours vaginae place with the normal saline wet the Misoprotol,the vagina disuses any medicine before contrasting the group skill.


更多网络解释与未产妇的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sea anemone:[动]海葵

action manager 代理经理 | sea anemone [动]海葵 | nullipara 从未生育过的人, 未产妇


产钳(Forceps) 医术未发展.仅能阴道生产 过去的时候,产妇无法顺利地"自然生产",很多就会被"自然淘汰",加上公共卫不好,产妇生产死亡率颇高. 之后,虽有医师大胆采用"剖宫生产"的方式,来帮助"难产"的产妇,但是麻醉与手术技术,


一个未产妇(nullipara)是还没有生过孩子的女性. 很奇怪的是,我们都知道"处女"这个词,却很少有人知道"未产妇"这个词. 以上我们解释了进化出存在于不分泌乳汁时的乳房是如何成为可能的,但是这距离解释为什么它们最终被进化出来还有很远的距离.

nullipara:从未生育过的人, 未产妇

sea anemone [动]海葵 | nullipara 从未生育过的人, 未产妇 | letterweight 镇纸, 纸压

nullipara:从未生育过的人; 未产妇 (名)

nullify 使无效, 取消, 废弃 (动) | nullipara 从未生育过的人; 未产妇 (名) | nulliparous 从未生育过者的; 未产妇的 (形)


产褥期(puerperium)是指产妇全身各器官除乳腺外从胎盘娩出至恢复或接近正常未孕状态所需的时间,一般规定为6周(6-8周). 产褥期间母体各系统的变化很大,虽属生理范畴,但子宫内有较大的创面,乳腺分泌功能旺盛,容易发生感染和其他病理情况,

letterweight:镇纸, 纸压

nullipara 从未生育过的人, 未产妇 | letterweight 镇纸, 纸压 | pressure solution [地质]压溶


nullipara 未产妇 | nulliparity 未经产 | nulliparous 未经产的

nulliparous:从未生育过者的; 未产妇的 (形)

nullipara 从未生育过的人; 未产妇 (名) | nulliparous 从未生育过者的; 未产妇的 (形) | nullity 无效, 无效的证书, 无效的行为 (名)