英语人>词典>汉英 : 木质泥炭 的英文翻译,例句
木质泥炭 的英文翻译、例句


wood peat · wooden peat
更多网络例句与木质泥炭相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For cutting propagation of semi-lignified branches in P. frasery, it was suitable to take perlite: vermiculite: turves=l:2:l or 1:1:2 as medium. The most appropriate concentration of ABT1 rooting powder solution was 200 mg/L.


For cutting propagation of semi-lignified branches in P. frasery, it was suitable to take perlite:vermiculite: turves=1:2:1 or 1:1:2 as medium. The most appropriate concentration of ABT1 rooting powder solution was 200 mg/L.

咱结论暂对于红叶石楠半木质化枝条的扦插繁殖,使用基质珍珠岩:蛭石:泥炭越1:2:1或1:1:2较适合。1号ABT生根粉溶液的处理浓度以200 mg/L最为适宜。

Semi lignified tresses were cuttinged separately under seven treatments with different proportion of perlite, vermiculite and turf, at 22℃ temperature.


Six soil free mixtures (Ⅰ. decayed grass fibre : slag : chicken dung = 3 : 1:1;Ⅱ. Decayed grass fibre: peat: slag2 : 2 :1;Ⅲ Decayed wood fibre: slag: chicken dung3 : 1: 1;Ⅳ. Decayed wood fibre: peat: slag2 : 2 : 1;Ⅴ. peat : slag chicken dung=2 : 1 : 1;Ⅵ. Peat : vermiculite : perlite = 2 : 2 : 1;Ⅶ. Soil.) were used as growth medium for perennial ryegrass turf establishing experiment.


更多网络解释与木质泥炭相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Wood preservation:木材防腐

wood peat 木质泥炭 | wood preservation 木材防腐 | wood preserving oil 木材防腐油


woodpeat木质泥炭 | woodcutter'sencephalitis春季森林脑炎 | woodymire木本沼泽

woodcutter's encephalitis:春季森林脑炎

wood peat 木质泥炭 | woodcutter's encephalitis 春季森林脑炎 | woody mire 木本沼泽


woody peat 纤维状泥炭 | woody 木质的 | woof 纬;织物;基本材料

forest peat:木质泥炭

foreshore 前滨 | forest peat 木质泥炭 | form factor 形态因子

Wood tin:木锡矿

木质泥炭 wood peat | 木锡矿 wood tin | 正橄玄武岩 woodendite

wood peat:木质泥炭

wood cutting area 伐区 | wood peat 木质泥炭 | woodcutter's encephalitis 春季森林脑炎