英语人>词典>汉英 : 木材组织 的英文翻译,例句
木材组织 的英文翻译、例句


wood tissue
更多网络例句与木材组织相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tyloses are often found in injured tissue, older wood, and below an abscission layer, and can completely block the conducting vessel.


Greenpeace started Music Wood after it traced clear-cutting of Alaskan spruce to a variety of industries, particularly home construction in Japan.


This tissue, often cut and dried especially for use as building material and fuel.


Mr Lazar notes that in the United States timber companies and environmental groups are usually busy suing one another.


The wood structures of Lauraceae were characterized by most diffuse porous; most pores solitary, less multiple and cluster pores; simple and scalariform perforation with few bars; most solitary pore; alternate intervessel pitting; most of rays multiseriate, less uniseriate; all of rays heterogeneous, mostly heterogeneous Ⅲ and Ⅱ type rays; most of axial parenchyma paratracheal type, less banded or marginal type; oil cell and mucilage cell in axial parenchyma cell or ray cell; mostly fiber tracheid and libriform fiber, less septate fiber.


In the computer vision analysis system of wood across compression,early wood cell,latewood cell,wood ray cell and resin canal cell were recognized and classified automatically byusing neural network technology,applying the function of network recognition and the learningfunction of self-organizing and self-adapting,and wood tectonics feature were taken down byinstructed-learning or uninstructed-learning.


Copper compounds which have long been in the wood preservative in large-scale use, the effect is very significant; quat is an effective insecticide set (of copper and there is no separate existence of this feature), can effectively prevent mold, termites and other insect damage Timber Organization category.


The influence that structure of nickel-plated veneers and particles has on its properties is the result of timber microstructure and metal layer common role.


The influence that structure of nickel-plated veneers and particles has on its properties is the result of timber micro structure and metal layer common role.


The parties to the agreement, 21 companies which make pulp, paper and other wood products, and between them hold 70% of the boreal timber rights in Canada, and nine big environmental groups, ranging from the uncontroversial Nature Conservancy to firebrands like Greenpeace, say this is the biggest conservation deal in history.


更多网络解释与木材组织相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

histological structure:组织学结构

histological section 组织切片 | histological structure 组织学结构 | histology of wood 木材组织

histology:组织结构 组织学

histologist 组织学家 | histology 组织结构 组织学 | histologyofwood 木材组织

timber histology:木材组织学

timber assortment 木材分类;选材 | timber histology 木材组织学 | timber mill 锯木厂

Timber Mill:锯木厂

timber histology 木材组织学 | timber mill 锯木厂 | timber science 木材(科)学


菌索外层颜色较深,为皮层,由拟薄壁组织(pseudoparenchyma)组成,其顶端有1个生长点;内层由疏丝组织(prosenchyma)组成,为心层(髓层). 根状菌索有的可长达数尺,它能抵抗恶劣环境,环境恶劣时,生长停止,适宜时再恢复生长,在木材腐朽菌中根状菌素很普遍.


625.submergevi.潜入水中 | 627.timbern.木材,原木 | 628.tissuen.组织;薄纱,手巾纸

ray tracheid:射线管胞

但在松科某些属如松属、云杉属、落叶松属、雪松属、黄杉属和铁杉属等的木材又常具有厚壁射线细胞,此称为射线管胞(ray tracheid),为木材组织中唯一呈横向生长的锐端厚壁细胞.

Densified wood:密实木材

毛刺沟痕 torn grain | 密实木材 densified wood | 木薄壁组织 xylem parenchyma;wood parenchyma

xylem parenchyma;wood parenchyma:木薄壁组织

密实木材 densified wood | 木薄壁组织 xylem parenchyma;wood parenchyma | 木材变色 wood stain

wood cell:木材组织,木材微孔

fungus 霉菌,真菌 | wood cell 木材组织,木材微孔 | cone 圆锥,锥体,锥状物