英语人>词典>汉英 : 服装样式 的英文翻译,例句
服装样式 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与服装样式相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this thesis, the real traditional woman coats (147 coats), collected in Donghua University Clothing Art Museum, Hangzhou Silk Museum and the private, were investigated by using various methods, such as: annal , classification, comparison, statistics and deduction etc..


Popular styles of dress include draped garments such as sari for women and dhoti or lungi for men.


Suitable style: over the shoulder length hair, a little bit, not too long hair as a whole into the arc, North Korea Neice slightly bent; even if the hair is not very neat endings, nor have no sense of modesty; red Although they are warm, Department of But the deep red wine was able to give the feeling of cold, this mysterious hair-style, if there is a dark-colored clothing with the words, it is the standard cool crush - Scorpio!


Nouvelle Collection is an online fashion apparel shopping website.


This style of dress is out of fashion.


But the applicable range of those methods are usually limited and the cutting lines suggested by those methods usually have the arbitrarily curved shapes and it is not desirable to introduce such complicated cutting lines to garment patterns because of the limitations not only in the design but also in the producibility of the garment.


Flat pattern generation A garment model usually consists of undevelopable surfaces that some cutting lines called the "darts" must be introduced to generate the flat patterns.


With muted colors and simple silhouettes, the clothes were hardly over the top.


MELISSA: Yes, in 1991, for example, clothes styles were even sloppier.


The company is according to market demand and production, garment styles by professional designers, different styles, unique product design, exquisite workmanshipwide Garments Co., Ltd. to strong economic strength, all-round well-invested, pay attention to brand maintenance, membership marketing company examples, we sincerely welcome customers all over the country to join, our joint efforts, we must go success.


更多网络解释与服装样式相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


下面是比文(Edwyn Bevan)将各方面资料所作的归结:他是一个疯狂冲动和精神紧张的人......他以平易近人的民主样式,以他习惯的戏谑,喜爱戏剧上客串票友等类,来欺骗他的朝廷,他有一个时期,把安提阿(Antioch)当作罗马城(Rome),他穿起一名罗马小官营造司(aedile)的服装亲自坐在市场上,


"变色龙"(Chameleon)概念车的设计体现了一种时尚感,该款汽车的样式设计思想来源于时装的领口、领带以及女性的眼线膏等时尚用品. 汽车的整体形状是不对称的,"像服装一样,永无完美可言",无论怎么设计都是对的. 此外,由于采用了"顺磁性技术",

trunk hose:宽松短罩裤

如松垂和鼓胀的宽松短罩裤(trunk hose). 有男性主宰的社会变革. 体现出男性对自身的自信,男人通过"超越自然"的服装样式.折射出"大男子主义"的豪迈和扩张感. 自然风格的出现:这一时期的服饰特点是减少过去人工制作的衬垫、框架和填充物,


然而在离开祖宅与琳塔道别时被琳塔的冷漠所拒绝,她回到自己的家庭,一切还将继续沉寂在细语(whisper)中. 在影片的前半部分,即艾格妮丝第一次死亡之前,姐姐琳塔始终是一个以冷峻压抑的形象出现. 她的服装样式极富表现主义色彩,

Classically designed to compliment any clothing style or fabric:经典设计风格,以配合任何服装样式或面料

Features: 特... | Classically designed to compliment any clothing style or fabric经典设计风格,以配合任何服装样式或面料 | Includes high quality and detachable belt clip and optional belt loop slot包括高...

World Championships:世界锦标赛

大型的羽毛球比赛,如奥运会(Olympic Games)、世界锦标赛(World Championships)、以及世界羽联主办的超级系列赛(Super Series)等,对运动员的比赛服装的样式以及颜色(color of clothing)、广告(advertising)都会有相应的规定.