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有高茎的 的英文翻译、例句


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Aqueous extract of cotton has allelopathic effect on Raphanus sativus, Brassica campestris, Lactuca indica, Brassica campestris, Echinochloa crusgall, Setaria viridis and Abutilon theophrasti and its inhibition effect gradually strengthens with increasing concentration. Aqueous extracts from stems, leaves and roots of cotton inhibit or accelerate seed germination and seedling growth, and activity of enzyme of seedling root of cotton. While aqueous extracts from stems and leaves of cotton are 0.02 gmL^(-1), root length, shoot length, lateral root number and dry weight of cotton respectively increase by 10.3%, 3.1%, 22.9% and 2.4% over the control. The above mentioned indexes are lower than the control by 34.4%, 39.2%, 40.6% and 19.0% respectively as the aqueous extracts are 0.1 gmL^(-1). At the same time, root activity and SOD activity decrease by 38.2% and 36.7%, while POD activity and MDA content increase by 52.3% and 36.5%. Growth indexes of plant receptors increase at low concentrations but decrease at high concentrations of aqueous extracts. The allelopathic effect of aqueous extract of stems and leaves is stronger than that of root.

结果表明:棉花植株水浸提液对萝卜、白菜、莴苣、油菜、稗草、狗尾草、苘麻均具有化感效应,随着作用浓度增加,抑制效应逐渐加强;棉花茎叶和根系水浸提液对棉花种子萌发、幼苗生长、幼苗根系活力、根系酶活性有抑制或促进作用,当茎叶浸提液浓度为0.02 gmL^(-1)时,棉花根长、苗高、侧根数、干重分别比对照增加10.3%、3.1%、22.9%和2.4%,当浓度为0.1 gmL^(-1)时,上述指标与对照相比分别降低34.4%、39.2%、40.6%和19.0%,而根系活力、SOD活性比对照降低38.2%、36.7%,POD活性、MDA含量较对照增加52.3%和36.5%,不同浓度棉花植株水浸提液对棉花生长呈现"低促高抑"的规律,且茎叶浸提液作用效应大于根系浸提液。

The characteristics of clonal growth and resources sharing were important to keep stability of community. The transpiration and the stomatal conductance of stolon with and without adventitious roots were same. But the water potential of stolon without adventitious roots was higher than that with adventitious roots.


Grass of willow leaf horsewhip belongs to herb of perennial of horsewhip female division, formal name: Verbena Bonariensis illustrious name: Purpletop Verbena, alias: Long bine horsewhip is South-American horsewhip grass, careless, originate in South America formerly of Brazil, Argentine and other places, the flower is cyme, small tubular flower is worn be born at spending cauline coping, open amaranth or lilac flower, along with spends a bine to consider individual plant tall to make an appointment with 100-150 centimeter, liu Xie is crossed opposite, the primary part of a historical period after sowing is elliptic brim somewhat notch, beautiful bine is smoked tall the Xie Zhuai after is the slightness leaf that be like willow shape the brim still has pointed notch, the bine is a square this a little bit very special, entire individual plant has cilium to feel the feeling that pricks thorn a bit, the meeting in ground of be out of office is cross of plant of fringy horsewhip female division with a few congeneric flowers, so often a few inflorescence upright among Yu Jusan and fringy model state plant appears.

柳叶马鞭草属于马鞭草科多年生草本植物,学名:Verbena bonariensis英名:purpletop verbena,别名:南美马鞭草。长茎马鞭草,原产于南美洲,花为聚伞花序,小筒状花着生于花茎顶部,开紫红色或淡紫色花,连同花茎算株高约100-150公分,柳叶为十字对生,播种后的初期叶为椭圆形边缘略有缺刻,花茎抽高后的叶转为细长型如柳叶状边缘仍有尖缺刻,茎为正方形这点十分非凡,全株都有纤毛摸起来有点刺刺的感觉,在野地里会与一些同属花为穗状的马鞭草科植物杂交,所以常有一些花序介于聚伞与穗状的中间型态植株出现。

The type of natural heading was the same in heading period and sensitive to Basta as zhon ghua 11


Any of various plants having cottony down, as some species of the genus Froelichia.


Aqueous extract of cotton has allelopathic effect on Raphanus sativus, Brassica campestris, Lactuca indica, Brassica campestris, Echinochloa crusgall, Setaria viridis and Abutilon theophrasti and its inhibition effect gradually strengthens with increasing concentration. Aqueous extracts from stems, leaves and roots of cotton inhibit or accelerate seed germination and seedling growth, and activity of enzyme of seedling root of cotton. While aqueous extracts from stems and leaves of cotton are 0.02 gmL^(-1), root length, shoot length, lateral root number and dry weight of cotton respectively increase by 10.3%, 3.1%, 22.9% and 2.4% over the control. The above mentioned indexes are lower than the control by 34.4%, 39.2%, 40.6% and 19.0% respectively as the aqueous extracts are 0.1 gmL^(-1). At the same time, root activity and SOD activity decrease by 38.2% and 36.7%, while POD activity and MDA content increase by 52.3% and 36.5%. Growth indexes of plant receptors increase at low concentrations but decrease at high concentrations of aqueous extracts. The allelopathic effect of aqueous extract of stems and leaves is stronger than that of root.

结果表明:棉花植株水浸提液对萝卜、白菜、莴苣、油菜、稗草、狗尾草、苘麻均具有化感效应,随着作用浓度增加,抑制效应逐渐加强;棉花茎叶和根系水浸提液对棉花种子萌发、幼苗生长、幼苗根系活力、根系酶活性有抑制或促进作用,当茎叶浸提液浓度为0.02 gmL^(-1)时,棉花根长、苗高、侧根数、干重分别比对照增加10.3%、3.1%、22.9%和2.4%,当浓度为0.1 gmL^(-1)时,上述指标与对照相比分别降低34.4%、39.2%、40.6%和19.0%,而根系活力、SOD活性比对照降低38.2%、36.7%,POD活性、MDA含量较对照增加52.3%和36.5%,不同浓度棉花植株水浸提液对棉花生长呈现&低促高抑&的规律,且茎叶浸提液作用效应大于根系浸提液。

There were close relation and harmonies among the quantities characters that were significantly hereditarily correlated with tumorous stem yield. High yield breeding combining with strong ecological adaptability and good quality should be largely based on later maturity, tumorous stem diameter, whole plant weight and higher ratio of stem and leaf.


Tumorous stem yield was only significantly hereditarily positively correlated with vegetative duration, developmental duration, ratio of stem and leaf, horizontal length and whole plant fresh weight, negatively fur percentage and tumorous stem index. There were close relation and harmonies among the quantities characters that were significantly hereditarily correlated with tumorous stem yield. High yield breeding combining with strong ecological adaptability and good quality should be largely based on later maturity, tumorous stem diameter, whole plant weight and higher ratio of stem and leaf.


It is about 20 cm high, stems with very small spines, leaves are oval, from more than 30 films composed of small needles.


There seemed to have been grass paths here and there ,and in one or two corners there were alcoves of evergreen with stone seasts or tall moss-covered flower urns in them .


更多网络解释与有高茎的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


伞藻的介绍:伞藻(Acetabularia)是海生绿藻,高5cm~7cm,基部有假根,茎顶有伞状"生殖器官". 表面看来,伞藻像根、茎、叶俱全的高等植物,其实它只是一个细胞(图14-3),它的细胞核通常位于假根中. 伞藻的再生能力很强,切去伞可再生一个伞,

Lantana camara:五色梅

文章摘要:五色梅(Lantana camara)又名马缨丹=如意草,马鞭草科马缨丹属,直立或半藤本状灌木,全株具有一种特殊的气味. 株高1至2米,老枝黄褐色,分枝对生,茎枝无刺或有下弯的钩刺,叶对生,卵形或矩圆状卵形,先端渐尖,边缘有钝齿,上面粗糙而有短刺,


什么是角质 角质(cutin)植物角质层的主要成分. 它不是单一的物质,而是不饱和度很高的高级脂肪酸类(羟基C18脂肪酸)的聚合物. 角质的组成成分可因植物的种类而有很大的差别. 角质是角质层的骨架物质,一般在茎、叶表面以层状存在,


代表下三叠纪小树状石松类的一个特殊种系,该种系也许与现代水韭(quillwort)有关. 茎不分枝,高1公尺(40英寸)以上,直径达10公分(4英寸). 近顶端生有多数长形叶,孢子叶球顶生. 茎基部伸出四个或更多个叶状物,小根即螺旋状排列于其上,


②灌木(shrub)比较矮小,高在5米以下的树木,骨干不明显,分嫁接近茎的基部,如茶、月季、木槿等,有常绿灌木及落叶灌木之分. 1.一年生草本(annual)在一个生长季候内就可完成生活周期的,即当年着花、健壮后枯死的植物,如水稻、黄豆、番茄等.

Callistephus chinensis:翠菊

翠菊 (Callistephus chinensis) 翠菊,别名蓝菊. 菊科,一二年生草本. 株高30一100厘米,茎直立表面有白色糙毛;中部叶卵形或菱状卵形,边缘有不规则的粗钝锯齿,叶柄有小细翅. 头状花序单生枝顶,花径5一8厘米,外围雄花舌状,紫红色、蓝色、或白色,


为一年生豆科野百合属(Crotalaria)植物. 原产于热带,我国南方早有栽植. 因具有较高的肥田、改土效用,故种植地区和面积逐渐扩大. 据有关书籍称柽麻茎、叶是马、牛的良好饲料,鲜柽麻茎、叶喂猪,还能使其明显增重.


葫芦藓Funnaria hygromentrica Hedw.属真鲜目(Bryales)葫芦藓科(Funariaceae)葫芦藓属. 植物体(配子体)高约2cm,直立,呈茎叶型,无真正的根、茎、叶的分化. 植株基部有单列细胞组成的假根. 叶螺旋状着生,叶片具中肋1条,整个叶片除中肋外由单层细胞组成,


Soviet 苏维埃 | stalked 有高茎的 | tattered 破烂的,褴褛的

Tradescantia sillamontana:{白雪姬}

白雪姬(Tradescantia sillamontana)又名白绢草,为鸭跖革科鸭跖草属(也称重扇属或紫露草属)多年生肉质草本植物. 植株丛生,茎直立或稍匍匐,高15-20厘米,短粗的肉质茎硬而直,被有浓密的白色长毛. 叶互生,绿色或褐绿色.稍具肉质,长卵形,叶长约2厘米,