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有限对策 的英文翻译、例句


finite game
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It followed, therefore, that tie oily effective hope of averting the plague wan backing up tie appeal with contrition and penance, This was the most rational choice in that period which had limited medicine, and these countermeasures did great to bestead the society against the turbulence and confusion.


1Niche construction can lead to stable coexistence of diverse genotypes in spatially structured population, which supports a stable polymorphism even without heterozygote superiority.(2)With habitat deterioration, niche construction accelerates the formation of steady polymorphism and hence impedes the harmful influences of environment on the population, which might embody a life-history strategy of organism under the unfavorable environment.(3)Niche construction results in the coexistence with alternative polymorphism through genotype-environment feedback and limited gene flow.(4)The niche-constructing organism is an active force to alter its environment and hence the direction of natural selection in order to better survival.(5)Spatial dynamics and distribution pattern of metapopulation are profoundly influenced by time-lagged niche construction.(6)Metapopulation size can reach a fixed level in the recency effect and equal weighting of time lag but is statistical stability in primacy effect, which implies the primacy effect is most remarkable.(7)The increment in the relative weightingof each generation\' niche construction and the length of time lag are significant factors for system destabilization.(8)Moderate capacity of positive niche construction benefits the metapopulation persistence.(9)The narrowing of niche breadth can decrease the metapopulation size and thereby increase the extinction risk.(10)The coupled function of time lag and niche construction make the system oscillation and generate the spiral wave, spiral-broken and circular wave in heterogeneous habitat.The spatial distributions of metapopulation and resource content are complementary due to a phase lag of their both frequencies.(12)Metapopulation persistence with niche construction depends not only on the balance between colonization and extinction, but also on the balance between the ability of niche construction and natural dissipation of habitat.(13)Metapopula-tion can survive under certain condition when the percent of suitable patches in habitat is lower than the ration of extinction to colonization.(14)Two thresholds exist in the process of transition of habitat quality dynamics from unsuitable to suitable, which include the intensity of niche construction and the initial condition of system.(15)Metapopulation size is positive correlated with the ability of positive niche construction, which means that organism or population who has strongly positive influences on their environment plays an important role to maintain the available habitat.


Concretely, finite dynamic cooperative game with perfect information and changing coalitional structures is considered in the second chapter.


This paper proposes a two-player, finite-horizon differential game model to analyzejoint implementation in environmental projects, one of the flexible mechanisms considered in the Kyoto Protocol.


By applying H〓 control theory method, chapter six presents and proves the existence conditions of Nash equilibrium strategy of N person dynamic noncooperative game theory with energy bounded uncertainty. Furthermore, an illustrate example of differential game on government debt stabilization shows that the disturbance can be attenuated efficiently by taking H〓 Nash equilibrium strategies.


The presterssed anchor cable frame combined with backwall, drainage is necessary due to longtime sability and permanent utilization.Firstly,according the study of engineering of geology situation of the high slope, the mechanism of deformation failure and the major hazard of the high slope of PanMei is analysed comprehensively.And the whole slope is divided into two different geology enginnering areas:Western slope(1160 section plane -1240 section plane)and Eastern slope(1240 section plane -1320 section plane). The result of 3D numerical simulation is the same as geology judgement. Later,slope cut (1:0.75) is implemented based on the engineering comparison and criterion.Meanwhile, Limit equilibrium method , Monte Carlo Probabilistic slope stability the stability , Sensitivity analysis and Finent element method of for assessing the cutted slope stability is carried out. The result indicates that Western slope is instable, Eastern slope is relatively stable.So much attention should be paid to Western slope.Different reinforcement measures in different areas are given according to its stability and meet economical request. Gravity wall is introduced in accordance with landform in order to prevent small falling at the foot of the high slope ,which will be a threat to the high slope stability. Handling measure is also applied to Eastern slope. At last,FLAC3D numerical analysis shows the feasibility and reasonableness of the handling measure of the high slope.


With reference to relevant experience both from home and abroad, diversified source of capital should be introduced to invest in urban infrastructure construction. Besides government fund,the infrastructure financing channel should be expanded and social capital should be attracted to take part in urban infrastructure construction. Meantime, current infrastructure operating approach should be altered to improve investment efficiency of government"s fund .In addition , sources of capital and their application should be standardized as well. Generally speaking, ideas in the article could be concluded as "market-based operation, socialized investment, plural debt, direct financing, limited withdraw of government and positive intervene of private capital. The article also put forward six measures to make all the ideas and suggestions operatable.


In view of the difficulties of training the talent, further researches, financial guarantee in sanatoriums , this article put forward the detailed solutions: strengthen researching knowledge; cultivate the researchers; establish specific subjects; make a good use of the limited outlay etc.


For each strategy, a corresponding exploitation plan of groundwater was designed. Then each designed exploitation plan (except scheme 3) was put into the model for calculation and simulation. The analysis on the forecasting results every plan indicates that:(1) Shuting down the self-provided wells is the most direct and effective method, playing an important role in the land subsidence prevention.(2) The resumption of compressed soil by groundwater artificial recharge is limited. So the artificial recharge can\'t provide essential effect for the resumption of land subsidence, unless the artificial recharge is much more than the groundwater withdrawal.(3) The method of "adjusting the exploitation stratum of groundwater to the shallow" has an obvious effect on the land subsidence prevention.(4)"Sand wells" can increase the leakage recharge for confined aquifer, and thus can slow and prevent the development of the land subsidence.(5) For the groundwater exploitation in Xi\'an, emergency self-provided wells should be managed according to the well spacing of 1600m, 2000m and 1600m, respectively, in the river terrace area, alluvial-proluvial fan area and loess tableland area to exploit the first confined groundwater. Corresponding individual well yield can be set as 2500m~3/d, 1500 m~3/d and 200 m~3/d. Make emergency self-provided wells pump in the dry year and stop pumping groundwater to restore and conserve underground water sources in average years and wet years. In this way, groundwater withdrawal of 162000m~3/d can be obtained to provide for the supplement of water supply in Xi\'an. As a result, the water supply stress can be released in dry years. The groundwater depression formed in the exploiting year can resume in 3-4 years. At the same time, this exploitation manner will not lead to obvious land subsidence.

本文利用所建的模型预测了现状开采条件下未来20年的地下水位和地面沉降的变化,在此基础上,提出了防治西安市地面沉降的五个地下水开采方案,利用所建的地面沉降模型对各个设计方案其进行了模拟和预报,对预测结果的分析表明:①封停自备井是防治地面沉降最为直接和最有效的对策,对防治地面沉降起着最为积极的作用;②采用人工回灌方法使被压缩的土层得到的恢复是非常有限的,对地面沉降不能起到根治作用,只有回灌量明显大于开采量时才能有一定的效果;③&调整开采层次,在浅层取水&对防治地面沉降的效果十分明显;④布设&砂井&可以增加对承压含水层的越流补给量,从而可以有效地缓解和控制地面沉降的发生和发展;⑤对西安市的地下水开采,可在河流阶地区、冲洪积扇区和黄土塬区分别采用1600m、2000m、1600m的井间距布置应急自备井,分别采用2500m~3/d、1500 m~3/d和200 m~3/d的单井开采量,开采第一承压水,在平水年或者丰水年不开采,涵养地下水源,在枯水年启动这些应急自备井开采,在输出分析范围内共可获得162000 m~3/d(5913万m~3/a)开采量,可以有效地补充西安市的供水水源,缓解供水紧张局面,开采年开采导致的下降的水位可在停采3~4年后得到基本恢复,同时,这种开采方式不会造成大的地面沉降量。

The thesis consists of five chapters: chapter one discusses the correlative theory of Logistics, then dissertates the condition and current of modern Logistics and the problems of Chinese Logistics. Chapter two introduces and analyzes the develop actuality of Chinese railway freight forward enterprises. Chapter three discusses the primary theory of Third Party Logistics. On this basic, it analyzes the actuality of Chinese railway Third Party Logistics, and finds the leading factors that influence the development of Third Party Logistics enterprises. Chapter four offers the concept of modern Logistics reengineer, and then analyzes it with SWOT. On this basic, the thesis brings forward that the way which Chinese railway freight forward enterprises become modern Logistics enterprises. At last, it prospects the future of railway freight forward enterprises developing modern Logistics, including the current of global Logistics and Internet. Chapter five enumerates two representative and successful cases from domestic and overseas of railway Third Party Logistics enterprises.


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