英语人>词典>汉英 : 有限博弈 的英文翻译,例句
有限博弈 的英文翻译、例句


finite game
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In the mathematical equations to solve non-cooperative multi-dimensional nonlinear numerical approximation method is best for limited cooperation in the interests of the game in search of a new equilibrium.


The evolutionary game theory based on bounded rationality was used to set up an unsymmetrical replicator dynamics model for copetition relationship among the manufacturers on the cluster supply chains.


Using the model of finite dynamic game and extended dynamic game, the paper establishes the optimal incentive system of land trust protection mechanism.


If there is a finite number of players and the action sets and the set of states are finite, then a stochastic game with a finite number of stages always has a Nash equilibrium.


Established stochastic model for user strategy selections to study the game with finite population. According to the expectation utilities of user, produced invasion and fixation rates to quantify selection pressure during the repeated games. Finally, detailed the effects of population size on selection scenario under fixed utility matrix through example.


Vieille has shown that all two-person stochastic games with finite state and action spaces have approximate Nash equilibria when the total payoff is the limit inferior of the averages of the stage payoffs.


This paper mainly uses the tactics method of the evolutionary game namely replicator dynamics and the ESS under the boundedly rational conditions, with the hawk and pigeon model including the factor of power conflict , and case analysis method , which have carried on deep analysis to the course of the power conflict between the superior and the subordinate in company's political behavior, it draw superior with in what it is subordinate terms adopt tough offensive hawk strategy, adopt pigeon's strategy under some conditions , namely how to exercise one's own power.


there are short-term trade and long-term trade between supplier and buyer in the outsourcing. in this paper, the theory of repeated games is employed to discuss the quality for supplier and buyer under the different circumstances and the game model is set up.


Based on the theory of technical innovation and technical innovation diffusion elaborated, as well as fluxionary calculus and game theory, the thesis analyses corporation adoption with game theory in the process of technical innovation diffusion: analyzes in the situation of information symmetry and information asymmetry the gambling between the supplies and the latent users of innovation, discusses the mechanism of the phenomenon "reversion choice" with emphasis in the situation of information asymmetry, and also introduces signal transmission model and information screen model to realize Pareto improvement; at the same time it analyzes in the situation of complete rationality and limited rationality the gambling between the latent users of innovation.


The first part discusses the affection of bounded rationality on rational foundation of the theory.The second part introduces the idea and framework of this theory,and the general 2*Mperson symmetric game and hawk*Mdove game and used as examples.The third part surveys the theory and practice value of evolutionary game theory,and discusses its prosperity of developement.


更多网络解释与有限博弈相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


另外,博弈者的有限理性使得他所分析处理的对象应该首先是可计算的(computable),其次,应该是计算复杂性(computational complexity)程度受到限制的. 第二个也是我们研究的重点是激励(incentive)问题. 正如梅耶森(Myerson, 1985,


也就是说,这一中立政策严格限定在中国和印度的战略博弈情境中,脱离"中国因素"的领域允许存在"偏好"(preference)和"有限"(Limitedneutrality). 严格的中立政策对中国也是最为有利的,能够使中国在中印尼的三角关系中处于优势,

Adam Brandenburger, Amanda Friedenberg, H. Jerome Keisler:《博弈中的入场资格>

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