英语人>词典>汉英 : 有长牙的 的英文翻译,例句
有长牙的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与有长牙的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

10 Months teeth are normal, as long as the baby is not a calcium deficiency, it needs not worry too much to observe the things he likes to bite and the beginning of the habit of spitting when he was prepared to gutta-percha, which he precursor to long teeth, dental grow sooner or later with the genetic and tooth depth, and if not yet one year old, long teeth again no later than the hospital.


Children in the long process of teeth, there will be itching feeling, so it failed.


The elephants, in this area have the distinction of being the largest in body size of all living elephants though the ivory is brittle and you will not see many huge tuskers among these rangy monsters.


The elephants, in this area have the distinction of being the largest in body size of all living elephants though the ivory is brittle and you will not see many huge tuskers among these rangy mo ters.


I was at the end of four months when she found her long两颗牙below, if you look between the child's bottom, two things have whity, it should be that the teeth.


So: in medicine, long teeth should not be a big problem, apart from a very small number of "congenital ectodermal dysplasia," patients with this disease in addition (this is a including hair, fingernails will be bad at the same time development disease, it is not difficult to distinguish), one long tooth generic order speed may have differences, but president of the teeth.


Any of several large sharp-toothed marine food and sport fishes of the family Lutjanidae of mainly tropical coastal waters.


Some likely reasons for the greater proportion of tuskless Asian elephants compared the African elephants may be due to strong selection in the past by humans killing the tusked male elephants and a gene in Asian elephants which is not as recessive.


After I heard about that, I wasn't too worried because she has shown other signs of teething such as drolling, eating her hands or sucking her thumbs when she gets a chance.


Both male and female walruses have tusks and have been observed using these overgrown teeth to help pull themselves out of the water.


更多网络解释与有长牙的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cut teeth:长新牙

cut out for:有. . . . . . 的才能,是. . . . 的料子 | cut teeth:长新牙 | dark horse:黑马,意外获得胜利的人

teething ring:咬环

利用弹性矫正线施压力於牙齿上使牙齿改变位置.口外牙齿矫正用头罩带(headgear)是与矫正器一起使用,由口腔外对牙齿产生压力的器材.头部支架有一个条带环位患者的头颈部,而内弓部分则在患者口内绑在矫正器上.牙齿咬环(teething ring)是婴儿在长牙时使牙龈舒服的一种医疗用途装置,


tusche 黑墨 | tush 发出呸声 | tusker 有长牙的


tusk /长牙/ | tusker /有长牙的象/ | tussah /柞蚕丝/野蚕丝/

tusker:有长牙的动物 (名)

tusk 长牙, 尖牙, 獠牙 (名) | tusker 有长牙的动物 (名) | tussis 咳嗽 (名)

tusker - dAThI:有长牙的大象

turn - pavatteti 转起 | tusker - dAThI有长牙的大象 | twenty - vIsati二十

uniaxial:单轴的, [物]单轴晶体

narwal [动] 一角鲸,独角鲸(一种齿鲸,雄性有一长牙) | uniaxial 单轴的, [物]单轴晶体 | nuble 瘤子, 节子, 小(煤)块



tussis:咳嗽 (名)

tusker 有长牙的动物 (名) | tussis 咳嗽 (名) | tussive 咳嗽的; 因咳嗽而起的 (形)

(13) Never spur a willing horse:不要鞭抽快马. (物极必反)

(12) Never look a gift horse in the mouth. 别人送的马不要看有多少牙. (别人有善送的... | (13) Never spur a willing horse. 不要鞭抽快马. (物极必反) | (14) All lay loads on a willing horse. 愿意负重的马长受...