英语人>词典>汉英 : 有钱有势的人 的英文翻译,例句
有钱有势的人 的英文翻译、例句


fat cat
更多网络例句与有钱有势的人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When some people of high rank and rich men accumulate the live stuff and wealth by unfair means, most people have to struggle for their lives.


Lebanon's rich and influential diaspora also comes into the game.


He was insolent to the poor, but would fawn upon any one of wealth, or position


Hanger-on a person who flatters and spends time with rich and important people, esp.


This is a rich and powerful people of the world, and a materialistic times!


He's one of the richest, most powerful men in New York, but he's not stuck-up at all.


Hes one of the richest, most powerful men in New York, but he's not stuck-up at all.


In a group, you detect well that those men of rank and wealth have an experience of ill-got fortune; those men of high position all are obsequious experts.


In a group, you detect well that those men of rank and wealth have an experience of ill-got fortune; those men of high position all are obsequious experts.


Money talks in Egypt, and sustainable development is forgotten when the interests of the rich and powerful such as the industrial plants in Damietta or the influential Badrawi clan in Daqahliyah are at stake.


更多网络解释与有钱有势的人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aubrey:奥布里 条顿, 有钱有势的国王;小精灵

Atwood 亚特伍德 英国 住在森林或森林中的人. | Aubrey 奥布里 条顿 有钱有势的国王;小精灵. | Augustine 奥古斯汀 拉丁 指八月出生的人.

Aubrey:奥布里 条顿 有钱有势的国王

Atwood 亚特伍德 --英国 --住在森林或森林中的人 | Aubrey 奥布里 --条顿 --有钱有势的国王 | Augustine 奥古斯汀 --拉丁 --指八月出生的人

Aubrey:条顿 有钱有势的国王

Atwood 英国 住在森林或森林中的人 | Aubrey 条顿 有钱有势的国王 | August 拉丁 神圣的、尊崇的或身份高尚的人;八月

Augustine:奥古斯汀 拉丁 指八月出生的人

Aubrey 奥布里 条顿 有钱有势的国王;小精灵. | Augustine 奥古斯汀 拉丁 指八月出生的人. | Avery 艾富里 英国 争斗;淘气,爱恶作剧的人.


Be you into any hobby? 你有什么爱好? | 10.groveling卑躬屈节的 | 8. Fat cat有钱有势的人


那取自富人而给予穷人的政府,称之为反对党政府;那任富人剥削穷人而袖手旁观的政府,称之为镇压的(rePressive)政府. 去问问今天的墨西哥农民. 据说,整个墨西哥是由二十或三十个家族--那些有钱有势的精英份子--在经营(主要是因为这些人拥有墨西哥),

brey:奥布里 条顿 有钱有势的国王;小精灵

bur,亚希伯恩,英国,入世的赛,传播喜讯者. | brey,奥布里条顿,有钱有势的国王;小精灵. | stine,奥古斯汀,拉丁,指八月出生的人.

stine:奥古斯汀 拉丁 指八月出生的人

brey,奥布里条顿,有钱有势的国王;小精灵. | stine,奥古斯汀,拉丁,指八月出生的人. | very,艾富里英国,争鬥;淘气,爱恶作剧的人.

with a grain of salt:半信半疑

a fat cat 有钱有势的人 | (with) a grain of salt 半信半疑 | a piece of cake 轻松的事,愉快的事

a fat cat:有钱有势的人

a drop in the bucket 九牛一毛, 沧海一粟 | a fat cat 有钱有势的人 | (with) a grain of salt 半信半疑