英语人>词典>汉英 : 有羽轴的 的英文翻译,例句
有羽轴的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与有羽轴的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you take a close look at the photo above, you would find that there are some yellow object below the feathering shaft.


Petiole of basal and lower cauline leaves (1-)2-5(-8) cm, considerably flattened at base; leaf blade oblong-oblanceolate in outline, appearing pinnately compound,(0.5-)5-15(-22) cm, sparsely to densely pubescent; lateral lobes 7-13 on each side of rachis, broadly ovate, oblong, or linear,(0.5-)1-2.5(-4.6)× 0.1-1(-2) cm, base decurrent, margin entire, irregularly serrate, or laciniate, apex acute or obtuse.

叶柄的基部和下部茎生叶(1-)2-5(-8)厘米,相当大扁平在基部;轮廓长圆形倒披针形的叶片,出现羽状复叶,(0.5-)厘米,疏生兑一密被短柔毛5-15(-22);在轴的每边的侧面裂片7-13,宽卵形,长圆形,或线形,( 0.5-)1-2.5(-4.6)* 0.1-1(-2)厘米,基部下延,边缘全缘,不规则有锯齿,或条裂,先端锐尖的或钝。

Microspore Ye as the feather, small sporophyll sac formed by the polymerization, each polymer capsules formed by four small sporangia, small spores with dual airbags, and airbag Pinaceae pollen is similar to large sporophyll from the central axis and arranged in Brachypodium feather composition, Each Yibing has a shell bucket, each bucket containing shell upright ovules 10-12 months.


Leaves crowded near apex of the trunk, spirally arranged; stipes dark brown, with sharp spines; lamina large, oblong, tripinnate; pinnae 17-20 pairs, alternate, longest one to 60 cm long, the basal one reduced; rachis short-spiny; pinnules 18-20 pairs, sessile or nearly so, lanceolate, to 10 cm long and 2.5 cm wide, divided almost to the costa; segments more or less falcate, toothed.


In contrast, P. obliquum has lamina with basal pinnae contracted, scales of petiole brown adaxially, scales of rachis up to 2.3×0.5 mm, pinnae green, chartaceous, matt adaxially, and serrulate on margin, and microscales 0.2-0.5×0.1-0.2 mm.


Stipules green, falcate, rarely ovate or ovate-lanceolate, herbaceous, margin sharply serrate or lobed, rarely entire, apex acute or acuminate; petiole sparsely pilose or pubescent; leaf blade interrupted imparipinnate with (2 or)3 or 4 pairs of leaflets, reduced to 3 leaflets on upper leaves; leaflets sessile or shortly petiolulate, obovate, obovate-elliptic, or obovate-lanceolate, 1.5–5 × 1–2.5 cm, abaxially appressed pilose on veins, or densely pubescent or tomentose-pubescent between veins, rarely glabrescent, markedly or sparsely glandular punctate, adaxially pilose, or hirsute or hirtellous on veins, rarely glabrescent, base cuneate to broadly so, margin acutely to obtusely serrate, apex rounded to acute, rarely acuminate. Inflorescence terminal, spicate-racemose, branched or not; rachis pilose.

绿色,镰刀形的托叶,卵形或卵状披针形的很少,草本,边缘锐切成锯齿状或者有叶,很少全缘,先端锐尖或渐尖;叶柄疏生柔毛或短柔毛;叶片间断奇数羽状具(2或)3或4小叶,退化至3小叶在上部叶片上;短的小叶无柄或具小叶柄,倒卵形,倒卵状椭圆形,披针形或倒卵形, 1.5-5 * 1-2.5 厘米,背面的贴伏的具柔毛的在脉上,在脉之间的或密被短柔毛的或被绒毛的短柔毛,很少脱落无毛显著具点,正面具柔毛的或疏生腺体,或具粗毛或在脉上,很少脱落无毛,基部楔形到宽楔形,花序顶生,穗状总状,与否的分枝;轴具柔毛。

Taken at Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada, this image shows a fight between a redheaded woodpecker and a yellow-shafted northern flicker over a nest hole.


Leaves grow in clusters; stipe chestnut brown, shiny ; blade pentagonal, Zhang Kuange about 5-7 cm, there are three separate base, or connected to cleft pinna feather, apical pinna nearly diamond-shaped, triangular lateral pinna, feather shaft under the lateral side of the sliver compared with the previous long, the base of one the longest; vein plume bifurcation; leaves dark green above, here are milky white or milk yellow powder.


The discovery of stem flatfish with incomplete orbital migration refutes Goldschmidt's ideas, and demonstrates that "the assembly of the flatfish bodyplan occurred in a gradual, stepwise fashion".


更多网络解释与有羽轴的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


称为下脐(lower umbilicue),羽根的上端与羽片交界处称为上脐(upper umbilicus),由此处向内方丛生的散羽,叫副羽(after feather),羽轴的上方为羽干,其两侧羽片由羽内(barb)和羽小支 (barbule)构成,羽支两侧有许多羽小支,


鳃的形态各异 鳃轴两侧均生有鳃丝 呈羽状 称盾鳃;仅鳃轴一侧生有鳃丝 呈梳状 称栉鳃(ctenidium);有的鳃成瓣状 称瓣鳃(lamellibranch);有些种类的鳃延长成丝状.


以此类推,可以有三回至多回羽状复叶,最末一次的羽片称小羽片(pinnule). 有的羽状复叶的小叶大小不一、参差不齐或大小相间,则称为参差羽状复叶,如番茄、龙芽草等. 掌状复叶(palmately compound leaf) 在复叶上缺乏叶轴,


叶片有单叶或一回到多回羽状 分裂或复叶,叶片的中轴称为叶轴 (rachis),第一次分裂出来的小叶称为 羽片 (pinna),羽片的中轴称为羽轴 (pinna rachis),从羽片分裂出来的 小叶称为小羽片 (pinnule),小羽片的中轴称小羽轴,


1.正羽(contour feather):为覆盖体表的羽毛,由羽轴(scape)和羽片(vane)构成,羽轴大部为羽,羽根深深插入皮肤中,其末端有一孔,称为下脐(lower umbilicue),羽根的上端与羽片交界处称为上脐(upper umbilicus),由此处向内方丛生的散羽,


是狸藻属(Utricularia)中最具代表性的水草. 植物体翠绿或黄绿色,它有长达100㎝以上的柔细的主茎轴,再由茎轴两旁长出分枝以及在分枝长出美丽的羽状针形裂叶. 其补虫囊颜色通常是绿色至黄绿色,可捕食并消化水中微生物. 在水族缸中栽培,


1.正羽(contour feather):为覆盖体表的羽毛,由羽轴(scape)和羽片(vane)构成,羽轴大部为羽,羽根深深插入皮肤中,其末端有一孔,称为下脐(lower umbilicue),羽根的上端与羽片交界处称为上脐(upper umbilicus),由此处向内方丛生的散羽,


鳃的形态各异 鳃轴两侧均生有鳃丝 呈羽状 称盾鳃;仅鳃轴一侧生有鳃丝 呈梳状 称栉鳃(ctenidium);有的鳃成瓣状 称瓣鳃(lamellibranch);有些种类的鳃延长成丝状.

Pteris multifida:凤尾蕨

[摘要]凤尾蕨(Pteris multifida)为凤尾蕨科的小型陆生蕨,叶二型;不育叶为一回羽状复叶,羽片条形,上部羽片基部下延,在中轴两侧形成狭翅,下部羽片常有二至三叉,形似凤尾,故而得名;能育叶有长柄狭绒形.

contour feather:正羽

1.正羽(contour feather):为覆盖体表的羽毛,由羽轴(scape)和羽片(vane)构成,羽轴大部为羽,羽根深深插入皮肤中,其末端有一孔,称为下脐(lower umbilicue),羽根的上端与羽片交界处称为上脐(upper umbilicus),由此处向内方丛生的散羽,