英语人>词典>汉英 : 有穿透力的 的英文翻译,例句
有穿透力的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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It kind of opened up our defense at times and let us be penetrable.


Your spirit more than others of the penetrating power of intuition.


Vocal concert at, a beautiful voice is not just the sweet sound of line, not just the voice of touching, but also some people through the heart of a voice, which has the penetrating power of the voice can be continuously extended, has been that sway in the wind to the boundless.


Academic achievement:(1) early study of the electromagnetic wave transmitting and receiving;(2) found that there is penetration of uranium weak penetration of the α and β two kinds of radiation;(3) and Soddy worked together to propose release of radioactive atoms can be α or β atom into another element.


I'd say my runs are more thought-out now.


To be penetrating, convicting, and life-changing


That song you listen to this song, I feel very happy, you are not to imitate his mark you look to your bass to the interpretation of this song, you can interpret the songs are more penetrating and more.


Emma Shapplin has a striking soprano voice that is used in a manner similar to Enya or Sissel, but she has a more operatic, piercing and less ethereal intonation.

Emma Shapplin有着一副绝妙的女高音嗓音,在某种程度上与Enya或Sissel的嗓音类似,但她的声线更适合唱歌剧,更有穿透力,并且少了几分飘渺的音调。

Xiaotao: I've also heard a story that when Tibetans prepare for a pilgrimage, they begin cleansing themselves three months beforehand, using a rubber band to dry out their forefinger, which they use on the road to see the Tulku as a butter lantern. This is even more extreme and piercing.


Well, this is the voice of the available resonance, vocal cord vibration by the sound issued called "pitch", the original pitch is very weak, after the body of the resonance cavity resonance effect, not only can become loud and loud and beautiful sounds, but also can have the penetrating power, so that a broader voice farther.


更多网络解释与有穿透力的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ethylene oxide:环氧乙烷

甲醛灭菌时产生气体的方法有以下几种:2.环氧乙烷 环氧乙烷(ethylene oxide)气体具有广泛的杀菌作用,它不损害消毒物品,且穿透力强. 主要用于消毒塑料用品、不耐高热高压以及不能受潮湿的物品. 例如,培养板、塑料培养瓶皿、布类等.

thematic mapper:专题制图仪

TM影像是指美国陆地卫星4~5号专题制图仪(thematic mapper)所获取的多波段扫描影像. 有7个波段,其波谱范围:TM-1为0.45~0.52微米为蓝色波段,该波段位于水体衰减系数最小的部位,对水体的穿透力最大,用于判别水深,研究浅海水下地形、水体浑浊度等,




因此M82A1又成为了爆炸品处理工具(EOD)而军用的M82A1亦由原来发射.50 browning 改为 .50 NATO,使其更加准绳、穿透力更强及更具杀伤力. 而当中又有一种"锆"(Zirconium)穿甲弹 Mk211 Raufoss Multipurpose (MP) 的子弹能使被击中的目标燃烧及爆炸.




尼采追求的就是那"模棱两可和有缺陷的东西"--文本的不确定性以及异质性,表现在写作风格上就是"马刺"(spurs). "马刺"这个词的意象是反对在场、隐蔽的本质、意义和真理时的穿透力(当然,弗洛伊德会做出不同的解释). 同时,马刺作为复数,