英语人>词典>汉英 : 有盈余 的英文翻译,例句
有盈余 的英文翻译、例句


be in the black
更多网络例句与有盈余相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is easy to see how even a family which had had as good food as it wished and a few extras could be down to bread and scrape the barrel inside a month if the "demon drink" took hold.


Wal-Mart is selling organic food, and even Coca-Cola is launching a wellness drink.相关的例句It is easy to see how even a family which had had as good food as it wished and a few extras could be down to bread and scrape the barrel inside a month if the "demon drink" took hold.


But if they keep spending heedlessly , they will saddle the economy with a heavy burden of public debt which may crowd out private investment.


Germany, in particular, fears being lumped together with China because both have current-account surpluses.


China also has run a surplus on its capital account every year since the Asian financial crisis.


Japan has had a current-account surplus in every year since 1981, because of a surfeit of domestic saving over investment.


There are starting guides for some factions (Sweboz, Baktria, Koinon Hellenon, Casse, Karthadast, Rome) which bring you through the critical first turns.


Through comparison of energy inputs in corn fuel ethanol life cycle,fossil energy inputs of corn production and ethanol conversion processes were identified as the most important,and therefore nitrogen fertilizer,electivity and diesel used in corn farming and energy consumption of distillation and dehydration process in ethanol production could be known as the most influential factors for the energy benefit of corn fuel ethanol.


Now there are surpluses in Asia, and less and less need for those loans.


A country with a serious deficit,such as the United States, is not likely to import as much as if it hasa surplus.


更多网络解释与有盈余相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a bolt out of the blue:晴天霹雳、出乎意外、没料想到

in the black 有盈余 | a bolt out of the blue 晴天霹雳、出乎意外、没料想到 | blue-eyed boy 特别受宠爱的人

favourable balance:顺差

当收入大于支出而有盈余(Surplus)时,称为顺差(Favourable Balance) ;反之, 则称为逆差(Unfavourable Balance) ,应在逆差数字前冠以"-"号.也有人称逆差为 赤字(Deficit) ,而称顺差为黑字.三,国际收支平衡表的主要内容 (一)经常账户 经常账户(Current Account,

in the black:有盈余,贷方

black adj. 违法的 | in the black 有盈余,贷方 | black list 黑名单,禁止贸易的(货物、公司及个人)名单

be in the black:有盈余;有节余

the pot calling the kettle black 锅笑壶黑;五十步笑百步 | be in the black 有盈余;有节余 | be tickled pink 高兴极了;非常开心

be in the black:有盈余(反义词为be in the red 赤字,欠债)

sickness benefits 疾病补助费 | be in the black 有盈余(反义词为be in the red 赤字,欠债) | black list 黑名单(禁止与其进行贸易的公司及个人名单,通常是因为信誉不太好)

unfavourable balance:逆差

当收入大于支出而有盈余(Surplus)时,称为顺差(Favourable Balance);反之,则称为逆差(Unfavourable Balance),逆差数字前冠以"-"好. 也有人称逆差为赤字(Deficit),而成顺差为黑字.

be tickled pink:高兴极了;非常开心

the pot calling the kettle black 锅笑壶黑;五十步笑百步 | be in the black 有盈余;有节余 | be tickled pink 高兴极了;非常开心

Stock issued by companies whose sales and earnings growth have outpaced the market:发行公司通常有高於产业的销售与盈余成长

Growth Stocks成长型... | Stock issued by companies whose sales and earnings growth have outpaced the market发行公司通常有高於产业的销售与盈余成长 | Often are newly formed, smaller companies很多都是新创...

We are in the black this year:今年我们有盈余. (账目表中结余用黑字记录,亏损用红字记录)

I made a comment about his girlfriend and he gave me a bla... | We are in the black this year. 今年我们有盈余. (账目表中结余用黑字记录,亏损用红字记录) | How much money will you give me for my little bl...

Our company is in the black this year:今年我们公司有盈余

23、He went black in the car accident.在那次车祸中他晕了过去. | 24、Our company is in the black this year. 今年我们公司有盈余. | 25、He blamed me in hot blood. 他愤怒地指责我.