英语人>词典>汉英 : 有獠牙的 的英文翻译,例句
有獠牙的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
tusked  ·  tusky

更多网络例句与有獠牙的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Women do not rely on force, but rather rely on tricks, which they rely on instinct and Jiaxia hypocritical nature, like a lion Lichi sharp claws, like a wild boar with fangs, cattle have Kok, a smoke-like squid ink, naturally God gives women a defensive weapon is the perplexing changes in disguise.


The saber-toothed tiger (also known as the Saber-Toothed Cat) had 2 large teeth on the top set of teeth that were about 20 centimeters long.


SYDNEY, Reuters — The Ice Age sabertooth, with its large protruding fangs, was actually a bit of a pussycat, according to Australian scientists who studied the power of its bite and hunting skills.


Animals Friday, October 5, 2007SYDNEY, Reuters — The Ice Age sabertooth, with its large protruding fangs, was actually a bit of a pussycat, according to Australian scientists who studied the power of its bite and hunting skills.


But it also had the coelurosaur's long snout, bladelike teeth on the sides of its jaws, and long arms with three-fingered hands that could grasp objects.


In that country they will in their turn stir up the tusky Boar.


The huge skull invites pregnant son of 200% thick thin, from the beginning go to the shape that the tails all small and softly engrave a dorsal fin, suddenly and violently eyes of Tu, turn over the obtuse-angled of winding upward, the most poor form exerts mutually of is two Liao tooths which peep out the outside of the lips, be suffused with the You green Rui light, from the muscle Sui of jade quality deeply a chilly soldier spirit.


Around the village were the dense forests, but there was another kind of creature in the forests who were much more stronger than the human beings, they had paws and buckteeth, they held intellegence.


Here all one needs is a pair of fangs.


Underneath their pig-like snouts, protruding from jowled cheeks are yellowed tusks.


更多网络解释与有獠牙的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

tusker:有长牙的动物 (名)

tusk 长牙, 尖牙, 獠牙 (名) | tusker 有长牙的动物 (名) | tussis 咳嗽 (名)




在阿拉伯的一首"和颂短诗"(ghazal)中有这样的句子(译文):早期有关吸血鬼(vampire) 的文学并不怎么提及他们的獠牙(fangs). 当代的恐. 最有名的自然是美杜莎(Medusa)了. 而将剑比喻为蛇信,