英语人>词典>汉英 : 有毒的 的英文翻译,例句
有毒的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
deleterious  ·  noisome  ·  noxious  ·  poisonous  ·  toxic  ·  venenous  ·  venomous  ·  viperous  ·  mephitic  ·  nocuous  ·  toxical  ·  toxiferous  ·  virose  ·  virous

更多网络例句与有毒的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"You may find two kinds of toxic chemicals including formaldehyde and resolvable toxic aromatic amine dyes."


These chemicals can burn your eyes and respiratory tract and, if accidentally combined, produce toxic chloramine gas.


Both the Clemenceau and her American berth-mates are old, and thus contain nasty chemicals, including mercury, lead, asbestos (a fireproof mineral widely used before its toxic properties became known) and polychlorinated biphenyl (poisonous chemicals used in electronics until their banning in the 1970s).


Hydrogen fluoride and fluorocarbon organic chemicals begin to evolve

产物为有毒的氟化氢和氟碳有机化合物。当PVDF 遇到火时,会释放出有毒的

768 From "Celebrating Canyon Country," July 1999, National Geographic magazine Photo by:Len Jenshel Wooly Locoweed, Utah, 1999 毛茸茸的疯草,犹他州,1999 A pretty poison, woolly locoweed, flowering during autumn, can make cattle that eat its toxic leaves go berserk and die.


If the government is determined to pursue this path - and I'd stress I'd really rather they didn't (the best answer to poisonous speech is non-poisonous speech)- then the very least they must do is introduce transparency.


To unfreeze the global financial market therefore requires significant increases in bank capitalisation, not just to the status quo ante, and not just to account for the toxic securitised assets themselves, but to adjust for the stuff that is getting toxic right now and tomorrow.


One on the Romer black Dalbergia (commonly known as big-leaf red sandalwood) toxic news in the industry spread.


Debbie Mandel has another warning for those confronting toxic friends:"Listen to their side of it because perhaps it's you who is toxic."


Debbie Mandel has another warning for those confronting toxic friends:"Listento their side of it because perhaps it's you who is toxic."


更多网络解释与有毒的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

deleterious:有害的, 有毒的

transcribe 转录 | deleterious 有害的,有毒的 | pseudoglioma 假神经胶质瘤


fume (浓烈或难闻的)烟,或气体 | harmful 有毒的,有害的 | hazardous 危险的,有害的


Merlin 梅林 亚瑟王的忠心幻术家,预言家. | Perique 意为上等的黑色烟草,有毒的烈性贵族雪茄. | Hercules 海格里斯 宙斯的儿子,大力神.

perniciousness:有害的 有毒的 致命的

reminiscence 回忆 追忆 | perniciousness 有害的 有毒的 致命的 | plasticity 可塑性 柔顺性 适应性

poisonous:有毒的 缺德的 foolish 愚蠢的

devil 魔鬼 恶魔 fool 蠢人 | poisonous 有毒的 缺德的 foolish 愚蠢的 | malicious 坏心的 恶毒的 gall 恶毒


viperish /毒蛇的/阴险的/恶毒的/ | viperous /毒蛇般的/有毒的/阴险的/ | virago /泼妇/


banefully /有害地/有毒地/ | banefulness /有害的/有毒的/ | bang-up /极好的/

nocuous:有害的, 有毒的 (形)

nocturne 夜曲, 夜景 (名) | nocuous 有害的, 有毒的 (形) | nocuously 有害地; 有毒地 (副)

toxicant:毒; 毒素; 毒物; 毒剂; 毒药; 有毒的

有毒废物 Toxic waste | 毒;毒素;毒物;毒剂;毒药;有毒的 toxicant | 毒物监测 toxicant monitoring

No,you're wrong. I see the glass half-full,but of poison:你错了,我看到的是半满的水杯 而且杯里的水还是有毒的

who always sees the glass half-empty!|你看到... | No,you're wrong. I see the glass half-full,but of poison.|你错了,我看到的是半满的水杯 而且杯里的水还是有毒的 | And you're gonna wind up drinking it!|最后...