英语人>词典>汉英 : 有报酬的 的英文翻译,例句
有报酬的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
remunerative  ·  rewarding  ·  rewardful

更多网络例句与有报酬的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Not engaged in a gainful occupation .


In June 1764, he left the job in Halle without any remunerative employment secured elsewhere.


I naively assumed that I would be paid for the work.


Naively---I naively assumed that I would be paid for the work.


Assist in placing staff in secure and remunerative positions.


A paying job; remunerative work; salaried employment; stipendiary services.


In Britain today women make up 44% of the workhorse, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.

in英国今天的妇女占44 %的Workhorse机型,并有将近一半的儿童的母亲是在有报酬的工作。

C "Remunerated offices" include all "remunerated" public offices.

有报酬 的职位」包括所有「有报酬」的公职。

Only A Few Geographically Isolated Countries, Like New Zealand, Australia, And Iceland Are Still Free And Liveable.


Work for a dead horse v.


更多网络解释与有报酬的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

gainful employment:有报酬的

ethnic minorities 少数民族 | gainful employment 有报酬的 | gender issues 性别问题

gainful work:有报酬的工作

gainful occupation;有酬职业;; | gainful work;有报酬的工作;; | gains and losses from exchanges;汇兑损益;;

impartial judgement:有报酬的,有利的

14.impartial adj. 公正的,不偏袒的,无偏见的 | impartial judgement 有报酬的,有利的 | 15.remunerative adj. 有报酬的,有利的


它一般指有报酬的(remunerative)工作经历. 它指一个人从事的一系列具体工作(a course of successive situations that make up one's worklife). 也可以说是一系列的jobs. 一个人可以有一份音乐事业,但不是专职音乐家.

remunerative:有报酬的, 有利的

Benevolent adj.慈善的,亲切的, 和蔼可亲的 | Remunerative有报酬的, 有利的 | Liberal principle自由原则

remunerative - unrequited:有报酬的 - 无报酬的

539. remiss 疏忽的 | 540. remunerative - unrequited 有报酬的 - 无报酬的 | 542. reprisal 报复 - ?


2. afterward 之后,以后,后来 | 3. rewarding 有益的;有报酬的 | 4. conquer 攻克,攻取


reward 奖金 | rewardful 有报酬的 | rewarding 有益的

remunerated contribution of women:妇女所作有报酬的贡献

removing, disarming or deactivating remaining unexploded ordnance devices;清除残存的尚未引爆的装置,... | remunerated contribution of women;妇女所作有报酬的贡献;; | remuneration correction factor;薪酬校...

work for a dead horse:从事不可能有报酬的工作

53.talk horse 吹牛,说大话 | 54. work for a dead horse 从事不可能有报酬的工作 | 55.You can take a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. 牵马到水边易,逼马饮水难(意指不要逼人做他不愿做的事).