英语人>词典>汉英 : 有意义 的英文翻译,例句
有意义 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
mean  ·  meaner  ·  weigh  ·  weighed  ·  weighs

make sense
更多网络例句与有意义相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For the DNLSE with NVBC, a simple adapted IST was recently derived by introducing an affine parameter, yielding a much simpler one-soliton solution. All previous researches demonstrate that, in known (1+1) dimensional one-component integrable systems, the DNLSE with NVBC is a rare instance simultaneously admitting bright solitons, dark solitons, as well as their bound states.


All the way along the line, from the border right up to Peking, as far as the eye could see, the countryside was literally covered up with a green carpet of growing crops, holding a promise of bumper harvests.


In summary, the dynamic construal approach to denominal verbs bolsters four tenets of cognitive linguistics: the meaningfulness of grammar; an anti-compositional view of meaning; an experientialist and conceptualist stance while characterizing linguistic meanings; and a serious attitude towards metaphoric and metonymic use of language.


Table 5 Correlation of Cobb angle of rat lumbar spine in anteroposterior radiograph with related genesConclusions:(1)Chirismus and tetracycline have a similar therapeutic effect to relieve the lumbar disc degeneration of rats via inhibiting the expression of COL-1a.


But the bitter truth we critics must face is that in the grand scheme of things.the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so.but there are times when a critic truly risks something and that is in the discovery and defense of the new.The world is often unkind to new talent ,new creations.the new needs friends.


In the area with the tuberculosis as a frequently-occurring disease,most of the cases could be diagnosed definitely by using the examination of CT and cystoscopy,seeking tuberˉcle bacillus in urine by microscopy were valuable for early diagnosis,B ultrasonographycould not provide effective inˉformation for diagnosing,KUB+IUP could provideinformation for the diagnosis and prognosis,conservative treatment brought poor curative effect,early treatment and regular using antituberculotic were significant to the prognosis.


Despite the fact that I was barely cognizant that skin color had significance and certainly hadn't made the connection between brown skin and slavery, my mother wanted me to have an opinion that not only made sense but dovetailed with her own.


The independence of words is shown phonologically by the fact that they may be preceded and followed by pauses; orthographically by their separation by means of spaces or punctuation mark; syntactically by the fact that they may be used alone as a single utterance; and semantically by the possibility of assigning to them one or more dictionary meanings.

现代汉语对词的一般定义为:词是语言中最小的、能独立运用的、形体和意义都固定化的造句单位。两种语言中关于词的描述是比较相近的: 1都有稳定的结构形式 2都有相对独立的概念 3是句子的结构要素差异: 1读音上 2书写上构词对比词是语言的基本单位,但并不是最小的有意义的单位,还可以分成更小的单位。

Mr Zhang's consistent insistence and concern for the people-oriented ideas, the feelings of cherishing for life, the spirit of esteeming beauty, the feelings of cherishing for philosophy and the deep love for nation congeals the soul and purport of his philosophy of education. Mr. Zhang's philosophy can be called "the Chinese Philosophy of Our Own".


The answer is that the idea of a meaningful language is complicated by the wide range of things that might count as meaning or content—broad content, narrow content, language meaning, speaker's meaning, meaning within an idiolect, meaning in virtue of a division of linguistic labor, and so forth.


更多网络解释与有意义相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

significantly adv. considerably:(相当数量地);meaningfully (有意义地)

4)They said the allocation of seats was unfair.(他们说席位的分配不公平. ... | 4. significantly adv. considerably (相当数量地);meaningfully (有意义地) | significant adj. important,meaningful (意义重大的...

make sense of sth:了解某文的意义;make sense有意义,能理解,有道理

make room for 给......让地方 | make sense of sth 了解某文的意义;make sense有意义,能理解,有道理 | make sure 确保;保证

ps: Make sense:有意义的/有建设性的

13. He has no sense.这人白痴. | ps: Make sense.有意义的/有建设性的. | Make no sense.毫无意义.


但如果我们考虑到他用了"有意味的"这个定语,考虑到"有意味的"(significant)这个词语不仅有"有意义"(meaningful)的意思,而且有"重要"(important)、"有重大影响"(having a major effect)的意思,我们就不能将贝尔的主张简单地等同于形式主义.

meaningful learning:有意义学习

从学习过程是否包含有理解,可分为机械学习(rote learning)与有意义学习(meaningful learning)两种方式. 而有意义学习根据学习过程中是否包含发现的环节,又可分为接受学习(reception learning)和发现学习(discovery learning)两种方式:接受学习是指要学习的内容是以现成信息的形式存在的,


讲解技能的基本要素包括:1.有意义(Meaningfulness)讲解有意义指所给的例子适合学生的理解水平,例子跟要讲解的主题关系清楚. 学生熟悉所给实例,与其能力和经验相符合. 3.变化(Variety)讲解时需提供不同类型的例证、从不同角度说明的实例.

Relate to business:对使用者有意义

..Business-Oriented:企业可以理解的,重要的参与感 | ..Relate to business:对使用者有意义 | ..Meaningful:要有意义

It is worth (one's ) while to do sth:值得某人做某事. ; be worthwhile是由价值的/有意义的

be worth doing sth.值得做某事 | It is worth (one's ) while to do sth....值得某人做某事. ; be worthwhile是由价值的/有意义的 | a worthwhile program一档有教育意义的节目

You think hard poops is significant:硬大便有意义吗

Two.--You think that's significant?|- 二 - 你觉得有意义吗? | You think hard poops is significant?|硬大便有意义吗? | Two and a half?|二点五?

Important at the local level:在某个范围内有意义

Meaningful at an individual level 在个人级别上有意义 | Important at the local level 在某个范围内有意义 | Significant for the community at large 对整个社会有意义