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有息肉的 的英文翻译、例句


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Results IL-8 antigen staining was observed predominantly in the acidophilic and the epithelium cells in the nasal polyps, and immunoreactive IL-8 was distributed widely in the cell plasm of these cells, and IL-8 antigen staining was barely observed in control.

结果 鼻息肉中IL-8免疫阳性物质存在且主要分布在鼻息肉上皮层和嗜酸性粒细胞的细胞浆内;对照组中,上皮层细胞浆有少量的IL-8免疫阳性颗粒着色。

Result:322 cases,The trouble CT scanning sees the cerebellum star type cytoma 1 cases;cerebritis 18 cases;Ametropia 51 cases;The adenoid body is light, moderate large 79 cases;The encephalitis merge has nasosinusitis 37 cases;Nasosinusitis merge has the nose polyp 12 cases;The merge has the paranasal sinus mucous membrane cyst 6 cases;The merge has the mastorditis 29 cases;The merge has nasosinusitis, the mastorditis 22 cases.


The objective parameters, including fundamental frequency, Jitter , Shimmer, Harmonic to noise ratio, Normalized noise energy, and maximum phonatory time which were measured mainly on a sustained /i:/ with the Dr.


Recently, a middle age man developed a polypus on his vocal cord after practicing singing


An increased risk for NAFLD was more evident in patients with a greater number of adenomatous polyps.


At present,with the increasing studies on neuropeptide,many of them have shown that substance Pand vasoactive intestinal peptideare closely related to the occurrence of nasal polyps and colorectal polyps which are similar to the occurrence and pathology of vocal cord polyps.This article will discuss these aspects in order to investigate the relationship between SP,VIP and vocal cord polyps.


The operation revealed a lot of filthy or inflammatory polypoid substances in the involved sinus cavities in all patients.


For simple for the purpose of, these pathological change that will right at different position happening and tit shape cystitis put in the article 's charge to undertake having representative discussion for polypous shape cystitis together.


There are a world of different for clinical manifestation and imaging manifestation in carcinoma of ulreter and polyp of ureter, polypus were cured in opening operation and laparoscopy or intracavitary, hut carcinoma of ulreter should were selected to opening operation or laparoscopy in first, intracavity operation of recuring rate was higher and had more complications.


Methods: 458 postmenopausal endometrial polyps were all treated by transcervical recection of polyp,and diagnosed by pathology.The presence of ER,PR, Bcl-2 and Ki-67 were detected by immunohistochemical staining.Following up these cases, 160 cases recured in three months to three years after treatment.These recurrence were treated by large dose mifepristone.After three months, 55 cases remainder EP were detected by hysteroscopy and treated by TCRP,then detected the presence of above receptors in the same way.


更多网络解释与有息肉的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

laparoscopic cholecystectomy LC:腹腔镜胆囊切除术

对于息肉直径小(10mm)、多个、有蒂的PLG患者,提示病变为假瘤性息肉可能性大,以腹腔镜胆囊切除术(laparoscopic cholecystectomy LC)为首选. 而对于息肉直径>10mm,又具有PLG恶变的危险因素患者,提示为肿瘤性息肉,应行常规开腹胆囊切除术. 术中常规行冰冻切片,


本组资料中,单发性息肉及部分多发生息肉的局部内膜呈过度增生而形成赘生物(neoplasm)即息肉,而息肉周围内膜呈正常形态,可证实其对E、P的效应有差异. 此外,本组EP 32例中,子宫增大25例,占78%,尤其是绝经后的EP 5例子宫均未萎缩,


也有研究在探讨食用蔬果与息肉(polyp)发生与生长间的关系. 息肉多半生长在肠道,最终可发展成结肠癌. 研究人员认为这可能是因为叶酸在DNA合成与修复的过程中扮演的角色,使得它具有对抗乳癌与结肠癌等癌症的功效.

rectal polyp:直肠息肉

直肠息肉(rectal polyp)泛指自直肠黏膜突向肠腔的隆起性病变(图1). 息肉种类很多,亦很常见. 直肠是息肉的多发部位,并常常合并有结肠息肉. 肿瘤性息肉有恶变倾向.

cervical polyp:宫颈息肉

3.宫颈息肉(cervical polyp) 慢性炎症长期刺激使宫颈管局部粘膜增生,子宫有排除异物的倾向,使增生的粘膜逐渐自基底部向宫颈外口突出而形成息肉,一个或多个不等,直径一般约1cm,色红、呈舌形、质软而脆,易出血,蒂细长.

cervical polyp:子 宮 頸 息 肉

子宫颈息肉(cervical polyp)是慢性宫颈炎的一种表现. 有一种息肉的根部附着于子宫颈口或宫颈管内,是宫颈黏膜在炎症的刺激下局部增生,并外突于宫颈外口而形成的. 该疾病的病因:

nasal polyposis:鼻息肉病

近年来,许多学者提出鼻息肉病(nasal polyposis)的改变,但临床上鼻息肉和鼻息肉病尚无明确的区分标准. 下列情况应考虑为鼻息肉病:①有鼻息肉前期手术及术后复发史;②糖皮质激素类治疗有效;③息肉样变粘膜与正常粘膜无明显分界线;


有许多无脊椎动物通过孢子(spore)、息肉(polypus)和芽(bud)等体细胞也能产生新个体. 腔肠、扁形动物等无脊椎动物生殖细胞的分化并不确定,在一定条件下体细胞 ...

adenomatous polyp:腺瘤性息肉

胃息肉分为增生性息肉(hyperplastic polyp)腺瘤性息肉(adenomatous polyp),也可以将其中呈乳头状生长者称为乳头状息肉(papillomatous polyp). 实际上,有些作者将一部分呈扁平隆起状的腺瘤划为腺瘤型异型增生,亦有扁平腺瘤(flatadenoma)之称.

polyp of vocal cord:声带息肉

声带息肉(polyp of vocal cord)发病位置在声带固有层浅层,位于声带游离缘中1/3处. 息肉多呈苍白,透明或半透明,多为单侧,有蒂或广基,大息肉可产生呼吸困难,影响发音,严重的导致失声.