英语人>词典>汉英 : 有差别地 的英文翻译,例句
有差别地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与有差别地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The scholars started from a point of view that theyself were the male and realizeded that the female's beauty is a latent harm to the society of males.Because of it,the scholars gave the female some effective criterion of ethics and behavior. So the female could walk on this road voluntarily and became a controlled and enslaved role.Besides it, the scholars bounded and fixed the female's station in accordance with the given distinction of production, labor, politics and education between the male and felmale.It became a theory starting point of ethics that males and husbands the honour, females and wives the humble in the aftertime of bimillennium.


In experience analysis, giving actual rural-urban inequality as the jumping-off place, points out that our country have clear dual-economic and social struction characteristic, and analyze the reasons for which dual-economic and social struction is formed and retained; rural modernization is key to our countrys modernization for the following aspects,on the one hand, the problem of the farmer and rural and agriculture have strategic position and role, on the other hand, rural is the focus of a series of realistic problems; I closely grasp three mainlines of rural modernization, namely agriculture modernization and rural industrialization and rural-to-urban population migrants , we could make them united organically and make a research for them relatedly and discriminatingly, then some policy recommendations are offered.


The results confirm predictions of differential southern edge and overall range shifts for species occupying mountain and flatland regions in North America.


Finally, it analyses the time complexity of the algorithm and researches how it is influenced by culture operator.3、The paper presents the evaluation standard of the GA's application capability. Basing on characters such as continuity, multi-peak, vibration, randomicity as well as large-scale, five functions are selected to test search ability and robustcity of co-evolution algorithm. Finally, it analyses the simulation result and researches the influence of algorithm brought by culture operators.4、Basing on the concept of collection overcast, it researches the task distribution issue and constitutes delaminated math model on task distribution issue. It puts out the co-evolution algorithm of subtask's decomposing. The experiment compare IGA、SGA to CN and validates the efficiency of co-evolution algorithm on the NP completeness issue.5、Being aim at the optimization issue of load of antenna near ground, it combines many GA strategies and puts forward strategic meme. And it puts out co-evolution algorithm of load of antenna design. And it emulates the optimization design of load of antenna near ground. Finally, it valuates the co-evolution algorithm's efficiency on the continuum search issues of multi-variable and multi-peak value.6、Being aiming at the knowledge of image model matching, it adopts single meme and real code. It puts out fast co-evolution matching algorithm strategy. Basing on NPROD resemble measurement, I emulate the indiscrimination model matching and discrimination model matching. Finally, it valuates the co-evolution algorithm's efficiency on the real code and real time search issue.


The results are as follows:1 No significant difference in the translational energy distributions for different CO rotational state products has been observed at 208nm and 213nm excitation wavelengths.

主要结论如下:(1)光解碎片CO 在208nm、213nm 两个解离波长下不同振转态的平动能分布没有明显地差别,而其不同振转态的各向异性参数β却有明显地不同。

And its benefits have been enjoyed unequally by urban and rural dwellers.


In experience analysis, giving actual rural-urban inequality as the jumping-off place, points out that our country have clear dual-economic and social struction characteristic, and analyze the reasons for which dual-economic and social struction is formed and retained; rural modernization is key to our countrys modernization for the following aspects,on the one hand, the problem of the farmer and rural and agriculture have strategic position and role, on the other hand, rural is the focus of a series of realistic problems; I closely grasp three mainlines of rural modernization, namely agriculture modernization and rural industrialization and rural-to-urban population migrants , we could make them united organically and make a research for them relatedly and discriminatingly, then some policy recommendations are offered.


It is frequently desirable, as in the case of automotive differential applications, to have gearing similar to bevel gears but with the shaft offset.


Briefly, putting two and two together, six sixteen which he pointedly turned a deaf ear to, Antonio and so forth, jockeys and esthetes and the tattoo which was all the go in the seventies or thereabouts even in the house of lords because early in life the occupant of the throne, then heir apparent, the other members of the upper ten and other high personages simply following in the footsteps of the head of the state, he reflected about the errors of notorieties and crowned heads running counter to morality such as the Cornwall case a number of years before under their veneer in a way scarcely intended by nature, a thing good Mrs Grundy, as the law stands, was terribly down on though not for the reason they thought they were probably whatever it was except women chiefly who were always fiddling more or less at one another it being largely a matter of dress and all the rest of it.


For Mr. Obama, who has been taking pains to strike a conciliatory note during his first visit to China, it was a rare challenge to Chinese authorities, but expressed in Mr. Obama's now familiar nuance.


更多网络解释与有差别地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


三种顶级红酒中,最贵的Romanée-Conti被认为是布根地酒的"完美版本",丰满浓郁甘甜,肉桂(Cinnamon)和丁香(Cloves)的酒香是它的"商标"但La Tache的酒与之相比不逊色,丰满度也许尤过之,价钱的差别只因La Tache酒田有15亩,产量较大而已.


discriminate 歧视 | discriminating 有差别的 | discriminatingly 有辨别力地


discriminately 有差别地 | discriminating 识别的 | discriminatingdiscriminatory 有差别的


discriminating 有差别的 | discriminatingly 有辨别力地 | discrimination 歧视

discriminatingly:有辨别力地; 区别对待地; 有差别地 (副)

discriminating 识别的, 有差别的, 有识别力的 (形) | discriminatingly 有辨别力地; 区别对待地; 有差别地 (副) | discrimination 差别, 辨别力, 岐视 (名)

local governance:地方治理

在公共事务的管理中,还存在着其他的管理方法和技术,政府有责任使用这些新的方法和技术来更好地对公共事务进行控制和引导. [4]"地方治理"(local governance)与"地方政府统治"(local government)从词面上看似乎差别不大,但其实际含义却不同.


因此,在不同的光线下观察如直接日光、反射昼光、钨光或荧光,牙齿的外观有差异,此即条件配色(metamerism)现象. 当然,要完全模仿出这种光学效果是不可能的. 然而,牙医能够足够地接近这些美观特征,只有经过训练的眼睛才能看出差别.

Otis tarda:大鸨

不同的是海龙的身体比海马大一些,海龙的头部和身体有叶状附肢,尾巴也不像海马......形态 大鸨 大鸨(Otis tarda)体形略似鸵鸟,但能飞翔. 大型的陆栖鸟类又名地鵩. 雄鸟和雌鸟的体形相差十分悬殊,是现生鸟类中体重差别最大的种类.


休谟在>第四章中指出解证(demonstrative)推理与或然(probable)推理的差别(注意商务中译本有错译):人类推理或探究的一切对象可以自然地分为两类:观念的关系(Relations ofIdeas)和实际的事情(Matters of Fact).


discriminate 差别待遇 | discriminately 有差别地 | discriminating 识别的