- 更多网络例句与有小喙的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Dolphin Any of various marine cetacean mammals, such as the bottle-nosed dolphin, of the family Delphinidae, related to the whales but generally smaller and having a beaklike snout.
Any of various marine cetacean mammals, such as the bottle-nosed dolphin, of the family Delphinidae, related to the whales but generally smaller and having a beaklike snout.
Any of various small,often brightly colored tropical American birds of the family Coerebidae,having a curved bill adapted for suck ing nectar from flowers.
It is showed that Class Ⅲ malocclusion samples in this study were significant characterized with longer mandibular corpus, smaller condyle and coronoid process. Meanwhile, the prominence of size difference on chin area was observed, associated with maximum size difference localized on menton area.
两组的有限元素形态分析法(finite element analysis morphometry)比较结果显示:三级异常咬合者有较长的下颚骨体,颏部区域也比正常咬合者大,但condyle及喙状突则较小;另外menton附近区域有最大但是小范围的尺寸差异,是三级异常咬合者和一级正常咬合的差异特徵。
Any of several small, short-tailed birds of the family Sittidae, having a long sharp bill and known for climbing down trees headfirst.
The Ankura Gungan is an older race, with a stockier build, shorter bill and haillu, and hooded eyes.
Both sex es have a bare-skinned throat pouch, tiny feet, and a long hooked bill that is used to attack and rob other seabirds of their fish.
Both sexes have a bare-skinned throat pouch , tiny feet, and a long hooked bill that is used to attack and rob other seabirds of their fish.
- 更多网络解释与有小喙的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
ross 粗糙表面 | rosser 伐木工人 | rostellate 有小喙的
shoulder joint:肩关节
属于平面关节.是肩胛骨活动的支点,关节的上方有肩锁韧带加强,关节囊和锁骨下方有坚韧的喙锁韧带连于喙突.囊内的关节盘常出现于关节上部,部分分隔关节,关节活动度小.1.肩关节(shoulder joint) 由肱骨头与肩胛骨的关节盂构成,
雀形目(Passeriformes)百灵科(Alaudidae)鸣禽,约75种. 分布在整个东半球大陆,只有角百灵(Eremophila alpestris)亦见于西半球. 喙的形状极不相同,小而呈窄圆锥形,或长而向下弯曲. 后爪长而直. 羽衣素色或有条纹(雌、雄鸟常相同),
Certhia familiaris:旋木雀
代表种类旋木雀(Certhia familiaris). 38、啄花鸟科(Dicaeidae)体小,为旧大陆最小的鸟类. 喙细尖,先端喙缘有众多锯齿;翅、尾均短. 两性多异色,雄羽鲜艳具闪光. 分布于东洋界及澳洲界,共2属44 种,我国1属6种,多不迁徙. 代表种类红胸啄花鸟(Dicaeum ignipectus).
鴴形目(Charadriiformes)海雀科(Alcidae)6种小型海鸟的总称. 主要繁殖於白令海和北太平洋;有些向南远至日本和墨西哥越冬. 其繁殖期的羽毛不同於有亲缘关系的小海鸦之处为:其羽毛及包括鲜艳鸟喙在内的头部装饰与其近缘海鹦相似. 营巢於海边石缝里,
coracoacromial lig:喙肩韧带
属于平面关节.是肩胛骨活动的支点,关节的上方有肩锁韧带加强,关节囊和锁骨下方有坚韧的喙锁韧带连于喙突.囊内的关节盘常出现于关节上部,部分分隔关节,关节活动度小.3.喙肩韧带(coracoacromial lig) 为三角形的扁韧带,
或者利用现有的树洞营巢;翠鸟则在土壁上...鹟鴷科 鹟鴷科(Galbulidae),鴷形目的一科. 鹟鴷体型较小,喙细长而尖直,象鹟一样在空中捕食飞虫,羽毛有金属光泽. 鹟鴷...鴷形目的鹟鴷科(Galbulidae)和喷鴷科(Bucconidae)组成...
Navicula rhynchocephala:喙头舟形藻
含广缘小环藻(Cyclotella bodanica)颗粒直链藻(Melosira granulata)喙头舟形藻(Navicula rhynchocephala)扁圆异壳藻(Coc-粒以上(图2). 上段硅藻组合以广缘小环藻和扭曲小环藻(Cyclotella stelligera)占绝ceae)脆杆藻科(Fragilariaceae)平板藻科(Tabellariaceae)等许多属种具有较强的污染最具敏感性是最有应用前景的代用指标
木虱科(Psyllidae)同翅目的1科. 本科昆虫通称木虱. 体小型,活泼,能跳. 头短阔. 有复眼,单眼3个. 触角细长,10节. 喙3节. 前胸小,中胸背板大. 前翅有1条3分枝的脉纹,每支再分叉. 后足基节腹面有1疣状突起;胫节有端刺;跗节2节;有中垫.
rosser 伐木工人 | rostellate 有小喙的 | rostellum 蕊喙