英语人>词典>汉英 : 有孕 的英文翻译,例句
有孕 的英文翻译、例句


be with child · be pregnant
更多网络例句与有孕相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Coronis was already pregnant, when she was placed upon a funeral pyre17 to be burned, Apollo felt sorrow for his unborn son and saved the child Asclepius from his mother's body, saving him from death.


Di Gong immediately realized that this is the Alu swap pregnant woman harboring the Crown Princess.


Danny: No, I... I didn't even know that.


And he went in unto Hagar, and she conceived: and when she saw that she had conceived, her

16:4 亚伯兰与夏甲同房,夏甲就怀了孕。她见自己有孕,就小看她的主母。

It has a very pleasant, light scent that is perfect for pregnancy, even when I had morning sickness.


The risk can be reduced if the baby of an infected mother is delivered by Caesarian section.


Since many anabolic steroids, particularly those derived from nandrolone, are known to have progestational activity, we must not be lulled into a false sense of security.


I put my servant in your arms, and now that she knows she is pregnant, she despises me.


Heckles, and in his determination not to die alone, he calls Janice...


Throughout my whole pregnancy with The Kid at no point did I have any deep rooted desire to have the Other Half there during the birth.


更多网络解释与有孕相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Be in for it:陷入困境; 骑虎难下; 势必受罚, 难免倒霉; 怀胎, 有孕

be in for 遭受; 参加(竞赛等); 请求得到(工作, 职位, 空缺等) | be in for it 陷入困境; 骑虎难下; 势必受罚, 难免倒霉; 怀胎, 有孕 | be in it [口]从事; 参加在内

Be in for it:陷入困境;骑虎难下;怀胎;有孕

be in for 遭受;参加(竞赛等);请求得到(工作,职位,空缺等) | be in for it 陷入困境;骑虎难下;怀胎;有孕 | be in it (口)从事,参加在内

Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate:己酸孕酮

(4)己酸孕酮(hydroxyprogesterone caproate):化学名为17α羟基孕酮己酸酯,为长效孕激素,其孕激素活性为孕酮的7倍,并可维持1-2周以上. 针剂有125mg/支、250mg/支,供肌肉注射. 3.19-去甲基睾酮衍生物 睾酮在19位上去甲基后具有强孕激素作用.

Morning sickness:早孕反应

2.早孕反应在 约有半数以上妇女在停经6周前后开始出现头晕、疲乏、嗜睡、食欲不振、偏食、厌恶油腻、恶心、晨起呕吐等,称早孕反应(morning sickness). 3.尿频 由于妊娠 早期增大的子宫,尤其是前位子宫,在盆腔内压迫膀胱及盆腔充血刺激所致尿频,


据医学界人士称:像这种不同时期怀孕而一起成长的情形,学名称为"重孕"(Superfetation)或"异期复孕",是孕后再有成熟卵子受孕. 在动物中间或有之,如马、鼠、兔和鱼类较多,在人类则极为罕见,只有百万分之一.


gravelly soil 礫石土 | gravid 有孕的;懷卵的 | gravitational water 重力水

be with child:有孕 怀孕

fund pool 基金联营投资 | be with child 有孕 怀孕 | curable 可医治的, 医得好的

great with child:[古]怀孕的, 有孕的

give a child the breast 给孩子喂奶 | great with child [古]怀孕的, 有孕的 | He that has no children knows not what is love. [谚]没有子女的人不懂得爱.

Like widowed wombs after their lords' decease:好似有孕的新寡身上的遗腹子

Bearing the wanton burden of the prime, 承载春天纵乐的果实... | Like widowed wombs after their lords' decease: 好似有孕的新寡身上的遗腹子, | Yet this abundant issue seemed to me 不过,对于我 ,着丰盛的收...

had a fling with a lowly|servant girl... Clara:和地位地下的女仆|克莱拉有私情

When my great, great,|great grandfather Ralph...|我的曾,曾|曾祖父拉尔夫... | had a fling with a lowly|servant girl... Clara.|和地位地下的女仆|克莱拉有私情 | Who was soon eating|for two.|很快她就|有孕在...