英语人>词典>汉英 : 有好多次 的英文翻译,例句
有好多次 的英文翻译、例句


many's the time
更多网络例句与有好多次相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hester had schooled herself long and well; she never responded to these attacks, save by a flush of crimson that rose irrepressibly over her pale cheek, and again subsided into the depths of her bosom.


Above all from register speak of, just began forum it doesn't matter the person is angry, register all conforming to the principle of simplicity that went, resemble what sexual distinction, address, code of test and verify, some still have those who ask a question, can save be saved, after all a lot of newcome person may come over from the search, likelihood to read an article, perhaps download a thing to go person, the first impression is very important, respecting this say test and verify is piled up, forum is registered now a lot of want yard of test and verify, it is good that this does not have what say, but I had seen the most abnormal, it is I go once the forum that a person of it doesn't matter enrages downloads a thing, when registering, see test and verify piles up me really dizzy, it is code of the sort of test and verify that using ceaselessly, was defeated a few times is a mistake, MD, father did not fall to still be no good, you say this kind of forum he can is somebody enraged.


My finger on the block have ringworm hand, the administration at home many times are not good effect.


VoIP users still encounter voice quality problems sometimes, for example aftersound or "repeating many times", a kind of "half-duplex effect"(when you are speaking to the other party you cannot hear what the other party says, similar to radio communication), and the problem of disconnection appears but rarely.


I faced construction deadlines many times, so I know. how to work under pressure.


Wanting to try their cookie and palmier for a long time and finally my friend bought me one of each.


Mr Esdaile, in a politico-military survey of extraordinary scope and detail, tells us what he believes caused the conflict, what it was about and why it lasted so long despite, as it seemed, frequent chances for peace.


Mr Esdaile, in a politico-military survey of extraordinary scope and detail, tells us what he believes caused the conflict, what it was about and why it lasted so long despite, as it seemed, frequent chances for peace.

Esdaile 先生在他一次和和,细致的政治军事调查中告诉我们他对这次战争起因的从法,这次战争的目的并解词为什那虽然从起来有好多次都有从能恢复和平,但战争还是持续了很长时间的原因。

It wasn't about me at all, it was all about the Mom of my Mom, the Daughter of my GreatGrandmother, the Wife of my GrandDad and well, I guess you already know what is it all about, don't you?*** HAPPY BIRTHDAY! GrandMom *** There was so many people at that little house or it's 'cause the house is small so it seemed to be a lot of people...

Grandma (原全不属於我的日子﹐全日都是关我妈咪的妈妈﹐我的曾外祖母的女子﹐我的公公的老婆﹐你以加应该知道我咩意思啦﹐系咪﹖***生日快乐﹗婆婆***在那间屋仔好次我们是好多人咁﹐但是系唔系间屋细就以为有好多人呢﹖。。。

Once I met an e-f at a hurry date, chatted a lot, in which the f mentioned he even harbored alternating personality, not said double.


更多网络解释与有好多次相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

balance beam:平衡木

"竟然没有人做声.过了会有3个同学畏畏缩缩地站出来.其中一个学生走上去,就象踩平衡木(balance beam)异常小心,速度比第一次慢了好多倍;第二个也战战兢兢地踩上桥,看到鳄鱼追来了,吓得哭了,在弗洛姆的帮助下,他才勉强过桥;


夏利和大发的热闹婚礼 夏利"是个挺"标致"的"上海"姑娘,在一次"都市高尔夫"比赛中战胜众多"赛手"(RACER)取得了"金杯",好多小伙子都追求她,其中有个叫"菲亚特"的"莫斯科人",据说是个"公爵"(CEDRIC),准备送她一匹"宝马"(BMW)




单单一天刷两次牙远远不够--还要用牙线(floss)清洁牙齿,然后用漱口水(mouthwash)漱口至少30秒. 自从保养之后,牙龈的毛病就好多了!孕妇看牙是免费的,还有就是生完孩子之后一年都是免费,所以要好好把握这个机会. 不一定非得牙齿有毛病才能去看牙的,


侏儒的脸色现在看上去好多了,看样子已经完全恢复了过来;向着她点点头表示肯定,然后托德(Tod)继续说道. "在卡纳尔(Kanaver)平原上,有一座森林,从来没有在任何两幅地图上被绘在同样的位置;它每一次出现的位置都完全不同.

I am tempted with the beautiful clothings displayed lately:出街仍然有好多衫好吸引

結果一次都未著過出街 In the end, i have nev... | e+ 出街仍然有好多衫好吸引 I am tempted with the beautiful clothings displayed lately | 但已經知道自己櫃統擺佢地唔落 simultaneously i consider the overlo...

With kamikaze hummingbirds:有好多的蜂雀在上面

The tree you planted has become fecund 你种的那棵树已经枝叶茂盛 | With kamikaze hummingbirds 有好多的蜂雀在上面 | Wings of hundreds of beats per second 每秒钟闪动百万次的翅膀