英语人>词典>汉英 : 有大鳍的 的英文翻译,例句
有大鳍的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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All forms of water dwellers, from fin fish to crustaceans, are in great demand.


Also has a white or orange-rimmed ocellus on the upper portion of the caudal fin base (sometimes absent or indistinct in indiviuals over 300 mm SL), moderately large scales (LL=52–70), and no scales on the underside of the lower jaw.

也有一个白色或橙低碳易拉丝 ocellus 尾的鳍的上部的 base (有时不存在或模糊 indiviuals SL 超过 300 毫米的)中,大尺度(你= 52–70),和没有的较低的下巴底面的尺度。

Any of several rays of the family Mobulidae,inhabiting tropical and subtropical seas and having a large flattened body,winglike pectoral fin s,a whiplike tail,and two hornlike fin s that project forward from the head.


On the Mexico coast, an American businessman sat on the shipside of a small fishing village, looking at a Mexico fisherman rowing a tiny boat in shore, with several rhubarb fish in his boat; the businessman laid it on with a trowel to fisherman for those slap-up fish, and asked him how long he took to catch so many fish?


Any of several rays of the family Mobulidae, inhabiting tropical and subtropical seas and having a large flattened body, winglike pectoral fins, a whiplike tail, and two hornlike fins that project forward from the head.


A class of fish having a skeleton composed of bone in addition to cartilage .


Moreover, as the heat flux approach to CHF, numerous vapor mushrooms periodically extruded from the perimeter of fin array are observed. This mechanism will cause the dry-out situation in the central part of fin array. The closer fin spacing and longer fin length can provide larger heat transfer. However, the results also demonstrate that early decay on overall heat transfer coefficient as the fin spacing is closer or fin length is longer.


更多网络解释与有大鳍的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


海鲢目(Elopiformes)大海鲢(Megalopidae)科的海产鱼,与北梭鱼(bonefish)和海鲢(ladyfish)近缘. 背鳍的最後一根鳍条延长;突出的下腭两侧之间有一骨质喉片;鳞大而厚,银白色. 大西洋大海鲢(Tarpon atlanticus或Megalops atlanticus)产於大西洋热带近岸和中美太平洋沿岸,


鲂鱼生活在浅水处底部的有沙的地方,以甲壳纲动物(crustaceans)和小鱼为食. 胸鳍较大,呈扇状,有蓝斑. 当受到袭击时,鲂鱼展开鱼鳍,身体尺寸明显增大. 胸鳍前有三条鳍刺(多骨的刺),用于翻开沙子寻找食物. 豹鲂鮄(flying gurnard),


虎鲸的食物多样,由小型结群鱼类、[[鱿鱼]],一直到大型须鲸与[[抹香鲸]](Sperm Whale)都有可能成为它们的猎物有时甚至会击杀大白鲨;其他如海豹等鳍脚类动物、[[海龟]]、[[海獭]]、[[海牛]]、[[儒艮]](dugong)、[[鲨鱼]]、[[魟]]等,


异物(Foreign Objects)--许多鳍脚类动物,尤其是加周海狮有一种吞食诸如石头的自然习惯,为了排出大的或有害的异物,常用的催吐药如阿朴吗啡( Apomorphine)、吐根糖浆(Syrup of Ipecac)或盐水是非常有效的,根据作者的经验,


W1样区之优势种为狭口螺科、肩米螺科、锥蜷科、玻璃螺科及胎鱼将科,其中胎鱼将科的大肚鱼(Gambusia affinis)及帆鳍胎生鱼将(Poecilia verifera)为外来种小型鱼类,适合半咸淡的水环境,与慈鲷科(Cichlidae)有口孵幼鱼保护习性的吴郭鱼,

Hexanchus griseus:灰六鳃鲨

东海和南海偶而也见灰六鳃鲨(Hexanchus griseus). (2)虎鲨目(Heterodontiformes):头大吻钝,眼上棱起显著,有鼻口沟;前方的牙尖细,后方的牙平扁呈臼齿状. 背鳍2个,前方各具一枚鳍棘;有臀鳍. 全世界只有虎鲨科(Heterodontidae)1属8种,我国产2种,


鲈形目(Perciformes)毛齿鱼科(Trichodontidae)的沙鱼产於北太平洋,体型小而无鳞,口裂垂直,唇具穗. 常将躯体部分埋於沙中. 有两属,即毛齿鱼属(Trichodon)和大鳍毛齿鱼属(Arctoscopus),后一属的种类在日本为食用鱼.