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The trials on cultivation of Atriplex canescensconducted in Minqin Desert Control Experiment Station reveals that this speciesentails fine qualities as strong tolerance in drought, cold, salinity and low temperatureas well as high annual biomass. So it cab be extended in sandy areas with favorableirrigation condition, and on hilly in loess plateau with relatively high rainfall and lowevaporation. As a new substitute species for water/soil conservation and rangelandregeneration, it has a big potential to be extended. However, more research on withinwhich scope this species can be extended need to be done
Spinosad is a recently developed macrolide that has high efficacy hi killing Lepidoptera, Diptera, and Thysanoptera.
Of, relating to, or belonging to the Diptera, a large order of insects that includes the true flies and mosquitoes, characterized by a single pair of membranous wings and a pair of club-shaped balancing organs.
Wings blackish-brown with two conspicuous ground-yellow maculae on the median cell of forewing and S-shaped outer transversal line with ground-yellow reached two-thirds of posterior margin, and hindwing with a small brownish-black spot on the center of upper and lower surfaces. Average wingspan 24.64 ± 0.58 mm (range = 20.50-28.00mm), and male adults averaged 8.56 ± 0.18 mm long (range = 7.50-9.20mm) by 3.85±0.12 mm wide (range = 3.50-4.80mm).
In the action of Dimilin, the diversity levels of Lepidoptera and Orthoptera insect of the treatment plot had a certain degree decline, and the diversity degrees of Hymenoptera insect and spider had a large increase, thus insect community in the treatment stand tended to be relatively stable.
Grass often cultivated for its long white-ribbed leaves and large plumes resembling those of pampas grass.
Fin spacing and density of the staggered tube bundle have much more influence on its performance, when the distance between fins decreased or the tube distributing density increased, heat transfer of the exchanger will be strengthened and pressure drop will be distinctly aggrandized.
Wings blackish-brown with two conspicuous ground-yellow maculae on the median cell of forewing and S-shaped outer transversal line with ground-yellow reached two-thirds of posterior margin, and hindwing with a small brownish-black spot on the center of upper and lower surfaces. Average wingspan 24.64 ± 0.58 mm (range = 20.50-28.00mm), and male adults averaged 8.56 ± 0.18 mm long (range = 7.50-9.20mm) by 3.85±0.12 mm wide (range = 3.50-4.80mm).
Large and broad-winged, this species of bat has a distinctive cone-shaped nose-leaf through which its echolocation sounds are focused.
The results are as follows: 1 The ingroups studied are divided into four clades on the molecular phylogenetic trees that we reconstructed.
我们测定了斑腿蝗科10亚科20种蝗虫和其它蝗科3种蝗虫的16S rDNA序列片段,并从GenBank中下载了斑腿蝗科3种、其它蝗科10种及蚱总科2种的16S rDNA相应序列片段,然后对这共计38种蝗亚目昆虫的16S rDNA序列片段进行了同源性比较,以其中2种蚱作外群构建了蝗总科的分子系统树,得到的结论如下:1斑腿蝗科并非是一单系群。2该科中的切翅蝗亚科、稻蝗亚科、黑蝗亚科、秃蝗亚科、卵翅蝗亚科、蔗蝗亚科均不是单系群,分子系统树的聚类结果与基于形态特征的斑腿蝗科的分类体系有较大的出入。3支持将黑蝗亚科和秃蝗亚科合并为一个亚科——秃蝗亚科。4卵翅蝗、伪稻蝗和稻蝗三者有很近的亲缘关系。
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.柳杉属(Cryptomeria)常绿乔木. 叶钻形,螺旋状排列略成5行列,背腹隆起. 小孢子叶球单生叶腋,大孢子叶球单生枝顶,每一珠鳞有2-5枚胚珠,苞片与珠鳞合生,仅先端分离,球果近球形,种子有极窄的翅. 共2种分布于我国及日本. 树干高大,
膜翅目(Hymenoptera)昆虫纲中的第三大目,也有认为是仅次于鞘翅目的第二大目. 体微小至中型. 头大,复眼发达,具变形的咀嚼式口器. 中胸发达,前胸退化,腹部第一节并入胸部. 翅两对,膜质. 雌虫有发达的产卵器,有时变为锯、钻或刺器. 完全变态.
秋海棠科(Begoniaceae)秋海棠属(Begonia)植物的通称,约1000种,多为肉质植物,有许多种的花或叶色彩鲜艳,用作室内盆栽植物或园艺植物. 产自热带和亚热带. 突出的特征是通常有4种颜色的瓣状被片(花瓣和萼片一起),两大两小,雌花的子房有3个翅.
蠼螋earwig,革翅目(Dermaptera)昆虫,约1,100种. 前翅短,革质;覆盖大而膜质的後翅. 体长5~50公釐(0.2~2吋),体形扁平,细长,色深,有光泽. 咀嚼口器. 渐变态(一生有卵、稚虫及成虫3个阶段). 夜出性,通常为植食性. 有几个种的腹部腺体分泌一种难闻的液体,
鹤形目(gruiformes)日鳽科(eurypygidae)仅有的一种热带美洲的细瘦鸟类,学名为eurypyga helias. 在求偶表演和进行威胁时展开有明显翅斑的双翅. 体长约43公分(17吋),翅大,尾长,有褐、黄、黑、白色的美丽斑点. 生活在潮湿森林的地面上,
斑衣蜡蝉(Lycorma delicatula White) 属蜡蝉科(Fulgoridae),大、中型,体色美丽. 头圆,触角3节,短,末端1节针毛状,着生于复眼下. 翅膜质,翅脉多分支,多横纹,造成网状,后翅臀区翅脉也呈网状. 体上常有白蜡状的物质. 前翅基部有鳞片状小片.
8.蜻蜒目(Odonata)咀嚼式口器,触角短小刚毛状,复眼大;翅两对,膜质多脉,前翅前缘端有一翅痣;腹部细长;半变态. 如蜻蜒,豆娘等. 9.半翅目(Hemiptera)体略扁平;多具翅,前翅为半鞘翅;口器刺吸式,通常4节,着生在头部的前端;触角4或5节;
Sturnus vulgaris:紫翅椋鸟
尤其指紫翅椋鸟(Sturnus vulgaris),体长20公分(8吋),结实,有黑色虹彩,嘴锐长. 已从欧亚引入世界大部地区(除南美洲外). 在北美洲有数百万只,是18901891年在纽约市释放的100只鸟的後代. 尽管也吃害虫,但常损坏果实和谷类收成,还侵占当地鸣禽的巢穴.
缺翅目(Zoraptera)不完全变态类昆虫,小型昆虫,身长仅三毫米左右. 头大,活动自如;触角九节,呈念珠状. 翅细长,前翅大于后翅;也有无翅的种类. 成群生活于树皮下或土中. 种类甚少,仅一科约22种,分布于热带和亚热带. 我国于1973年在西藏初次发现,
Theera are small black or brown speckled auks in northern seas:北海有黑色或褐色斑点的小海雀
auk n.]海雀(北极地区海鸟,体大,短翅,蹼足) | Theera are small black or brown speckled auks in northern seas. 北海有黑色或褐色斑点的小海雀. | mug n.大杯