英语人>词典>汉英 : 有增无减 的英文翻译,例句
有增无减 的英文翻译、例句


on the increase · There is increase but no decrease. · grow more and more
更多网络例句与有增无减相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this way, the diurnal ant can not help but clear the roadblock arduously and have no enough time to gather food next day.


It is storm of at one's convenience rises really, sit firmly line fishing boat, no matter produce what situation, can ensure the press issues an amount to have add without decrease.


When governments, dictators, big business and the clerically powerful begin to see that this increasing antagonism between men only leads to indiscriminate destruction and is therefore no longer profitable, they may force us, through legislation and other means of compulsion, to suppress our personal cravings and ambitions and to co-operate for the well-being of mankind.


The International technology trade has developed rapidly since 1960s and the battle of interests has become fiercer,of which the dissention on Restrictive Clauses is essential.


The growth in popularity of international dressage has been dynamic.


Just began to be returned probably inexperienced and ignorant the power that passes the Incantation of the Golden hoop, flatter oneself no more than is that's what it all adds up to, so also Ma Zhao runs, dance is illuminated jump, maize force content has add without decrease.


This will be harder still after the ejection of Todd Thomson, the free-spending head of its wealth-management group.


Yet she went further in her harlotry.


By the 1970's the hue and cry for teaching critical thinking in the schools was, if not clear, at least loud; and it has continued largely unabated to the present.


Given the improbability of imminent political reform, the pressure on this system is likely only to increase in the coming months as China's economy slows and many more lose their jobs.


更多网络解释与有增无减相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bayer Leverkusen:勒沃库森

此前他们曾以业余队的身份击败过不来梅、柏林赫塔和波鸿,所以媒体戏称他们是"专门'捏'B队的高手(这几支球队的第一个字母都是B)". 今年他们升上了乙级联赛,"捏B队"的功力自然有增无减,勒沃库森(Bayer Leverkusen)也成了他们的牺牲品.

Penelope Cruz:(潘妮洛普克魯茲)

汤森德说:"椎间盘突塞隆受伤可能会影响到她出席影片>(Head in the Clouds)的宣传活动,但是影迷们的热切期待却有增无减,因为片中不但有浴室中塞隆真空上装与男友斯图尔德做爱的场面,还有她穿着性虐待皮装,与银幕情人潘妮洛普-克鲁兹(Penelope Cruz)大跳色情探戈的镜头

Tackle Box:工具盒

如果是初学钓鱼,建议可以买一些实用的,较为普通的工具,等到有了经验,同时觉得自己钓鱼的兴趣有增无减时,那才是到了把装备好好准备的时候了.可以买一个工具盒(Tackle Box),这样可以分门别类地放上不同尺寸大小的鱼钩,长短粗细不一的鱼线,

The resentment festered in his mind:他心中的愤恨有增无减

5816. The peoples are in a festal atmosphere. 各族人民都沉浸在节日的气氛之中. | 5817. The resentment festered in his mind. 他心中的愤恨有增无减. | 5818. His wound became festering. 他的伤口在溃烂....

sea wall:海堤

史丹利公园接二连三受到雪暴巨风的吹袭,破坏有增无减,而完全重建所需的具体金钱,还需要数月才能计算出来,而要达到长远保护生态的目的,很可能还需更多资源,但苏利文认为650万元已足够,将风灾造成的狼籍景象清理干净、重开林中步行小径、修好已毁坏的海堤(Sea Wall)等.


1821年1月8日,雷戈控制了阿拉贡(Aragon),迁入萨拉戈萨(Saragossa). 6月18日,他迎娶了自己的表妹Maria Teresa del Riego y Bustillos. 同年9月4日,在一次共和主义者叛变失败后,他被误认为支持共和政体主义,被判入狱. 但他的支持度有增无减,