英语人>词典>汉英 : 有墙壁的 的英文翻译,例句
有墙壁的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与有墙壁的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Most walls are not normally subject to direct tensile stress and the designer and detailer to avoid such stressing but external walls at the top of a high-rise structure are liable to flexural tensile action due to lateral wind forces.


Clouds encircle the summit of Nanga Parbat, a steep-walled mountain in the western Himalaya.


Most of it does, but just enough clings to vertical surfaces to warrant a seasonal or preholiday bath. Use a sponge and hand dishwashing detergent, washing the surface in sections.


Wherever there are walls, there are posters with bright venomous crabs heralding the approach of cancer.


Although the "Citadels" are walled, it is far from clear that these structures were defensive.


Spending an hour staring at the wall while thinking up the perfect tagline for a marketing campaign is creative faffing; staring at the wall for an hour because you don't know how to come up with a tagline, or don't know the product you're marketing well enough to come up with one, is just wasting time.


Ceilings should be ac-cessible for cleaning, and ideally, the surface should he coved where ceilings and walls meet In many food-production areas, the ceiling must have thermal in-sulation This may be necessary either to prevent surface condensation or to reduce the energy costs of maintaining low environmental temperaturesWalls should also be insulated, to prevent surface condensation They should be free from rising damp and be protected, where appropriate, from damage by forklift trucks, by use of a guard rail In modern factories, there is always a coved surface where walls meet the floor It is also usual for there to be a coved surface where walls join at right angles.


Look! Colorful wall colors, pink, light yellow, light green ...... the people looked dazzling; re-count there are several, one, two or even three.


Let there be a blue sky,white clouds,endless meadows,oceans,and gorgeous sunrise and sunset up on the wall


Well for one on the beach guys group up and you can easily get guys as they come around the corners of the walls but more importantly it has plenty of stinger emplacements.


更多网络解释与有墙壁的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

anechoic chamber:消声室

消声室(anechoic chamber) 指一间没有反射的房间. 在消声室的墙壁上均铺设得有吸声性能良好的吸声材料 . 因此,室内便不会有声波的反射. 消声室是专门用来测试音箱、喇叭单元等清晰(articulate) 指表示音响器材能够清晰的分辨音调的声学术语.


: 注意:on_beeper()是Rur-Ple内置的动作,用来判断机器人是不是处在蜂鸣器(beeper)上,然后得出"是(true)或否(false)"的结论. + :!: 注意:代码中front_is_clear()是Rul-Ple内置的函数,用来判断机器人的正前方是不是有墙壁,


他找到的证据主要有: ①中央大厅主要入口处南端的上方,有一个花岗岩的鸠尾榫(dovetail),上面雕 刻有塞提一世的徽纹记号. ②中央大厅的东面墙壁的内侧,有类似的鸠尾榫. ③北侧长方形房间的屋顶上,有一幅描写天文光景的图画,

Except Me:除了我之外

But so far, nothing in here says "scary bachelor."|但目前为止这里还没显示 有变态单身汉的迹象 | Except me.|除了我之外 | I really like this wall color.|-我喜欢这墙壁的颜色


埃及墙壁不是素面的,而都以横饰带(frieze)做装饰处理. 睡椅(couches)做得低,没有床尾板(foot boards),但床头则有一小小的适于搁放颈子的枕靠(rests). 凳子(stools)往往有木制的底部,但睡椅总是以编绳做成的. 在公元前600年,


再走到洗衣机附近会看到一件DHARMA的制服(Dharma jumpsuit),也拍下来,走到沙发附近,一旁的小几上有放一盏lava lamp,从lava lamp左侧看出去,有一面涂鸦的墙壁(mural),可能是Desmond死守研究站重复地输入那不明所以的数字,


[罗马式的建筑]十二世纪以前礼拜堂的形式和古代罗马坚实的建筑一样,所以叫做罗马式的(Romanesque)建筑. 罗马式礼拜堂的天花板都用石料造成,所以不能不筑坚厚的墙壁去支持它. 礼拜堂中部有一个主要的庑间,叫做本堂. 本堂两旁各有一个较狭的庑间,


靠近门口的平面桌上有∶ * 空杯 * 水 * 沥青 ( Pitch ) * 骨碳( Boneblack ) * 脾脏 ( Spleen ) 最後面靠墙壁的斜面桌上有∶ * 钻孔锥( stiletto ). 走上楼梯,拿走鹅毛笔,以及柜子上面的木盒子. 下楼. 站在有白纸的斜面桌前,


高拱廊(TRIFORIUM) 位于连拱廊(ARCADE)之上,明窗(CLERESTORY)之下的中堂(NAVE)墙壁的一部分(彩图47). 常由占一个跨间三个门/窗的盲连拱廊(BLIND ARCADE)组成. 当中堂墙上还建有一楼廊(GALLERY)时,从正视图上看,中堂墙壁有四层,

The Sewers:下水道

城下水道(The Sewers) 在虚拟世界中与队友会合,结果在逃避追杀的途中高斯特不小心由一条下水道滑了下去,接着要想办法到达顶部有电话的平台. 往前沿管道走过去,贴墙边往右转,越过墙壁进入壁室继续前行,在瀑布后面爬上一道红色竖梯,