- 更多网络例句与有叶鞘的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Scape extravaginal, somewhat curved and drooping,30-35 cm long, with yellow and scentless flower; sepals narrow-obovate,4.5-5.5cm long; lip broad-ovate,, 3-lobed, mid-lobe with broad V-shaped purple-red blotch, velutinous in the V area.
花葶从叶鞘中穿出稍弯下垂,长30~35cm ,有6~20朵花,黄绿色,无香味;萼片狭倒卵形,长4.5~5.5cm ;唇瓣宽卵形,3裂,中裂片中部有宽阔的"V"字形紫红色斑块, V 形区有天鹅绒般细毛。
Culm internodes densely pruinose; culm sheaths with conspicuous longitudinal ribs, tessellate venation distinct; leaf sheath oral setae to 6 mm.
节间浓密具粉霜的Culm;有显眼的长度肋骨的竿箨,棋盘格状脉络清楚;叶鞘口头的刚毛到6毫米 14 Y。
Culm internodes not pruinose; culm sheaths with conspicuous longitudinal ribs, tessellate venation not evident; leaf sheath oral setae 1.5–3 mm.
Culm节间不具粉霜;有显眼的长度肋骨的竿箨,棋盘格状脉络不明显;叶鞘口头的刚毛1.5-3毫米 13 Y。
Leaves distichous, simple, those toward base of plant usually bladeless and reduced to sheaths; leaf sheath open; ligule usually present; petiole present or not, located between leaf blade and sheath, cushionlike in Zingiber ; leaf blade suborbicular or lanceolate to narrowly strap-shaped, rolled longitudinally in bud, glabrous or hairy, midvein prominent, lateral veins usually numerous, pinnate, parallel, margin entire.
Leaf sheaths shorter than internodes, glabrous or infrequently tuberculate-hispid; leaf blades linear, 10–40(–70) cm × 3–9 mm, usually glabrous, sometimes tuberculate-hispid; ligule ca. 0.5 mm. Panicle open or somewhat contracted, 10–45 cm; central axis and branches scabrid; branches 5–20 cm, stiffly ascending or spreading, solitary or fasciculate, loosely spiculate; pedicels scabrid, apex usually with long stiff hairs.
Leaf sheaths shorter than internodes, loose, pilose or glabrescent; leaf blades linear, flat or convolute, rigid, 15–30 cm × 5–8 mm, glabrous or hairy, apex finely acuminate; ligule 0.3–0.5 mm. Panicle usually contracted, dense, infrequently looser, 15–35 cm; central axis and branches scabrid-hispidulous; branches 2.5–10 cm, fasciculate in middle part, ascending; pedicels scabrid, apex often with stiff bristles.
Inflorescences terminal and axillary from upper leaf sheaths, composed of a few subdigitate racemes; racemes conspicuously hairy, fragile, sessile and pedicelled spikelets of a pair similar, both fertile; rachis internodes and pedicels flat, ciliate.
Culm sheaths without spots, thickly pruinose and with sparse, brown setae, margins distally pink, ligules ca.
竿箨没有斑点,厚厚具粉霜和有稀少,棕色刚毛,粉红色的上部边缘,叶舌约5毫米;叶鞘的叶耳截形到有拱顶,1-2.5毫米 7 P。
Scape extravaginal, somewhat curved and drooping,30-35 cm long, with yellow and scentless flower; sepals narrow-obovate,4.5-5.5cm long; lip broad-ovate,, 3-lobed, mid-lobe with broad V-shaped purple-red blotch, velutinous in the V area.
花葶从叶鞘中穿出稍弯下垂,长30~35cm ,有6~20朵花,黄绿色,无香味;萼片狭倒卵形,长4.5~5.5cm ;唇瓣宽卵形,3裂,中裂片中部有宽阔的&V&字形紫红色斑块, V 形区有天鹅绒般细毛。
Brushing ABA or BA onto the upper leaves or ears of H. vulgare increased the Na+ content in the whole plant, especially in the ears, stems and sheaths, compared with that of NaC1 only treatment. The K(superscript +) content showed no significant changes in any treatments.
- 更多网络解释与有叶鞘的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
intercalary growth:居间生长
居间生长(intercalary growth) 定义由穿插在成熟组织之间的居间分生组织,经过细胞分裂、生长和分化而形成成熟结构的生长过程,称居间生长. 举例如禾本科植物茎节间和某些单子叶植物叶和叶鞘的基部、花生雌蕊柄的基部等,都有居间生长现象,
其基部直接着生在叶鞘顶端,无柄少数禾草及竹类的营养叶则可具叶柄(petiole)],叶片有近轴(上表面)与远轴(下表面)的两个平面,在未开展或干燥时可作席卷状,有1条明显的中脉(midrib)和若干条与之平行的纵长次脉(sècondary veins),
叶鞘与叶片连接处的外侧称为叶枕(pulvinus)(又称叶颈、叶环),它是一个与叶片颜色不同的环,具有弹性及伸延性,可以调节叶片的位置. 在叶鞘与叶片连接处的内侧,有些禾本科植物有一向上突起的膜状结构,称为叶舌;叶舌能使叶片向外弯曲,
小穗2 至多数,稍压3.苔草属(Carex) 花单性,无花被;雄花具3 雄蕊;雌花子房外包有苞片形成的囊包(即果囊),花柱突出于囊外,柱头 2-3. 约2000 种,广4.荸荠属(Eleocharis) 秆丛生或单生. 叶只有叶鞘而无叶片,苞片缺;小穗1,顶生,
cotyledonary sheath:子叶鞘
cotyledonary node | 子叶节 | cotyledonary sheath | 子叶鞘 | cotyledonous | 有子叶的
除须叶藤科(Flagellariaceae)有雄蕊6枚外,其他全为13枚. 须叶藤科含2属约7种,草本或攀缘;叶长有时末端成卷须,大多是风媒花. 帚灯草科(Restionaceae)最大,有2535属约350种. 帚灯草属(Restio)有120种,叶退化为环茎的叶鞘,绿色行光合作用.
Hordeum vulgare:大麦
称为叶舌. 有些禾本科植物的叶片与叶鞘相连接的边缘有两个突起,称为叶耳(图32-1). 水稻(Oryzasativa)、大麦(Hordeum vulgare)、小麦的叶具有叶舌和叶耳,而稗(Echinochloa crusgalli)的叶只具叶舌,不具叶耳,可以此特征区别水稻和稗.
叶的基部扩大成叶鞘,围裹着茎秆,起保护幼芽、居间生长以及加强茎的支持作用叶舌(ligulate) 叶片和叶鞘相接处的腹面,即叶环的内方有一膜质向上突出的片状结构,称为叶舌.
香葱( 香葱(Chives) ) 香葱别名细香葱 为百合科葱属两年生 或多年生草水植物原产欧洲冷凉地区, 在北美,北欧等地均有野生种分布.一般 株高 30-40 厘米, 叶片圆形中空,青绿色, 有蜡粉,叶鞘白色,抱合成圆柱状的葱白,称为假茎.