英语人>词典>汉英 : 有变形的 的英文翻译,例句
有变形的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与有变形的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Analyzing and simulating of the deformation law of the ceramic downspout product after overcoming the shortage of powder material models in the software of MSC. MARC. It shows out the important effects of various factors and the shape of mandril during the process. And it is obvious that the shape of the top mandril has more effects on the process than the bottom.(3) Showing out the important effects of model figure on the flowing of powder and the forming of low-density fields from the analysis. After changing the top of the mandril into spherical shape, an improving model is putting out so that the distribution of stress and strain turns to be even and proper and that the flow rule of powder grains is better.(4) Calculating of the dimensional precision and the cutting ratio of the product and analyzing of the effects of such factors as rubber aging, loading process, mandril, friction etc. on the cutting ratio.


Another limitation in the original MSG plasticity theory is the assumption of infinitesimal deformation.

针对原有的 MSG 理论中小变形的假设,但是很多问题,尤其是材料的破坏问题,如断裂、剪切带等问题,都涉及到大变形;另外在微电子器件中,例如微尺度的传感器,在应用中都涉及到大变形,为了使 MSG 理论能应用于以上提到的种种实际工程情况,非常有必要发展大变形理论。

Through the experiments of three kinds of models mentioned above, the structural deformations of "outflow-extension","strike-slip-extension" and "uplifting-extension" are studied and some viewpoints involving that the plastic flow in the lower lithosphere controls the extensional structures are stated as follows:(1) Regional extensional structure does not result from the direct extension along the upper crust, but from the plastic flow in the lower lithosphere and its dragging and stretching the upper crust;(2) Deformation of continental extensional structure resulted from the active uplifting of mantle is conditional that the significant extension occurs only in the models with free- or outflow-boundary condition on both sides, whereas the passive uplining of mantle exists widely, because it is an inevitable consequence of the efiect of thermo-gravity isostasy;(3) Strike-slip shearing in the lower ductile lithosphere, including site-restricted and site-unrestricted shearing, can result in various types of extension structures;(4) The"graben-horst"type extensional structures can be formed in difierent mechanisms, including outnow-extension, shear-extension, uplifting-extension and their synthetical action.


Need to open above the surface of CPU socket, carefully observe with your eyes whether the deformation of the pin.

需要打开 CPU 插座表面的上盖,仔细用眼睛观察是否有变形的插针。

In the 2A1 distorted trigonal bipyramid structure ,the single non equivalent Ga atom has the population of 4s 4p ,while the two equivalent Ga atoms have the population of 4s 4p .this compares with a Ga population of 4s 4p in the undistorted D3h structure ,hence the jahn-teller distortion causes depletion of the charge density on the 4s orbital of the non-equivalent Ga atom, and enhancement of charge density on the 4s orbital for the two equivalent atoms .an opposite trend is observed for the 4p orbitals of these Ga atoms .the P population for the two equivalent atoms is 3s 3p .the populations of the other 2B1 state with the edge-capped tetrahedral structure are similar with the exception that all three Ga atoms have similar but not identical populations .

在2A1被变形的三角bipyramid结构,唯一非等效Ga原子有4s 4p的人口,而二个等效Ga原子在未变形的D3h结构有4s 4p 。this的人口和4s相比4p的Ga人口,因此jahn出纳畸变在non-equivalent Ga原子的4s轨道导致电荷密度的取尽,并且电荷密度的改进在4s轨道为二个等效原子。an在趋向对面对这些Ga原子4p轨道被观察。the人口为二个等效原子是另一个2B1状态3s 3p 。the人口与边缘加盖的四面体结构是相似的P 除之外全部三个Ga原子有相似,但不相同人口。

In the result, the a critical value of the segment sectional deformation and minimum formable radial radius of curvature with maintaining the suitable sectional bending rigidity of each segment were , respectively, determined under the forming present process conditions investigated.


In the end ,it comes to the conclusion that the phase behavior of gas condensate considering effect of reservoir deformation,capillary force,capillary condensation and interfacial adsorption is not only notably different from phase behavior in PVT cell but also remarkably different from phase behavior in indeformable and porous media. therefore,it is


The main cause of the deformation is two-fold: one is measurementunder, the other is thermal deformation.


Hurtle to press to belong to to material of cold process, the original material that use is all the plank material that has the good ductility generally, usually under the normal temperature, the material places among the molding tool, passing the output pressure function of punching machine or press machines under, make material press the shape occurrence su of the molding tool decision transform, get need of zero, parts, sometimes transform once and can't attain the request because of the material, also have the cent to hurtle to press for many times and transform gradually on the molding tool of dissimilarity, end attain to design the size request.


The deforma-tion history and strain characteristic during deformation of material are describedby the flow line in which the deformation history and strain characteristic re-strain the crack initiation at stage II and the crack propagation at stage III.


更多网络解释与有变形的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


中央腔宽阔(图4-1B),体壁由两层细胞中间夹有中胶质(mesoglea)体表的进水小孔(ostia)或称流入孔(incurrent pore),所以它是细胞内质,其中包括有游离的变形细胞(amoebocyte)及分散的骨针(spicule).(thesocyte),


封套也有两种类型,可变形的(deformable)和不可变形的(Rigid)的封套. 可变形的封套可以使用突出角度(bulge angle)令其变形,不可变形封套中的节点当然是无法变形的. 通常我们先用可变形封套编辑,然后再为头部等一些特殊部位设置不可变形封套.


这是一段漫长缓慢的过程,因为许多有问题的DNA必须先修补好之后,才能够将祖先立体影像肉身化,而不致产生扭曲变形(distortion)的情况. 而这也是我这一生的目的之一:修补恩纽时期核子辐射尘所造成的损伤,使未来上升之途更加顺畅.

Amebocyte lysate:变形细胞溶解物

但易出现"假阳性".鲎试验法原理是利用鲎的变形细胞溶解物(amebocyte lysate)与内毒素之间的胶凝反应.市场上有现成的鲎热原试剂.具体操作和鉴定结果的方法参阅>.鲎试验法特别适用于某些不能用家兔进行的热原检测的品种,


9)变形菌属(Proteus) 该属菌呈直杆状,并随培养条件不同,可形成丝状、球杆状. 以周生鞭毛运动,能急速运动,在湿润的培养基表面上,大多数菌株有周期性的群游而产生的同心圆带,或扩展成均匀的菌膜. 该属菌为兼性厌氧,

Streptococcus mutans:变形链球菌

Sweet Kiss(香吻)的科研成果是:有害厌氧微生物在人体口腔内的大量繁殖是导致口腔异味的直接原因之一,口腔厌氧微生物名目繁多,其中极具代表性并与口臭、牙周炎直接相关的有:变形链球菌(Streptococcus mutans)、血链球菌(Streptococcus sanguis

apotypic:[生]非典型的 有变形的

automatic servodrive 自动伺服装置 | apotypic [生]非典型的 有变形的 | literae humaniores 人文科学(尤指古典文学的研究)

apotypic:非典型的 有变形的

apotype | 次模 | apotypic | 非典型的 有变形的 | apou | 中国夏布


翘曲变形(Warping)是注塑制品的形状偏离了模具形腔的形状,如图所示,它是塑料制品常见的缺陷之一. 影响注塑产品翘曲变形的因素有很多,模具的结构、塑料材料的热物理性能以及注塑成型过程的条件和参数均对制品翘曲变形有不同程度的影响.

literae humaniores:人文科学(尤指古典文学的研究)

apotypic [生]非典型的 有变形的 | literae humaniores 人文科学(尤指古典文学的研究) | running pattern 一再重复的花饰