英语人>词典>汉英 : 有信仰的 的英文翻译,例句
有信仰的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
believing  ·  credent

更多网络例句与有信仰的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Believing will be better......


The believer is happy , the doubter is wise .


The believer is happy , the doubter is wise


The gospel is to every creature, the religious and the irreligious across all cultures.


If you are a person of faith, you will need to rely on your Spiritual Leader.


And let me say it plainly: in that cause, and in this campaign, we welcome people of faith.


She is a woman of prayer, he says.


At the same time they both professed belief in a Supreme Being.


Samir is a man of faith.


Mr Obama reminded everyone of his religious leanings by saying that "as a person of faith, I believe we are called to care for each other and work to ease human suffering".


更多网络解释与有信仰的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be immune to:不受......影响的,对.....有免疫力的

gasoline n. 汽油 | be immune to 不受......影响的,对.....有免疫力的 | believe in 相信......可行,相信......的真实性,信任,信仰


believer信徒 | believing有信仰的 | belike恐怕


新正流派(Neo-Orthodoxy)--新正统派对圣经的态度可分为二,一些认为圣经含有(contains)神的话语,是神学与信仰的部份,而非历史或科学那部份. 另一些则认为圣经可变成(becomes)神的话语;神的话语是整部份的,没有神学、信仰、历史、科学等的划分.

faith cure:信仰治疗

与后一种效应有关的有信仰治疗(faith cure),它是指因当事人的某种坚定信仰而使疾病提早痊愈或不药而医的情形. 这些信仰大多涉及到疾病病因的新解释、或对某种观点、某人、某物、某种方法、的神奇治疗效果等顶礼膜拜和深信. 从某种意义上说,

creative adj. producing new and original ideas and things:有创造力的,创造性的

to persuade sb.to change his beliefs(使)改变信仰 | creative adj. producing new and original ideas and things 有创造力的,创造性的 | creatively adv. 创造性地

credent:相信的, 有信仰的

credendum | 信条, 教条 | credent | 相信的, 有信仰的 | credential | 外交使节所递的国书, 信任状

credent:[罕]相信的, 有信仰的

61 credential n.外交使节所递的国书, 信任状 | 62 credent [罕]相信的, 有信仰的 | 63 maintenance n.维护, 保持, 生活费用, 扶养

to hold and idolise:让我拥有,让我信仰(idloise有崇拜的意思)

sent from god above for me to love那是神为了我的爱而送到我身旁 | to hold and idolise让我拥有,让我信仰(idloise有崇拜的意思) | And as I hold your boby near每次把你揽入怀中

All outbreaks have a moment of tranquility:一切爆发都有片刻的宁静

一切信仰都带着呻吟 All beliefs are groaning with | 一切爆发都有片刻的宁静 All outbreaks have a moment of tranquility | 一切死亡都有冗长的回音 All deaths have long Echo

and nonbelievers:及沒有信仰的人所組成的國家

[11:52] Jews and Hindus -- 猶太教徒與印度教徒─ | [11:53] and nonbelievers. 及沒有信仰的人所組成的國家. | [11:58] drawn from every end of this Earth; 我們是由地球各個角落各種語言及文化形塑出來的國家...