英语人>词典>汉英 : 有...层楼的 的英文翻译,例句
有...层楼的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与有...层楼的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Which it was necessary to know,--if, the porter once passed, one entered a little vestibule on the right, on which opened a staircase shut in between two walls and so narrow that only one person could ascend it at a time, if one did not allow one's self to be alarmed by a daubing of canary yellow, with a dado of chocolate which clothed this staircase, if one ventured to ascend it, one crossed a first landing, then a second, and arrived on the first story at a corridor where the yellow wash and the chocolate-hued plinth pursued one with a peaceable persistency.


CHAPTER VI WHO GUARDED HIS HOUSE FOR HIM Chinese The house in which he lived consisted, as we have said, of a ground floor, and one story above; three rooms on the ground floor, three chambers on the first, and an attic above.

六 他托谁看守他的房子英文他住的房子,我们已经说过,是一所只有一层楼的楼房,楼下三间,楼上三间,顶上一间气楼,后面有一个四分之一亩大的园子。

You'll see a four-story building on your leave.


The preceding example shows that the columns have a point of inflection within the height of each storey.


I worked in the basement of a Caltech campus building that had been periodically haunted by the specter of the upper half of a roofer who had fallen from the six story roof twenty years earlier.


Harry once duelled Draco Malfoy in a boys' bathroom on this floor; there is a passageway between that bathroom and the marble staircase leading up to the seventh floor HBP24


There are five floors of shops and each floor is very big.


Most Tulous are round, commonly in excess of 50 meters in diameters, 3~4 stories high.


Some are two-floor structures. And the first floor is for garages, the second is for rooms. Another motel built a super parking lot near them.


Yi Xi Meng-Tsan Chiang suspect but did not see the question should be thought of sneaking away to do tomorrow Cezhao Lian smiled, Li Xing Ji Zhuoche dream she dreamed that took her to a three-tier floor, where the first floor, second floor is male or female prisoners, prisoners, Li Xing Yi Xi into the floor with an office, there was a middle-aged man talking about inviting guests to his signature reimbursement vouchers, followed by his clothes and sheets led to the the middle of the room, easy evening standing on the stairs from time to time someone looked at her quietly saying something, so she was coming and going of people gaze down the stairs out the door and standing in the doorway waiting, I suddenly realized that she had been living in Plum Star on the second floor, he is a people who make mistakes, but she does not know how to do, and has been lingering for a long time There was no reply her, while the days are becoming more and more black, on the road and no street lights in the night she began to Road side of the walk, but forgot to when the direction of, even the car I do not know where the stop sign, she thought that the dark days will be a bus do?


更多网络解释与有...层楼的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


世界第一高楼迪拜塔改名为:哈里发(abbasside)到有多高,有多少层楼 有162层,总高818米 818m,162层 确切是828m,超过160层. . 哈利法塔原名迪拜塔,又称迪拜大厦或比斯迪拜塔,是位于阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜的一栋已经建成的摩天大楼,

State attorney general:州检察长

我在纽约州检察长(State Attorney General) 葛谟(Andrew Cuomo)的竞选办公室实习. 该办公室隐身在Emporis Building第32楼一家叫Ement的法律事务所中,这家事务所大到有自己的图书馆,且聘有专职馆员管理藏书. Emporis Building来头不小:40层楼,


在水疗室(HYDROTHERAPY)内,有两个大浴缸,其中一个盛满了开水,而缸底有一把钥匙. 我将水放掉以便能安全地将钥匙弄到手. 但是,钥匙被水流冲走了......这下没戏唱了,钥匙被卡在了水管里面. 在这层楼的女性治疗室(FEMALE TREAT)里,


A.本来是水泥建筑,但是某建筑师用钢筋(steel)做骨架,有了突破Q9.一开始(initially)是怎样达到高的楼层? A. steam lift说某纽约摩天大楼的特色,橘宝书不大正确,他是为60层楼高的建筑,因为他的一层楼高度比一般建筑还要高,


A.本来是水泥建筑,但是某建筑师用钢筋(steel)做骨架,有了突破Q9.一开始(initially)是怎样达到高的楼层? A. steam lift说某纽约摩天大楼的特色,橘宝书不大正确,他是为60层楼高的建筑,因为他的一层楼高度比一般建筑还要高,

Daniel Radcliffe:演员 :丹尼尔.雷德克里夫

另外近日有媒体曝光刚满18岁的>演员丹尼尔.雷德克里夫(Daniel Radcliffe)挥霍430万美元在纽约著名的SoHo地区购置一栋五层楼的豪华公寓这栋豪宅市价每周的租金高达2万美元.

Science Lab:实验室

2.共有6层,三楼有一个大阅览室,2个计算机房(computer room)和3个科学实验室(science lab). 3.阅览室星期一至星期五开放. 4.我们经常正在二楼的语音室(audio room)上英语课. 5.大楼后面有一个花园,你们可以在那里种花.


另外, 现在的设计流行高屋顶, 多数建筑商已将第一层的高度从以前的8英尺升高到9英尺,甚至有的将一楼升高到10英尺,二楼升为9英尺,再加上有两层楼高的Foyer,Family Room 及教堂顶(Cathedral Ceiling 或 Valted Ceiling), 并配上天窗(Skylight), 使室内高大明亮,

Queen Victoria:维多利亚女王

1837年,维多利亚女王(Queen Victoria)接替王位后,白金汉宫正式成为王宫. 现在的白金汉宫是一个三层楼的建筑群. 整个建筑富丽堂皇,精雅别致. 宫内有宴会厅、音乐厅、画廊、图书室、皇家集邮室等600多个要室,陈列着历代皇室收藏的许多艺术珍品还有一个占地约18公顷,

