英语人>词典>汉英 : 月经期 的英文翻译,例句
月经期 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

menstrual period
更多网络例句与月经期相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Which know menstrual period has been a less than five days ago, I was thinking that they had amenorrhea, ha ha ~!


The best-known illustration of the invisible influence of scent is the way the menstrual cycles of women who live communally tend to synchronize.


This purple energizer helps to regulate hormone functions, and will help bring on a tardy menstrual period.


Main ingre-dients:Garcinia camnogia essence, spirulina essence, blueberry essence, grape essence, white kidney bean essence.


Calcium levels often measure lower the week prior to one's menstrual period compared to the week after.


It is usually done after menses have ended, but before ovulation, to prevent interference with an early pregnancy.


Can a woman drink her urine during her menses?


bleeding, including the non-organic function of uterine bleeding, also includes a period of abnormal menstrual bleeding and menstrual bleeding outside, such as birth control at the central bleeding, uterine fibroids caused by bleeding the mother of medicine that "metrorrhagia" light, known as "lou xia", that are heavy "in the collapse."


This hypothesis is supported by the evidence such as the locations of genes associated with familial hemiplegic migraine, possibly "typical" migraine as well (dominantly on chromosome 19p, 1q, and 2q), male:female ratio of prevalence (1:2-1:4), the mostly youth-onset, the provocation by the contraceptives, the induction by menstruation, and the self-limitation after menopause.


Seven days before the menstrual period is 8 days after the safe period, under normal circumstances are the middle two months of the menstrual period is the ovulation period of 32 days.


更多网络解释与月经期相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Well, you nine, will have to do double duty tonight:你们九个 今晚要做双份工

- Nine. - Nine? Only nine?|- 九个 - 九个? 只有... | Well, you nine, will have to do double duty tonight.|你们九个 今晚要做双份工 | If any of you is on the rag, we don't want you.|你们谁要是在月经期 我们...

primary dysmenorrhea:原发性痛经

原发性痛经(primary dysmenorrhea)是指在生殖器官无器质性病变存在的前提下在月经期发生的下腹部痉挛性疼痛、坠胀感,可放射至腰骶部、外阴、肛门及大腿内侧,部分患者伴有恶心、呕吐、头晕、乏力、水肿甚至虚脱.

periodic episcleritis:週期性表層鞏膜炎

周期性表层巩膜炎(periodic episcleritis)也称一时性表层巩膜炎(transient episcleritis). 多发生在妇女月经期. 病变部位的巩膜表层与球结膜呈弥漫性充血和水肿,而呈紫红色. 呈周期性发作,每次发作时间短暂,常数小时或数天即愈. 复发不限定于一眼或同一部位.


尿液(urine)检查的目的2、 婴幼儿留尿应防止粪便(feces)混入. 3、女性应留取中段尿,防止阴道分泌物(vaginal discharge)混入. 月经期禁止留尿. 4、男性应避免精液(sperm)、前列腺液(prostatic ecretion)混入尿中.

menstrual history:月经历史

menstrual cycle 月经周期 | menstrual history 月经历史 | menstrual period 月经期


menstrual period 月经期 | menstruation 有月经 | mental retardation 智力迟钝, 智力缺陷

feeling unwell:(本义) 感到不适 (委婉义) 在月经期,行经

curse (本义) 该诅咒的东西 (委婉义) 月经,经期 | feeling unwell (本义) 感到不适 (委婉义) 在月经期,行经 | female complaint (本义) 女性疾病,妇女病 (委婉义) 月经,停经,痛经

menopausal states:绝经期状态,绝经期状态

menopausal flushing 绝经期潮红,绝经期潮红 | menopausal states 绝经期状态,绝经期状态 | menstrual blood 月经血

scanty menstruation, oligomenorrhea, hypo-menorrhea:月经过少

月经期 menstrual phase | 月经过少 scanty menstruation, oligomenorrhea, hypo-menorrhea | 月经过多 menometrorrhagia, menorrhagia, hypermenor-rhea


stomatology 口腔学 | stomatomenia 月经期口出血 | stomatomycosis 口霉菌病