英语人>词典>汉英 : 最长 的英文翻译,例句
最长 的英文翻译、例句


at the longest
更多网络例句与最长相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The surgical duration ranged from 35 to 170 min [mean=(92.3±25.6) min]; amount of blood loss during operation was 50-700 ml [mean=(120.0±36.3) ml]. The earliest time of anal exsufflation was 9 h after operation and the last was 27 h. The postoperative morbidity was 12.6%. The hospital stay ranged from 5 d to 9 d [mean=(7.2±1.6) d].

手术时间最长170 min,最短35 min,平均(92.3±25.6) min;术中出血50~700 ml,平均(120.0±36.3) ml,术后肛门排气时间最短9 h,最长27 h,术后病率12.6%,住院时间最短5天,最长9天,平均(7.2±1.6)天。

Critical day length The amount of light per day that is the maximum a short-day plant may receive and still flower, and conversely, the minimum a long-day plant needs to flower.


Three QTLs detected for maximum adventitious root length in solution culture, total root dry weight in both solution culture and paper culture accounted for about 20%, 23% and 13% of the total variations, respectively.

其中溶液培养中的最长不定根长、总根干重和旱作培养中的总根干重检测到的QTLs位点对总变异的贡献率分别为 2 0 %、2 3 %和 13 %左右;旱作培养中的最长不定根长、不定根数、根冠比和溶液培养中的根冠比仅检测到上位性位点,对表型变异的贡献率在 12 %~ 61%之间。

Tabaci was the shortest (19.3 d) on hairy gourd and the longest (29.0 d) on bitter cucumber, the survival rate from egg to adult was the highest (92.85%) on cucumber and the lowest (53.08%) on bitter cucumber, the laid eggs were the most (187.4 eggs per female) on cucumber and the least (30.0 eggs per female) on bitter cucumber, and the longevity was the longest (25.2 d) on cucumber and the shortest (10.9 d) on bitter cucumber. The intrinsic rate of increase r(subscript mon cucumber, hairy gourd, bitter cucumber, and sponge gourd was 0.1453, 0.1429, 0.0616, and 0.1055, respectively.

结果表明,B型烟粉虱在节瓜上的世代发育历期最短,为19.3d,在苦瓜上的世代发育历期最长,为29.0d;世代存活率在黄瓜上最高,为92.85%,在苦瓜上最低,为53.08%;平均单雌产卵量在黄瓜上最多,为187.4粒,苦瓜上最少,为30.0粒;雌成虫寿命以在黄瓜上最长,为25.2d,在苦瓜上最短,为10.9d.B型烟粉虱在黄瓜、节瓜、苦瓜和丝瓜上的内禀增长率r(下标 m分别为0.1453、0.1429、0.0616和0.1055。

Having noticed that the number indicating the greatest depth was apparently in the centre of the map, I laid a rule on the map lengthwise, and then breadthwise, and found, to my surprise, that the line of greatest length intersected the line of greatest breadth exactly at the point of greatest depth,notwithstanding that the middle is so nearly level, the outline of the pond far from regular, and the extreme length and breadth were got by measuring into the coves; and I said to myself, Who knows but this hint would conduct to the deepest part of the ocean as well as of a pond or puddle?


The colonized time of Ol. Opisthopora and Coleoptera were 8.42 and 6.45 months at mixed forest respectively, while Hymenoptera and Collembola were 9.48 and 7.91 months respectively at Chinese fir forest.


The results showed that karyotypic type of Ya01-21was 2n=104=100m+4sm(4SAT), Chromosome length ratio of the longest and the shortest 4.25, the average arm-ratio 1.35, belonging to 2C type of chromosome. Molecule identified combine with chromosome studied indicated that Ya01-21 was a progenies of Erianthus arundinaceum. following the law of n+n; ITS identify showed that Ya01-21 is a progenies of Erianthus arundinaceum, the somatic chromosome karyotypic type of Ya01-36 was 2n=132=130m+2sm, Chromosome length ratio of the longest and the shortest 3.94, the average arm-ratio 1.27, belonging to 2B type of chromosome, combining the advance of characters the law of 2n+n can be resumed.


Morifolium is different in some botanic characters:"Hongxinju" was higher than other cultivars on height of plant, length of lamina, diameter of stem and agricultural character;"Xiaobaiju" is the best on the ramification and the quantity of capitulum on individual plant;"Dabaiju" is the most on the quantity and layer number of ligulate flower;"Changbanju" is me longest on the capitulum diameter and corolla of ligulate flower.2, The plant height, rate of dried material accumulate and chlorophyll content of four medicinal C.

本研究采用比较分析的方法,于2001年和2002年在同一栽培条件下,对江苏省射阳县多年栽培的药用白菊花种内分化的4个主要药用白菊花栽培类型,进行植物学形态、内在质量、苗期耐盐性、产量性状等方面进行了比较系统的研究,结果如下: 1、4个主要药用白菊花栽培类型在植物学性状方面存在一定的差异;红心菊株高最高,茎杆较粗,叶片最大,农艺性状较好;小白菊每株头状花序数最多,小白菊分枝性好;大白菊舌状花层数、数目最多;长瓣菊花序直径最大,舌状花花冠最长

There was conspicuous contradiction appeal between water supply and demand in the Yellow River basin in 1997 because of much less precipitation and runoff than nounal and no-flow in the lower reaches in 1997 was the most serious in the records.


The shortest slubby length is 2cm and the longest is arbitrary.


更多网络解释与最长相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at longest:(指日期)至多,最晚,最长

At length, we began to understand what he said. 最后,我们才明白他的话. | at longest(指日期)至多,最晚,最长: | We can stay here only three days at longest. 我们在这里至多只能呆三天.

the Great Barrier Reef:大堡礁,世界上最大最长的珊瑚礁群,纵贯澳洲的东海岸

1. eventful adj. 多变故的, 发生许多事情的 | 2. the Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁,世界上最大最长的珊瑚礁群,纵贯澳洲的东海岸 | 3. cul-de-sac n. 尽头路,死胡同


longdistancenetwork 长途网路 | longest 最长 | longest 最长


longest 最长 | longest 最长的 | longeurlongueur 冗长的部分

Longest UpTime:最长连续运行时间

Total DownTime=关机时间总计 | Longest UpTime=最长连续运行时间 | Longest DownTime=最长关机时间

longest palindrome:最长回文

最长平衡段 longest balanced segment | 最长回文 longest palindrome 168 | 最长平滑段 最长有序子表 longest sorted sublist

The Longest,Widest Hutong:最长、最宽的胡同

5.最窄的胡同 The Narrowest Hutong | 6.最长、最宽的胡同 The Longest,Widest Hutong | 7.最短的胡同 The Shortest Hutong

But I'm about to write her The world's longest and most plaintive e-mail:不过我打算给她写一封 世界上最长最痛苦的电子邮件

Nothing, since she's not currently returning my... | But I'm about to write her The world's longest and most plaintive e-mail.|不过我打算给她写一封 世界上最长最痛苦的电子邮件 | You trying to get her ba...

lies one of the longest, deepest and most surprising caves in the world:存在着一座世界上最长、最深,也最令人惊奇的洞穴

but beneath these rolling desert slopes in ... | lies one of the longest, deepest and most surprising caves in the world.|存在着一座世界上最长、最深,也最令人惊奇的洞穴 | Its secrets remained unknown unt...

Longest pursuit by local sheriffs:被当地警长追捕持续的最长时间

Posses sent after you 派来追捕你的民防团的数量 | Longest pursuit by local sheriffs 被当地警长追捕持续的最长时间 | Longest pursuit by marshals 被执法官追捕持续的最长时间