英语人>词典>汉英 : 最有效的使用 的英文翻译,例句
最有效的使用 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与最有效的使用相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I have been using Mystic Maid 's blotter sheets for about 1 year and they are by far the easiest and most efficient way to pick up oil and grease from your food, especially soups, stews and sauces.

我已经使用 Mystic Maid 烹调吸油纸一年了,用它来吸取食物中多余油脂,尤其是浓汤、炖肉和酱汁,是最简便也最有效的方法。

Among them, the most effective way to this problem is to use proper fireproof wall .

为了避免Internet的安全事故,应当采取有效的安全措施,而解决 Internet安全性问题的最有效的方法就是使用合适的防火墙

No matter how you use your article content or whether you choose to do it yourself or hire a ghostwriter, there are certain things that a content rich website should and should not include in order to be the most effective for its intended use just as there is a certain way to go about it.


Registers are always the most efficient way to store immediate values, and using them always generates the fastest and smallest code (smallest because most instructions have short preassigned codes for accessing registers).


This is one of the most effective ways to market a service or product on the Internet, and it can become even more effective when it is associated with the use of an auto responder .


Destroying and blockading airport runway is one of the main ways to blockadeairport.


Destroying and blockading airport runway is one of the main ways to blockadeairport. Using airfield blockage munitions is one of the most effective ways to preventthe enemy from using the airport.


Chopsticks, the simplest and most effective eating tool, can be made of a variety of materials, such as bamboo, wood, lacquer, jade, ivory, plastic, aluminum, silver and gold.


Chopsticks, the simplest and most effective eating tool, can be made of a variety of materials, such as bamboo, wood, lacquer, jade, plastic, aluminum, silver and gold.


The current internationally recognized clinical use of the more effective is Nagqu ketone ﹞, alcohol addiction and drug addiction is a common sense of the feeling of excitement, while the main role of the drug lies in reducing excitatory sense of nerve conduction block addiction, of course, addiction, the patient's willpower is not the most effective remedy.


更多网络解释与最有效的使用相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


凝结水(Condensate)回收再使用,乃今日能源节约呼声中,最有效的途径. 一般工厂回收凝结水再利用,所使用的方法很多,回收之绩效,虽已有相当成就,但只能算是少数中之少数,其余大多数仍效果不彰,都仅限于开放式简易回收之达成,

Creatine monohydrate:一水肌酸

十年来,一水肌酸(creatine monohydrate)被誉为最具人气、最有效的营养补剂之一,其地位之高足以与蛋白质产品并驾齐驱,稳居"最好卖的补剂"之列. 它被评为是健美者"必须使用"的产品,也被其它项目的运动员,如足球、篮球运动员等,

Execution Path:执行路径

这种检索称为执行路径(execution path). 查询优化的技巧就是在众多可用的方式中选择一种最有效的方式来获得数据. 例如,即使对于只涉及一个表的查询,Oracle也会采用下列方法之一: . 使用索引来查找所请求的行的ROWID,然后从表中检索这些行.

computational fluid dynamics:计算流体动力学

灯管处于通风循环的最末端,这样热量可以直接散发出去,而不会传到其他的器件,该设计还使用了"计算流体动力学"(Computational Fluid Dynamics)程序来计算最有效的通风、温度和热传递,以实现最优化的效果.


博兰尼(Karl Polanyi,又译波拉尼)认为,一种经济是最有效地使用有限资源获取和满足特定目的的过程,在方法上,他强调个体自利的行为动机和个人利益最大化,所谓理性的决定之形式论(formalism);一种经济是在人与环境的互动中满足物质需求的过程,

get the best of it:(在比赛或辩论中)获胜. 获得成功

get the best of everything 什么都享受最好的, 养尊处优. | get the best of it (在比赛或辩论中)获胜. 获得成功. | get the best out of 最有效地使用. 发挥...最大功效.

get the most out of:最有效的使用. 发挥...最大功效

get the monkey off [美国俚语]戒除吸毒恶习. | get the most out of 最有效的使用. 发挥...最大功效. | get the needle 恼怒.

trust fund:信托基金

"另一位大慈善家安德鲁.卡内基(Andrew Carnegie)更创立了他的关于慈善捐赠的一个独特的理论:他认为富人的财产不是属于他们自己的,他们应当把到手的利润盈余看作是社会放在个人手中的一种"信托基金"(trust fund),他们的义务就是要以自己认为最有效的方式去管理使用这些资源,


最有效的精确机器是 KARL MAYER Malimo 生产的多轴(MULTIAXIAL)机器. 这是一种令人印象深刻的高科技经编机器,它有几个自由调节引纬系统,提供最大的灵活性,它简单坚固的设计非常方便用户使用. 多轴还有很高的生产力,能生产高品质纺织品.

get the monkey off:[美国俚语]戒除吸毒恶习

get the mitten (向女人求爱)遭到拒绝. 被解雇, 被撵走. | get the monkey off [美国俚语]戒除吸毒恶习. | get the most out of 最有效的使用. 发挥...最大功效.