英语人>词典>汉英 : 最恶劣的 的英文翻译,例句
最恶劣的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
worst  ·  worsting  ·  worsts

更多网络例句与最恶劣的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Nothing is more deceitful than the appearance of humility.


Owned by the Queensland government, Ergon Energy distributes electricity to Australia's second largest state – an area more than three times the size of France – that the utility describes as a "truly diverse landscape, ranging from the harshest, most demanding terrains to the most sensitive."

由昆士兰州政府拥有的Ergon Energy 电厂负责向澳大利亚的第二大州配送电力,该州面积是法国国土面积的三倍,因此这个电厂形容其为一个"真正多样化的地形风貌,从最荒芜最恶劣的到最易损的地形都有"。

Murder will out, it is most foul.


They described the government's treatment of them as at best indifferent and at worst vindictive.


The European case concerned the Pirate Bay, one of the world's largest and most notorious file-sharing hubs.


It is also considered the strongest living organism in the planet for it survived the harshest living conditions on earth.


We can deliver bold new solutions in the harshest conditions, facing the toughest problems.


We suffer from the longest and one of the worst sustained inflations in our national history.


This season isn't the slickest or sleekest. It's the kind of rugged, butt-kicking pieces that will carry you through the most brutal conditions.


The most stylish gear this season isn't the slickest or sleekest. It's the kind of rugged, butt-kicking pieces that will carry you through the most brutal conditions.


更多网络解释与最恶劣的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


航空业前景黯淡是英国最大航空公司"英国航空"(BA)与欧洲最大廉价航空公司"瑞安航空"(Ryanair)高层一致的看法. 英航执行长沃尔旭表示,民航业正面临有史以来最恶劣的经营环境,将来会有许多航空公司倒闭. 冬季是民航业传统的淡季,



Cheer Up:高兴一点

常常听到有人说,"什麼忧郁症,放宽心情,高兴一点(cheer up)就好了嘛",或是"吃什麼药?用意志力去克服",最恶劣的是,"啊~一定是日子过的太舒服了".

Cuyahoga River:(库亚哈嘎河)

40年前,美国还是个污染严重的国家,在洛杉矶,空气中的污染物好像一层毯子包裹城市,气象局发布烟雾警报是家常便饭;DDT这样危险的农药和杀虫剂还在使用中;水源污染随处可见,最恶劣的当属重工业城市克里夫兰的库亚哈嘎河(Cuyahoga River).

Missy Elliot:流行说唱界"教母",会各种风格的音乐,最擅长说唱

Pharrell Williams~~~流行说唱界的全能冠军. | Missy Elliot~~~流行说唱界"教母",会各种风格的音乐,最擅长说唱. | Kanye West~~~新一代说唱传教士,歌词很少出现谩骂和恶劣的街头文化.


咸咸的空气和鲸鱼的气胀(flatulence),有何不可?" >10大最恶劣工作包括:1.危险环境下进行潜水清理危险物的专家(hazmat dive...幸福是什么?幸福应该是人类活动的唯一目标,它可以衡量,我们也都能分辨幸福和不幸.

Internet Explorer:网络浏览器

批评微软公司的人经常说,从病毒到间谍软件,许多最恶劣的计算机问题都是利用了微软公司自己的视窗系统软件(Windows)、IE网络浏览器(Internet Explorer)和其他软件的安全弱点而成功入侵的.

Murder will out, it is most foul:谋杀是最恶劣的行径

with a maximum of expense and ostentation. I could murder him!|让你损失那么多,... | "Murder will out, it is most foul."|谋杀是最恶劣的行径 | How have you been, Miss Schlegel, any...?|你过的怎么样啊,史克...

Hoge Raad voor Diamant:钻石高级理事会(钻石理事会)

Diamond High Council,钻石高级理事会,... | Hoge Raad voor Diamant,钻石高级理事会(钻石理事会),HRD, | ILO Convention on the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour,劳工组织关于消除最恶劣形式童工的公...

UNION DES FABRICANTS:法国国际保护工业与艺术产权制造商联合会

法国国际保护工业与艺术产权制造商联合会(Union des Fabricants)日本分会主席洛朗.杜布瓦(Laurent Dubois)表示,这是亚洲最恶劣的造假行为. 这个全球协会的成立旨在打击假冒行为.