英语人>词典>汉英 : 最后防线的 的英文翻译,例句
最后防线的 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与最后防线的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ten thousand desperate fighting men, with their backs to the sea, held the final perimeter at buna


This is the last line of defense to protect themselves.


After analyzing the three major defining standards in the theoretical field, the writer presents the defining standard on the cooperative behavior of cheating insurance money: With the consideration on the influence of the status of the employees in the insurance company on the nature of cooperative crime as the presupposition, firstly the nature of the cooperative crime should be defined according to the criminal nature of the committer, and then to decide whether the committers should be convicted separately by contrasting the degree of the crime legally defined.


It has been proposed that this is a last-ditch protective mechanism against cancer.


"We are looking for a last line of defense and that defense has to be lethal to counter lethal intent," said Gregg Overman, spokesman for the Allied Pilots Union representing 13,500 American Airlines pilots.


With the fantabulous pull-down and angled shot which made his favourite goal - the one completed his hat-trick - at Leicester City in the first Double-winning season of 1998; perhaps with the exquisitely balletic ball-goes-thisaway, I-go-thataway pirouette past Newcastle's defence in 2002, arguably the most divinely intuitive goal ever seen in English football.


Opium Hill, or Bukit Chandu in Malay, constituted the British final defence parameter against the invading Japanese army.


They are the last defence lines we have left with, which can, through systematic and large-scale implementation, prevent Singaporeans and their offspring from being anglicized or assimilated by English.


The Еmperor's light had lobbed Nostramo of its last defence against the darkness: ignorance.


Originally designed to serve as a "final defense" security cannon, the siege tank adopted a two-stage configuration in its final form: a mobile assault mode and a deployed siege mode that brought its massive shock cannon to bear.


更多网络解释与最后防线的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


通常他会在后场(backfield)遥望对方的攻势,当前线吃紧被突破或是出现缝隙漏洞时,他要能确实地拦截住对方持球员,绝对不能被挣脱掉. 因为游卫已是最后一道防线,一旦失守,对方多半会达阵得分. 所以游卫除了要有极佳的拦截技巧以外,

That's the end zone:那是最后的防线

"charge for the guns he said."|"给枪都装满子弹"他下令 | That's the end zone.|那是最后的防线 | "into the valley of death rode the six hundred."|"600轻骑兵向死亡之谷进军"

finishing touch:最后的修饰加工

最后的晚餐/Lord's Supper | 最后的修饰加工/finishing touch | 最后防线/last ditch

get in position:进入适当的位置 让队友进入指定的位置

3. "Stick Together Team" 保持队形 顾名思义,就是要保持现有队形. | 4. "Get in Position" 进入适当的位置 让队友进入指定的位置 | 5. "Storm the Front" 守住前面 敌人已经攻过来了,一定要守住这最后的防线.

last-ditch:最后防线的, 已无后退余地的, 坚持到最后的

Merilising (钢的)磷化处理法, 磷酸盐表面处理法 | last-ditch 最后防线的, 已无后退余地的, 坚持到最后的 | traitorous 叛变的, 不忠的


只做自己会做的事 stick to one's last | 最后防线 last ditch | 最后一招 last resort

last-ditch effort:最后防线的, 已无后退余地的, 坚持到最后的

reprieve暂减, 缓期执行 | last-ditch effort 最后防线的, 已无后退余地的, 坚持到最后的 | serviette餐桌上用的拭巾

Maginot line:马其诺防线

而且,把这种自由观当作防止极权主义威胁的最后一道防线也是颇为谨慎的,但问题是,这道"马其诺防线"(maginot line)最后能否守住?泰勒的回答是否定的. 其次,即使我们把霍布斯主义对自由的理解修改成对我本真的欲望的内在的或外在的障碍付之阙如的一种状态,

end result:最后结果,归宿

最后防线/last ditch | 最后结果,归宿/end result | 最后考验的时刻,紧要关头/moment of truth

traitorous:叛变的, 不忠的

last-ditch 最后防线的, 已无后退余地的, 坚持到最后的 | traitorous 叛变的, 不忠的 | bring into line 使排齐, 使一致