英语人>词典>汉英 : 最低销售价格 的英文翻译,例句
最低销售价格 的英文翻译、例句


reservation price
更多网络例句与最低销售价格相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The company spirit of "lowest price, best quality, best service" business principles, the industry enjoyed a high reputation at the same time the Company also sells feed-grade ferrous sulfate, trisodium phosphate, barium hydroxide, barium sulfate precipitation and other inorganic products, is the number of brand-name products in central China Chemical Agents.


Factors that could affect results include the ability to market and sell products; changes in relationships with strategic partners and reliance on strategic partners for the performance of critical activities under collaborative arrangements; failure of distributors or other customers to meet purchase forecasts or minimum purchase requirements for our products; impact of competitors, competing products and technology changes; ability to develop, commercialize and market new products; market acceptance of oral fluid testing or other new products or technology; changes in market acceptance based on product performance; continued bulk purchases by customers, including governmental agencies, and the ability to fully deploy those purchases in a timely manner; ability to fund research and development and other products and operations; ability to obtain and maintain new or existing product distribution channels; reliance on sole supply sources for critical product components; availability of related products produced by third parties; ability to obtain, and timing and cost of obtaining, necessary regulatory approval for new products or new indications or applications for existing products; ability to comply with applicable regulatory requirements; history of losses and ability to achieve sustained profitability; volatility of our stock price; uncertainty relating to patent protection and potential patent infringement claims; uncertainty and costs of litigation relating to patents and other intellectual property; availability of licenses to patents or other technology; ability to enter into international manufacturing agreements; obstacles to international marketing and manufacturing of products; ability to sell products internationally; loss or impairment of sources of capital; ability to meet financial covenants in agreements with financial institutions; ability to retain qualified personnel; exposure to product liability, patent infringement, and other types of litigation; changes in international, federal or state laws and regulations; customer consolidations and inventory practices; equipment failures and ability to obtain needed raw materials and components; the impact of terrorist attacks and civil unrest; ability to complete consolidation or restructuring activities; ability to identify, complete and realize the full benefits of potential acquisitions; and general political, business and economic conditions.


The following types of licensing practices have been found to be contrary to US antitrust law: Requiring a licensee to purchase separate unpatented products as a condition of obtaining the license for a patented product; Requiring mandatory package licensing; Forming a cartel through exclusive cross-licensing; Using a patent, trademark or trade secret as the basis for an agreement that restrains where, how or to whom a patented product is disposed of in the US after the licenser or licensee has sold the product to an independent purchaser; Agreeing in relation to a license that no further licenses will be granted to a third party without the licensee's consent; Requiring a licensee to adhere to any specified or minimum price for the licensee's sale of the licensed products; Insisting as a condition of the license that the licensee pay royalties in an amount not reasonably related to the licensee's sale of products covered by the licensed rights; Attempting to enforce a patent license or collect a royalty beyond the term of the patent (the same reasoning could apply to attempts to enforce or collect royalties on a license based on know-how that has entered the public domain); and Requiring a licensee to agree in advance to grant back to the licenser title or an exclusive license on any new patents or trade secrets related to the licensed technology rights that the licensee may obtain or develop.


The company has always been implementing the "customer satisfaction is our eternal pursuit of" quality, pragmatic and flexible attitude of cooperation between the business strategy, in all parts of the country has sales and marketing of "standardize their management and services to the people, and promote circulation And economic prosperity "business philosophy, implementation of the sale, transfer and licensing package on delivery" through-train "service, the company at the lowest price of the product / service quality first-class won the praise of many customers.


Permanent dozens of companies factory Sales Engineer, Service Engineer, the lowest price, best service.


Relative 35 medium-sized cities nationwide, housing prices are not high in Urumqi, Urumqi in the fourth quarter 2004 home sales price index 100.4 minimum, there is no man-made speculation, there is no supercooling or overheating issues, from macroeconomic policy is concerned, should be to protect and support areas.

相对35个大中城市,全国住房价格不高,在乌鲁木齐,乌鲁木齐市在2004年第四季度房屋销售价格指数 100.4 最低,没有人为的投机活动,但没有过冷或过热的问题,从宏观经济政策而言,应该是保护和支持的领域。

The company spirit of "lowest price, best quality, best service" business principles, the industry enjoyed a high reputation at the same time the Company also sells feed-grade ferrous sulfate, trisodium phosphate, barium hydroxide, barium sulfate precipitation and other inorganic products, is the number of brand-name products in central China Chemical Agents.


The president's comments came as the price of crude oil reached a new record above $119 a barrel and the U.S. dollar hit a record low against the euro. The U.S. housing market also continues to drag down the economy. Home sales and prices fell again last month with banks repossessing more and more homes as owners default on their mortgages.


Specifically,we assumed that the seed cotton MSP is set at 27,500 rupees/metric ton, with a gin turnout rate of 35% to develop projections of lint cotton production and trade.


Accessories to industrial automation product development, design, production and marketing of our factory main products: all kinds of machine tools shield material, engineering plastics Tuolian, a new type of flexible PVC shielding, the organ -, Drum-and-armor, shielding shutter-stretching, Al-shaped protective screens, TL Steel Aluminium Tuolian bridge, the bridge closed all engineering plastics Tuolian, rectangular metal hose jacket, DGT-catheter sheath , Spiral strip sheathing, Machine Tool blowing litter board, T-hit block groove boards, adjustable plastic cooling pipe, S78 series of machine tools Sizing Block, Paixie, in addition to chip conveyor, Shu Songlian, all I Tools The full range of products company, the lowest price, prompt delivery.


更多网络解释与最低销售价格相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这点国内的兄弟可能不知道,国外的航空公司,在网络售票的时候,会在往返(round trip)里面进行自动的最低价格加总,比如说12月28日去和1月3日返回的最低票价总和为735欧,这是为了适应航空售票需要进行所谓边际销售的策略(比如说,